Class 9

Samacheer Kalvi 9th Science Solutions Chapter 16 Applied Chemistry

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Tamilnadu Samacheer Kalvi 9th Science Solutions Chapter 16 Applied Chemistry

Samacheer Kalvi 9th Science Applied Chemistry Textbook Exercises

I. Choose the correct answer.

Question 1.
One Nanometre is ………………
(a) 10– 7 metre
(b) 10– 8 metre
(c) 10– 6 metre
(d) 10– 9 metre
(d) 10– 9 metre

Question 2.
The antibiotic Penicillin is obtained from …………………
(a) plant
(b) microorganism
(c) animal
(d) sunlight
(b) microorganism

Samacheer Kalvi 9th Science Solutions Chapter 16 Applied Chemistry

Question 3.
1 % solution of Iodoform is used as ……………..
(a) antipyretic
(b) antimalarial
(c) antiseptic
(d) antacid
(c) antiseptic

Question 4.
The cathode of an electrochemical reaction involves …………….
(a) oxidation
(b) reduction
(c) neutralisation
(d) catenation
(b) reduction

Question 5.
The age of a dead animal can be determined by using an isotope of ………………..
(a) carbon
(b) iodine
(c) phosphorous
(d) oxygen
(a) carbon

Question 6.
Which of the following does not contain natural dyes?
(a) Potato
(b) Beetroot
(c) Carrot
(d) Turmeric
(a) Potato

Samacheer Kalvi 9th Science Solutions Chapter 16 Applied Chemistry

Question 7.
This type of food protect us from deficiency diseases.
(a) Carbohydrates
(b) Vitamins
(c) Proteins
(d) Fats
(b) Vitamins

Question 8.
Radiochemistry deals with ……………….
(a) oxidants
(b) batteries
(c) isotopes
(d) nanoparticles
(c) isotopes

Question 9.
The groups responsible for the colour of an organic compound is called ………………….
(a) isotopes
(b) auxochrome
(c) chromogen
(d) chromophore
(d) chromophore

Question 10.
Chlorinated hydrocarbons are used as ……………..
(a) fertilizers
(b) pesticides
(c) food colourants
(d) preservatives
(b) pesticides

II. Fill in the blanks.

  1. ……………. is an electrochemical cell which converts electrical energy into chemical change (Reaction).
  2. Painkiller drugs are called ……………..
  3. Aspirin is an …………….
  4. …………. , …………….. and …………… are macronutrients required for plant growth.
  5. ……………. is a chemical used in fingerprint analysis.


  1. Electrolytic cell
  2. Analgesic
  3. Analgesics
  4. Nitrogen, Phosphorous, Potassium
  5. Ninhydrin

III. Match the following.

S.No.         A B
1. Antipyretics (a) Large surface area
2. Corrosion prevention (b) Iodine-131
3. Hyperthyroidism (c) Fever
4. Nanoparticle (.d) Cancer cell identification
5. Nanorobotics (e) Electroplating


  1. (c) Fever
  2. (e) Electroplating
  3. (b) Iodine – 131
  4. (a) Large surface area
  5. (d) Cancer cell identification

IV. Answer in brief.

Question 1.
What is Chemotherapy?
Treatment of certain diseases by destroying the invading organism without damaging the cells of the host, by the use of certain organic compounds is known as Chemotherapy.

Samacheer Kalvi 9th Science Solutions Chapter 16 Applied Chemistry

Question 2.
What is called Anaesthetics? How are they classified?
The drugs which cause loss of sensation are called Anaesthetics.
Classification: Anaesthetics are classified according to the area of application as,

  • General Anaesthetics,
  • Local Anaesthetics.

Question 3.
What is the need for chemical fertilizers in crop fields?
Chemical fertilizers provide the essential micro and macronutrients for crop growth that may not be sufficiently available in the soil.

Question 4.
What is Forensic chemistry related to?
Forensic chemistry is related to the application of scientific principles, techniques, and methods to the investigation of crime.

V. Answer in detail.

Question 1.
Explain the types of dyes based on their method of application.
1. Acid Dyes

  • These are acidic in nature.
  • They are used for dyeing animal fibres and synthetic fibres.
  • These can be used for protein fibre such as wool and silk.
    Example: Picric acid, Naphthol yellow-s

2. Basic Dyes:

  • These are basic dyes containing basic group (- NH2, NHR, -NR2).
  • They are used for dyeing animal fibres and plant fibres.
    (Example: Crystal violet, Methylene Blue).

3. Mordant dyes (or) Indirect Dyes :

  • These dyes have a poor affinity for cotton fabrics and hence do not dye directly.
  • They require pretreatment of the fibre with a mordant.
  • Mordant is a substance which can be fixed to the fibre and then can be combined with the dye to form an insoluble complex called lake. Salts of aluminium, chromium and iron are used as mordants.
    Example: Alizarin.

4. Direct Dyes:

  • They have high affinity for cotton, rayon and other cellulose fibre.
  • So they are applied directly as they fix firmly on the fabric.
    Example: Congo red.

5. Vat Dyes:

  • It can be used only on cotton and, not on silk and wool.
  • This dyeing is a continuous process and is carried out in a large vessel called vat.
  • So it is called a Vat dye.
    Example: Indigo

Question 2.
Name various food additives and explain their functions.

Type of additive The function of the additive Example
Preservatives They protect food from spoilage by microorganisms in storage. Vinegar, Sodium benzoate, benzoic acid, sodium nitrite
Colourants They give pleasant colours to food Carotenoids, Anthocyanin, Curcumin
Artificial Sweeteners They add sweet taste to food Saccharin, Cyclamate
Flavor enhancers They are used to enhance the flavor of food items Monosodium glutamate, Calcium diglutamate
Antioxidants They prevent the oxidation of food. They protect us against cardiovascular disease. Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Carotene


Question 1.
Batteries that are used in the mobile phones can be recharged. Likewise, can you recharge the batteries used in watches? Justify your answer.
A primary cell cannot be recharged. Watch batteries have a primary cell. In a primary cell, chemical energy is converted into electrical energy when current is drawn from it.

Whereas mobile phones use secondary cells. In secondary cells, electrical energy is converted to chemical energy when current is passed through it and chemical energy is converted to electrical energy when current is drawn from it.

Samacheer Kalvi 9th Science Solutions Chapter 16 Applied Chemistry

Question 2.
Sudha met with a fire accident. What kind of drug(s), she must take?

  • Antibiotic ointments must be used to treat the bums.
  • Analgesic tablets can be taken to relieve pain.
  • Antiseptic creams can be given to prevent infection.

Question 3.
The soil pH of cropland is 5. What kind of fertilizers should be used in that land?
Organic fertilizer like compost can be used to maintain pH of soil at 6.5, which is ideal for soil and to moderate the acidity.

Samacheer Kalvi 9th Science Applied Chemistry Additional Questions

I. Answer briefly.

Question 1.
Explain the structure of an electrolytic cell.
Samacheer Kalvi 9th Science Solutions Chapter 16 Applied Chemistry 1

  • It is an electrochemical cell which converts electrical energy into chemical energy i.e. in electrolytic cells, electricity is used to bring about chemical reactions.
  • Here, both anode and cathode are in contact with Anode same electrolyte and thus the half-cells are not separated. As seen in galvanic cells, the electrolytic cell also involves redox reaction. We get electricity from galvanic cells. But electrolytic cells use electricity.
  • In electrolytic cells, when electricity is passed to the electrolyte, it dissociates into its constituent ions. These ions undergo redox reactions forming the respective elements. This phenomenon is called Electrolysis. So electrolysis is a process by which an electrolyte is decomposed into its constituent elements by passing electricity through its aqueous solution or fused (molten) state.

Samacheer Kalvi 9th Science Solutions Chapter 16 Applied Chemistry

Question 2.
How does galvanic cells produce electricity?
In a galvanic cell, at anode oxidation takes place which releases electrons. These electrons are attracted by the cathode and hence the electrons flowing from anode to cathode are gained in the reduction reaction. As long as the redox reaction proceeds, there is a flow of electrons and hence electricity.

Question 3.
What are drugs? What are their characteristics?
The chemicals used for treating diseases are termed as drug.
Characteristics of drugs: A drug must possess the following;

  1. It should not be toxic
  2. It should not cause any side effects.
  3. It should not affect the receptor tissue
  4. It should not affect the normal physiological activities
  5. It should be effective in its action.

Question 4.
Write the applications of Nanochemistry.
Some applications of Nanochemistry are:

  1. The metallic nanoparticles can be used as very active catalysts.
  2. Chemical sensors from nanoparticles and nanowires enhance the sensitivity and sensor selectivity.
  3. Nanocoatings and nanocomposites are found useful in making a variety of products such as sports equipment, bicycles and automobiles etc.
  4. These are used as novel UV-blocking coatings on glass bottles which protect beverages from being damaged by sunlight.
  5. Nanotechnology is being applied in the production of synthetic skin and implant surgery.
  6. Nanomaterials that conduct electricity are being used in electronics as minute conductors to produce circuits for microchips.
  7. Nanomaterials have extensive applications in the preparation of cosmetics, deodorants and sunscreen lotion and they are used to improve moisturizers without making them too oily.
  8. Nanoparticle substances are incorporated in fabrics to prevent the growth of bacteria.
  9. Biomedical devices like drug infusion pumps, microneedles and glucometers are made from nanomaterials.
  10. Nanochemistry is used in making space, defence and aeronautical devices

Samacheer Kalvi 9th Science Solutions Chapter 16 Applied Chemistry

Question 5.
What are the applications of Radiochemistry?
Important applications of radioisotopes are as under –

  • Radiocarbon dating – its a method by which the age of fossil wood or animal is determined using C-14 isotope.
  • Study of chemical reactions – the nature of some chemical reactions can be studied by mixing a radioisotope with a non-radioactive isotope of the reactants. The radioisotope used for this purpose is radiotracer.
  • Diagnosis – Radioisotope is found very useful to diagnose and understand many diseases.

Question 6.
Write a note on Natural dyes.
Many natural dyes have been known from a long time. These are obtained from vegetable sources.

  • Henna: It is a reddish-brown dye obtained from plant Lawsonia inermis (Tamil: Maruthondri). A paste of these leaves is used as a hair dye and also for colouring palms.
  • Turmeric: It is the traditional natural cosmetic in India. It is obtained from the plant Curcuma. longa. It also acts as an antiseptic. Turmeric is mostly used in India for colouring food.

Samacheer Kalvi 9th Science Solutions Chapter 16 Applied Chemistry

Question 7.
What is electroplating? Why is it done?
The process of depositing a thin layer of one metal over another metal by the process of electrolysis is called electroplating.
It is done to protect the metal from corrosion. For example, metals like iron are electroplated with tin, nickel, or chromium to protect them from rusting.

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Samacheer Kalvi 9th English Vocabulary Idioms

You can Download Samacheer Kalvi 9th English Book Solutions Guide Pdf, Tamilnadu State Board help you to revise the complete Syllabus and score more marks in your examinations.

Exploring the textbook concepts is not enough for students who dreamt to do a cakewalk in English grammar. Consistently do your learning and practicing session with Samacheer Kalvi 9th English Grammar study material and achieve all your dreams.

Tamilnadu Samacheer Kalvi 9th English Vocabulary Idioms

An idiom is an expression in English with a special meaning of its own. Idioms do not give the literal meaning of the individual words used in them.

Here are a few sentences with idioms (meanings are given in brackets):

Samacheer Kalvi 9th English Vocabulary Idioms

  • Business is going from bad to worse, (deteriorate further)
  • They always do things in a big way, (on a large scale)
  • The government has taken a very hard line (not giving in) against illegal quarrying.
  • Orders for the new product are coming in thick and fast, (in large numbers)
  • How can any one make ends meet (manage with the money) with just ? 2000/- a month?
  • Your son’s behavior is a matter of concern, (something to worry about)
  • The name sounds familiar but I can’t call her face to mind, (recall something from memory; recognise)
  • My uncle loves to tell us how to play cricket. He is an armchair expert.
    (one who gives advice in an area in which he was not actively involved)
  • Ravi is our sincere employee. He has had a clean slate (a past record without discredit) for over twenty years.
  • The policeman went near the damaged car to have a look at close quarters, (very near)
  • Dr. Jacob is at the helm (in charge) of affairs in this hospital.
  • No one can make a break even (make no profit or loss) in the first year of business.
  • Because of the steep rice in prices, people living on pension feel the pinch, (feeling unpleasant change in one’s standard of living)
  • Let us settle the bill for the damage fair and square, (in a fair way)
  • I can hear you over phone loud and clear, (very clearly)
  • By and by (as time goes by) he will realise that my going to Delhi was the right decision.

Idioms from the Textual Exercises
Idiom – Meaning
1. alarm bells ringing – a sign of something going wrong
2. back to the wall – in serious difficulty
3. below the belt – unfair or unsporting behavior
4. by the skin of one’s teeth – a narrow escape.
5. drive one up the wall – to annoy or irritate someone
6. asp / clutch at straws – try any method to overcome a crisis
7. hang out to dry – abandoning one who is in difficulty
8. have cold feet – feel nervousness and anxiety
9. hit the road – to begin one’s journey
10. in a nice pickle – in a troublesome or difficult situation
11. in our corner – on your side in an argument or dispute
12. in panic mode – in a frightening state
13. on the ropes – state of near collapse or defeat
14. right up to one’s alley – ideally suited to one’s interest
15. saved by the bell – help at the last moment rescuing one from a difficult situation
16. shot his bolt – to exhaust one’s effort
17. square off – prepare for a conflict
18. take (one) for a ride – to deceive someone
19. throw in the towel – to give up
20. tight corners – difficult situations

Some more idioms and meanings :

1 a bolt from the blue unexpected event; complete surprise (usually unwelcome)
2 a drop in the ocean a very small amount compared with what is needed or expected
3 a great deal plenty of
4 a penny for your thoughts a way of asking what someone is thinking.
5 a stone’s throw a very short distance
6 a storm in a teacup a big fuss about a small problem
7 a wild goose chase a worthless hunt or chase
8 a yellow streak cowardice in one’s character
9 above board honest, not a secret
10 add insult to injury to worsen an unfavorable situation
11 armchair expert one who gives advice in an area in which he was not actively involved
12 at close quarters very near
13 at hand very near
14 at loggerheads to disagree strongly
15 at snail’s pace very slowly
16 at the drop of the hat without any hesitation
17 at the eleventh hour at the last moment
18 at the end of one’s tether to have no power, patience or endurance left
19 at the helm in charge
20 at the mercy of under the control of
21 barking up the wrong tree accusing the wrong person
22 be armed with be equipped with
23 be fit for suitable
24 be part of belong to
25 beat around the bush avoiding the main topic
26 bed of roses comfortable position
27 best of both worlds all the advantages
28 big way on a large scale
29 bite the bullet to get something over with because it is inevitable
30 blessing in disguise something good that isn’t recognized at first.
31 bolt from the blue something that happened without warning
32 break even make no profit or loss
33 break the ice make people feel more comfortable
34 break through penetrate
35 bring forth produce
36 burst into enter suddenly
37 by and by as time goes by
38 by nature because of natural habits
39 call it a day stop working on something
40 can’t judge a book by its cover cannot judge something primarily on appearance.
41 clean slate a past record without discredit
42 comparing apples to oranges comparing two things that cannot be compared
43 costs an arm and a leg very expensive
44 curiosity killed the cat being inquisitive can lead you into an unpleasant situation.
45 devil’s advocate to present a counter argument
46 draw a blank unable to get information
47 every cloud has a silver lining good-things come after bad things
48 eyesore ugly sight
49 eyewash something to deceive
50 fair and square in a fair way
51 fall a prey to become a victim
52 far cry from very different from
53 far from distant
54 feel the pinch feeling unpleasant change in one’s standard of living
55 fit as a fiddle in good health
56 fortune favours the bold take risks
57 give (someone) a piece of one’s mind to tell someone frankly what one thinks especially when one disapproves of the other’s behaviour
58 give someone the cold shoulder ignore someone
59 go down in flames fail spectacularly
60 go on a wild goose chase to do something pointless
61 going from bad to worse deteriorate further
62 good-for-nothing worthless
63 hang around someone strongly to loiter
64 hang in there don’t give up
65 hard to come by difficult to find
66 have a hand to get involved
67 have no hand in does not take part in an activity
68 head back return
69 herculean task difficult task
70 hit the nail on the head do or say something exactly right
71 hit the sack go to sleep
72 holds good valid at the time of discussion
73 , honour bound (to do something) required to do something as a moral duty but not by law
74 in a nutshell briefly
75 in all walks of life all social groups
76 in deep waters in trouble
77 in hot pursuit following closely
78 in short supply Not enough / scarce
79 in the hands of in the care of
80 in the service of available for
81 it is a piece of cake it is easy
82 it’s Taining cats and dogs it’s raining hard
83 keep pace with to move with same speed
84 keep something at bay keep something away
85 kicked the bucket passed away
86 leave no stone unturned look everywhere
87 let the cat out of the bag give away a secret
88 lion’s share major share
89 look down upon treat with contempt                        .
90 loud and clear very clearly
91 make both ends meet live within means
92 make fun of ridicule
93 make up one’s mind decide, determine
94 matter of concern something to worry about
95 miss the boat it’s too late
96 muffle up to cover
97 not playing with a full deck someone who lacks intelligence
98 note of hand promissory note
99 null and void invalid
100 on cloud nine to be extremely happy
101 once and for all completely and finally
102 once in a blue moon vary rarely
103 one thing leads to another series of events in which each event was caused by the previous one.
104 out of place unsuitable
105 pink of health extremely healthy, in perfect condition
106 play an important role to have a significant position
107 pull yourself together calm down
108 put on airs behave in an unnatural way to impress others
109 shadow of one’s self not having the strength, former self influence, etc., that one once had
110 side by side along with
111 speak volumes to express something very clearly and completely
112 spill the beans give away a secret
113 take to one’s heels to run away
114 taken a very hard line not giving in
115 the ball is in your court it’s your decision
116 the burning question a crucial issue
117 the whys and wherefores the reasons for something
118 thick and fast in large numbers
119 tit for tat revenge
120 told him flat expressed opinion directly
121 tread on walk with difficulty
122 trial and error to try many times to succeed
123 tricks of the trade the expertise of doing business
124 well-balanced well adjusted
125 whole nine yards everything, all of it
126 wouldn’t be caught dead would never like to do something
127 with a bang in a very exciting way

Samacheer Kalvi 9th English Vocabulary Idioms

(i) Choose the correct option to complete the given idioms.
1. A bolt from _________.
(a) the white (b) the sky (c) the green (d) the blue
(d) the blue

2. A storm _________.
(a) at sea (b) in the ocean (c) in a coffee cup (d) in a tea cup
(d) in a tea cup

3. Can’t judge a book, _________.
(a) by the colour (b) by its cover (c) by its pages (d) by its author
(db) by its cover

4. Every cloud _________.
(a) is dark (b) hides the sun (c) has a silver lining (d) brings rain
(c) has a silver lining

5. Casts an arm _________.
(a) and a face (b) and a finger (c) and a leg (d) and some money
(c) and a leg

6. Add insult to _________.
(a) friend (b) enemy (c) neighbor (d) injury
(d) injury

7. A penny for _________.
(a) a picture (b) honesty (c) hard work (d) your thoughts
(d) your thoughts

8. Fortune favors
(a) the hardworking (b) the poor (c) the rich (d) the bold
(d) the bold

9. Hit the nail _________.
(a) on the wall (b) on the door (c) in the bench (d) on the head
(d) on the head

10. Once in a _________.
(a) blue moon (b) in a tea cup (c) new moon (d) full moon
(a) blue moon

Samacheer Kalvi 9th English Vocabulary Idioms

(ii) Give a suitable idiom for the given meanings.

1. Say something exactly right.
To hit the nail on the head.

2. All social groups.
All walks of life.

3. It’s raining hard.
Its raining cats and dogs.

4. Passed away.
Kicked the bucket.

5. Live within means.
To make both ends meet.

6. Invalid.
Null and void.

7. Extremely healthy.
Pink of health.

8. Give away a secret.
To let the cat out of the bag.

9. Revenge.
Tit for that.

Samacheer Kalvi 9th English Vocabulary Idioms

10. In trouble.
In deep waters.

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Samacheer Kalvi 9th English Grammar Active Voice, Passive Voice

You can Download Samacheer Kalvi 9th English Book Solutions Guide Pdf, Tamilnadu State Board help you to revise the complete Syllabus and score more marks in your examinations.

Exploring the textbook concepts is not enough for students who dreamt to do a cakewalk in English grammar. Consistently do your learning and practicing session with Samacheer Kalvi 9th English Grammar study material and achieve all your dreams.

Tamilnadu Samacheer Kalvi 9th English Grammar Active Voice, Passive Voice

Read the following sentences and analyze the difference.
The team leader presented the report.
The report was presented by the team leader.

Samacheer Kalvi 9th English Grammar Active Voice, Passive Voice

  1. In the first sentence, the verb shows that the subject is the doer of the action. Therefore, the sentence is in active voice.
  2. In the second sentence, the verb shows that the subject is not the doer of the action. Therefore, the sentence is in passive voice.

We use the Passive voice when –

  • the focus is on the action rather than the doer of the action.
    (e.g.), About 50 percent of the graduates are employed in IT-related sectors.
  • we do not know who the doer is.
    (e.g.) My bike was stolen yesterday.
  • we talk of a system or a process.
    (e.g.) The vegetables are washed well. Then, they are cut into cubes.
  • we write newspaper headlines and notices at public places, (‘be’ verb is omitted as the language has to be concise)
    (e.g.) 20 sportsmen felicitated by PM.
  • we describe changes that have taken place.
    (e.g.) Our school looks completely different. The whole place has been painted.

Look at the table below. It shows the changes in tense while changing sentences from active voice in to passive voice.

Tense Active Voice Passive Voice
Simple Present He makes coffee. Coffee is made by him.
Present Continuous He is making coffee. Coffee is being made by him.
Present Perfect He has made coffee. Coffee has been made by him.
Simple Past He made coffee. Coffee was made by him.
Past Continuous He was making coffee. Coffee was being made by him.
Past Perfect He had made coffee. Coffee had been made by him.
Simple Future He will make coffee. Coffee will be made by him.
Future Perfect He will have made coffee. Coffee will have been made by him.

When using the active voice, the subjects are the ones performing the action.
God loves all men.
Birds build nests.
Dogs eats bones.

In these three sentences the subject does the action. Hence they are in the active voice. In the active voice, the verb takes an object.
All men are loved by God.
Nests are built by birds.
Bones are eaten by dogs.

Rules for changing Active Voice into Passive Voice:

  • Identify the subject, the verb and the object: SVO.
  • Change the object into subject.
  • Put the suitable helping verb or auxiliary verb according to the tense given.
  • Change the verb into past participle of the verb.
  • Add the preposition “by”
  • Change the subject into object.

Active Voice

Passive Voice

Columbus discovered America.

America was discovered by Columbus.

Who did this work?

By whom was this work done?

Open the window.

Let the window be opened.

He is writing a letter.

A letter is being written by him.

I will finish the work.

The work will be finished by me.

Somebody cleaned the room yesterday.

The room was cleaned yesterday.

How to form passive forms of verbs?

Tense Active Passive
Present Tense do, does is done (Singular) are done (Plural)
Past Tense did was done (Singular) were done (Plural)
Future Tense will / can / may / must → do will / can etc. → be done
Present Continuous Tense am doing is doing is being done (Singular) are being done (Plural)
Past Continuous Tense are doing was doing was being done (Singular) were being done (Plural)
Future Continuous Tense will be doing shall be doing No Passive Voice
Present Perfect Tense have done has done have been done (Plural) has been done (Singular)
Past Perfect Tense had done had been done
Future Perfect Tense shall have done will have done will have been done
Present Perfect Continuous Tense has been doing have been doing No Passive Voice
Past Perfect Continuous Tense had been doing No Passive Voice
Future Perfect Continuous Tense shall have been doing will have been doing No Passive Voice

Samacheer Kalvi 9th English Grammar Active Voice, Passive Voice

Changes of Pronouns:

Active Voice Passive Voice
I me
we us
you you
he him
she her
it it
they them

Type 1: Statements:

Active Voice Passive Voice
I write a letter A letter is written by me
We must keep the rule The rule must be kept by us
You bought a book A book was bought by you
He closed the window The window was closed by him
She was writing letters Letters were being written by her
I had posted a letter A letter had been posted by me
I do not drink tea Tea is not drunk by me
She does not eat a mango A mango is not eaten by her
1 Ie will have finished his work The work will have been finished by him
They are digging a well A well is being dug by them

Type 2: Imperative Sentence :
If the given sentence in the active voice is in the imperative, to get the passive voice use ‘Let’.
Passive Voice = Let + Object + be + Past Participle

Active Voice Passive Voice
Help me You are requested to help me.
Sing a song Let a song be sung
Open the door Let the door be opened
Don’t eat this fruit You are warned not to eat this fruit.
  • We can begin the passive sentence with ‘you’ if we want to put emphasis on the person addressed to.

Type 3 : Interrogative Questions in the Passive :
If the question in the Active Voice begins with a Helping verb, the Passive voice must also begin with a suitable helping verb. Supposing the question begins with ‘Wh or How’ form (what, when, how …) the Passive Voice must begin with the same.

Active Voice Passive Voice
Are you writing a letter? Is a letter being written by you?
Is she beating the child? Is the child being beaten by her?
Will you accept the position? Will the position be accepted by you?
Who broke the window? By whom was the window broken?
Why did you write such a letter? Why was such a letter written by you?
Where can you hide this box? Where can this box be hidden by you?

If a sentence contains two objects namely Indirect Object and Direct Object in the Active Voice, two forms of Passive Voice can be formed.

  • She brought me a cup of coffee. (AV)
    I was brought a cup of coffee by her. (PV) (or)
    A cup of coffee was brought to me by her. (PV)
  • The teacher teaches us grammar. (AV)
    We are taught grammar by the teacher. (PV) (or)
    Grammar is taught [to] us by the teacher. (PV)

Infinitive and Gerund :

  • I want to shoot the tiger. (AV)
    I want the tiger to be shot. (PV)
  • I remember my father taking me to the theatre. (AV)
    I remember being taken to the theatre by my father. (PV)

Samacheer Kalvi 9th English Grammar Active Voice, Passive Voice

Passive to Active form:
While changing Passive Voice into Active Voice, we must keep in mind all the rules of the Active Voice in the reverse order. We come across sentences in the Passive Voice without subject or agent. In this case, supply the appropriate subject.

Changing Passive Voice to Active Voice.

Passive Voice Active Voice
The thief was finally arrested. The police finally arrested the thief.
We were taught grammar. The teacher taught us grammar.
My purse has been stolen. Somebody has stolen my purse.
The patients have looked after. The doctor looked after the patients.
  • Last year, the Swach Bharat scheme was announced by the Government.
  • Rare plants are found in Silent Valley.

In the first sentence, the doer/agent is explicitly mentioned because the doer is important in that sentence. But in the second sentence, it is not so, because either the agent or doer of the action is too obvious or unknown.

The passive construction is quite common in scientific/technical/ business writing. In these types of objective writing, the emphasis is usually on the action or process or thing that is described. So the ‘by’ phrase is generally omitted in these writings. It is called Impersonal Passive.

  • They say that might is right.
    It is said that might is right.
  • One finds mosquitoes everywhere.
    Mosquitoes are found everywhere.
  • He gave us a cheque.
    A cheque was given to us.

(i) Choose the correct passive form for the following sentences in active voice.

1. I did not beat her.
(a) She is not beaten by me.
(b) She has not beaten by me.
(c) She was not beaten by me.
(c) She was not beaten by me.

2. I will never forget this experience.
(a) This experience is not forgotten by me.
(b) This experience would never be forgotten by me.
(c) This experience will never be forgotten by me.
(c) This experience will never be forgotten by me.

3. Mother made a cake yesterday.
(a) A cake made by mother yesterday.
(b) A cake is made by mother yesterday,
(c) A cake was made by mother yesterday.
(c) A cake was made by mother yesterday.

4. The boy congratulated the girl.
(a) The girl was congratulated by the boy.
(b) The girl had congratulated by the boy.
(c) The girl congratulated the boy.
(a) The girl was congratulated by the boy.

5. Did she do her duty?
(a) Was she done her duty?
(b) Was her duty done by her?
(c) Had her duty done by her?
(b) Was her duty done by her?

6. The tiger was chasing the deer.
(a) The deer was chased by the tiger.
(b) The deer was being chased by the tiger,
(c) The deer had chased by the tiger.
(b) The deer was being closed by the tiger

Samacheer Kalvi 9th English Grammar Active Voice, Passive Voice

7. She has written a novel.
(a) A novel has written by her.
(b) A novel has been written by her.
(c) A novel had written by her.
(b) A novel has been written by her.

8. She has learned her lessons.
(a) Her lessons has learned by her.
(b) Her lessons have been learned by her.
(c) Her lessons had been learned by her.
(b) Her lessons have been learned by her.

9. Have you finished the report?
(a) Has the report finished by you?
(b) Has the report been finished by you?
(c) Had the report been finished by you?
(b) Has the report been finished by you?

10. The police have caught the thief.
(a) The thief has been caught by the police.
(b) The thief was caught by the police.
(c) The thief had been caught by the police.
(a) The thief has been caught b– police,

(ii) Rewrite the following sentences into active voice.

1. We are taught grammar by Mr. Harsha.
Mr. Harsha teaches us grammar.

2. He was praised by the teacher.
The teacher praised him.

3. The injured were taken to the hospital by the firemen.
The firemen took the injured to the hospital.

4. The town was destroyed by an earthquake.
An earthquake destroyed the town.

5. The teacher was pleased with the boy’s work.
The boy’s work pleased the teacher.

6. The building was damaged by the fire.
The fire damaged die building.

7. By whom were you taught Hindi?
Who taught you Hindi? ,

8. You will be given a ticket by the manager.
The manager will give you a ticket.

9. The streets were thronged with spectators.
Spectators thronged the streets.

Samacheer Kalvi 9th English Grammar Active Voice, Passive Voice

10. We will be blamed by everyone.
Everyone will blame us.

11. The trees were blown down by the wind.
The wind blew down the trees.

12. The thieves were caught by the police.
The police caught the thieves.

13. The letter was posted by Alice.
Alice posted the letter.

14. We were received by the hostess.
The hostess received us.

15. The snake was killed with a stick.
They / somebody killed the snake with a stick.

16. The minister was welcomed by the people.
The people welcomed the minister.

17. He was found guilty of murder.
They found him guilty of murder.

18. This house was built by Afsar.
After wilting this house.

(iii) Rewrite the following sentences in the passive voice.

1. She is writing a poem.
A poem is being written by her.

2. The team has won the series.
The series has been won by the team.

3. Can you break the door?
Can the door be broken by you?

Samacheer Kalvi 9th English Grammar Active Voice, Passive Voice

4. Will she sing a song?
Will a song be sung by her?

5. Is he speaking English?
Is English being spoken by him?

6. Are you eating a banana?
Is a banana being eaten by you?

7. Why are you washing the car?
Why is the car being washed by you ?

8. When will he give the money?
When will the money be given by him?

9. Where will he meet you?
Where will you be met by him?

10. How do you make a cake?
How is a cake made by you?

11. Who did you tell the story?
To whom was the story told by you?

12. Lighting struck him.
He was struck by lighting.

13. The language that he used quite shocked me.
I was quite shocked by the language that he used.

14. We were both filled with horror by the sight of that event.
The sight of the event filled both of us with horror.

15. I was much hurt by his voice and manner.
His voice and manner hurt me much.

16. They were welcomed back by the city on their return.
The city welcomed back them on their return.

17. He was punished by the master for speaking in the class. ‘
The master punished him for speaking in class.

18. Many objections were raised by us to the plan that was proposed by him.
He proposed many plans that we raised many objections.

Samacheer Kalvi 9th English Grammar Active Voice, Passive Voice

19. Will he not be persuaded to work harder by a sense of duty?
Will a sense of duty not persuade him to work?

20. I was called upon by the meeting to give my reasons.
The meeting called upon me to give my reasons.

21. He was known by me by his voice when I was spoken to by him in the dark.
I knew him by his voice when he spoke to me in the dark.

22. His return was not expected by us.
He did not expect his return.

(iv) Complete these sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use the present simple passive.

I. E-mails _________ and received by most internet users. (send)
are sent

2. Information about goods and services _________ (find)
is found

3. Go&ls and services _________ in e-shops. (buy)
are bought

4. Online newspapers and magazines _________ mostly by adult users. (read)
are read

5. The internet _________ for social networking, especially by young people. (use)
is used

6. relephone and video calls _________ (make)
are made

7. Videos and films _________ (watch)
are watched

8. Listening and music streaming activities _________ (cany out)
are carried out

Samacheer Kalvi 9th English Grammar Active Voice, Passive Voice

9. Hotel accommodation _________ by travellers. (search for)
is searched for

10. Financial transactions through internet banking _________ (do)
are done

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Samacheer Kalvi 9th English Grammar Prepositional Verbs

You can Download Samacheer Kalvi 9th English Book Solutions Guide Pdf, Tamilnadu State Board help you to revise the complete Syllabus and score more marks in your examinations.

Exploring the textbook concepts is not enough for students who dreamt to do a cakewalk in English grammar. Consistently do your learning and practicing session with Samacheer Kalvi 9th English Grammar study material and achieve all your dreams.

Tamilnadu Samacheer Kalvi 9th English Grammar Prepositional Verbs

Some verbs are usually followed by prepositions before the object of the verb.

according to said by someone According to Shastri, Kohli is the greatest batsman.
because of for the reason that Because o/his mother’s illness, Dhawan returned home.
contrary to different from something Contrary to expectations, Pakistan won the ICC champions trophy in 2017.
in front of opposite to There is a big tree in front of my house.
on account of because of He is hated by everyone on account of his bad temper.

i. The kids the hilarious antics of the clown.
laughed at

ii. Fathima stay at a hotel, when she visited Mumbai.
planned to

iii. I have pressing matters to in Kolkata.
attend to

Samacheer Kalvi 9th English Grammar Prepositional Verbs

iv. I the healing power of a mother’s touch.
believe in

v. She was so happy in life that she could not more.
ask for

vi. The elderly couple their pets as they do for their children.
care for

vii. I everything you’ve said.
agree with

(i) Frame sentences using the prepositional verbs given in the box.

care for
ask for
agree with
laugh at
believe in

1. Parents ________ their children whole-heartedly.
care for

2. He ________ his father’s forgiveness.
asked for

3. I don’t ________ you.
agree with

4. Don’t ________ him.
laugh at

5. I ________ God.
believe in

Samacheer Kalvi 9th English Grammar Prepositional Verbs

Choose the correct phrase to complete the sentence.
1. ________ Pongal, we have long holidays.
(a) In spite of (b) Even though (c) On account of

2. My father knows Hindi ________ English.
(a) in addition to (b) on account of (c) in case of

3. ________ her poor health, she did not attend the meeting.
(a) Because of (b) In spite of (c) In the event of

4. ________ walking fast, he missed the train.
(a) In the event of (b) On account of (c) In spite of

5. ________ his riches, he is not happy.
(a) Because of (b) In spite of (c) Owing to

6. ________ the book, I returned it to the library.
(a) Having read (b) Having been reading (c) Having reading

7. ________ his hard work, Mani will pass.
(a) On account of (b) In spite of (c) In the event of

8. ________ it rained, the teams continued to play the match.
(a) In the event of (b) On account of (c) Even though
(c) Even though

9. The flights were delayed ________ thick fog.
(a) despite (b) even though (c) due to
(c) due to

Samacheer Kalvi 9th English Grammar Prepositional Verbs

10. The Kabadi match continued ________ heavy rains.
(a) in the event of (b) in spite of (c) because of

(iii) Given below is a picture of a carnival. Complete filling in the blanks with appropriate prepositions.

Fairs and festivals form an integral part of the culture of Tamil Nadu. They are an excellent platform to promote and preserve the vibrant art and culture of the Tamils.
Samacheer Kalvi 9th English Grammar Prepositional Verbs 1
A thiruvizha is a source of excitement and thrill for villagers. The village thoroughfare wears a festival look, as the open spaces are cleaned, spruced up and decorated (a) ________ colorful streamers.

People throng the premises (b) ________ catch a glimpse (c) ________ their village deity (d) ________ a magnificently decorated chariot, and pay their respects. There is a big crowd (e) ________the food stalls that serve free piping hot sakkarai pongal (sweet pongal), lemon rice and curd rice.

People (f) ________ nearby villages and towns display their wares attractively, and call out loudly (g) ________ the people (h) ________ buy their wares. Cotton candy, cut raw mangoes smothered (i) ________ salt and chilly powder, boiled groundnuts, murukku, sweets, buttermilk, etc are sold. Men, women, grandmas, grandpas, and little children, dressed (j) ________ their best clothes, enjoy the Thiruvizha greatly.

You can hear the shrieks (k) ________ happy children enjoying the rides on Ferris wheels and carousels, elders looking (l) ________ each other with smiles on their faces.

The entire day is spent (m) ________ fun and gaiety. All the village people irrespective of their age, look forward (n) ________ the thiruvizha every year.
(a) with (b) to (c) of (d) on (e) in (f) from (g) to (h) to (i) with (j) in (k) of (l) at (m) in (n) to

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Samacheer Kalvi 9th English Grammar Prepositional Phrases

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Tamilnadu Samacheer Kalvi 9th English Grammar Prepositional Phrases

A prepositional phrase is a modifying phrase consisting of a preposition and its object. Example prepositions: across, in, under, around, beneath, over, up, without etc.

A Prepositional phrase is a group of words that begin with a preposition and help to explain the relationship between two things.

  • on the boat
  • over the tree
  • in the school

Example :
The present inside the big box is mine.

Samacheer Kalvi 9th English Grammar Prepositional Phrases

Underline the prepositional phrase in each sentence below.

  1. We walked op the stairs.
  2. My mom took a walk around the block.
  3. I looked under my bed.
  4. The girl looked behind the door for her friend who was hiding.
  5. Don’t leave without your coat.

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Samacheer Kalvi 9th English Grammar Clauses and Phrases

You can Download Samacheer Kalvi 9th English Book Solutions Guide Pdf, Tamilnadu State Board help you to revise the complete Syllabus and score more marks in your examinations.

Exploring the textbook concepts is not enough for students who dreamt to do a cakewalk in English grammar. Consistently do your learning and practicing session with Samacheer Kalvi 9th English Grammar study material and achieve all your dreams.

Tamilnadu Samacheer Kalvi 9th English Grammar Clauses and Phrases

A clause is a group of words that contains both a subject and a predicate (or a verb). There are two types of clauses. They are independent clauses and dependent clauses.

Samacheer Kalvi 9th English Grammar Clauses and Phrases

1. Kalpana wants to buy a phone, but she does not have enough money.
(Independent Clause) (Independent Clause)

2. If you don’t study well, you won’t pass the exam.
(Dependent Clause) (Independent Clause)

3. Kavin bought a car which was too expensive.
(Independent Clause) (Dependent Clause)

4. San Jai is a talented player though he is out of form.
(Independent Clause) (Dependent Clause)

Independent Clauses also known as main clauses, are complete sentences. They can stand alone and express a complete thought.

Examples :

  • I need a book.
  • Mary prefers coffee.
  • Ram is a good volleyball player.

Dependent Clauses also known as subordinate clauses contain a subject and a predicate, but they do not express a complete thought.


  • When it is raining
  • Because you were late
  • After you go to school

There are three main types of dependent clauses: adjective, adverb, and noun.

An adjective clause describes or gives more information about a noun—tells us which one, what kind, or how many.
Example :
The book that I left on the bus belongs to Mr. Baskar.

An adverb clause describes or gives more information about the verb—tells us when, where, how, to what extent, or under what condition something is happening.

Example :
She was happy because her father gave her a watch.
A noun clause takes the place of a noun in the sentence.

Example :
This is the best route that I know.

Samacheer Kalvi 9th English Grammar Clauses and Phrases

A phrase is a group of words that forms a meaningful unit, but it is not a complete sentence. In other words, it does not have a subject or a verb.

  • the black hat
  • blown away
  • in the wind

Example :
The red umbrella was blown away in the wind.

There are several kinds of phrases in the English language. Some of the common phrases are described below.

A Noun Phrase is a group of words made up of a noun and its modifiers.

  • the white car
  • my English teacher
  • the book shop

Example :
The pink house is for sale.

A Verb phrase is a group of words made up of a verb, helping verbs, and modifiers.

  • ran quickly to catch
  • filled with horror
  • dedicated to

Example :
You have woken up everyone in the house.

(i) Choose either phrase or clause from the group of words.
1. He works hard every day. (Clause / Phrase)

2. After a good day. (Clause / Phrase)

3. If I need to call you. (Clause / Phrase)

4. In a dark and dangerous hallway. (Clause / Phrase)

5. Before the next light. (Clause / Phrase)

6. Because it’s the right thing to do. (Clause / Phrase)

7. As quickly as possible. (Clause / Phrase)

8. This car’s not working. (Clause / Phrase)

Samacheer Kalvi 9th English Grammar Clauses and Phrases

9. Working for himself. (Clause / Phrase)

10. Whenever it gets cold. (Clause / Phrase)

Choose either Dependent or Independent for the group of words.
1. Because it’s the best solution. (Independent / Dependent)

2. Working at this job is a lot of fun. (Independent / Dependent)

3. It doesn’t really interest me. (Independent / Dependent)

4. I should have given her a ride. (Independent / Dependent)

5. After the movie is over. (Independent / Dependent)

6. If he ever calls. (Independent / Dependent)

7. Whenever I have the time. (Independent / Dependent)

8. There could be a problem. (Independent / Dependent)

9. Since the last time they visited. (Independent / Dependent)

Samacheer Kalvi 9th English Grammar Clauses and Phrases

10. Whenever it gets cold (Independent / Dependent)

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Samacheer Kalvi 9th English Grammar Preposition

You can Download Samacheer Kalvi 9th English Book Solutions Guide Pdf, Tamilnadu State Board help you to revise the complete Syllabus and score more marks in your examinations.

Exploring the textbook concepts is not enough for students who dreamt to do a cakewalk in English grammar. Consistently do your learning and practicing session with Samacheer Kalvi 9th English Grammar study material and achieve all your dreams.

Tamilnadu Samacheer Kalvi 9th English Grammar Preposition

Prepositions are short words (on, in, to) that usually stand in front of nouns (sometimes also in front of gerund verbs).

There are hardly any rules as to when to use which preposition. The only way to learn prepositions is looking them up in a dictionary, reading a lot in English and learning useful phrases by heart.

The following table contains rules for some of the most frequently used prepositions in English:

Samacheer Kalvi 9th English Grammar Preposition

Prepositions – Place Position And Direction

English Usage Example
in room, building, street, town, country book, paper car, taxi picture, world in the kitchen, in Chennai in the book in the car, in a taxi in the picture, in the world
into enter a room / a building go into the kitchen / the house
at meaning next to, by an object for a table for events place where you are to do something typical (watch a film, study, work) at the door, at the station at the table
at a concert, at the party at the cinema,
at school, at work
on attached for a place with a river being on a surface for a certain side (left, right) for a floor in a house for public transport for television, radio the picture on the wall Taj lies on the Yamuna, on the table on the left on the first floor on the bus, on the plane on TV, on radio
by, next to, beside left or right of somebody or something Jayan is standing by / next to/beside the car.
under on the ground, lower than (or covered by) something else the bag is under the table
below lower than something else but above ground the fish are below the surface
over covered by something else meaning more than getting to the other side (also across) overcoming an obstacle put a jacket over your shirt over 16 years of age walk over the bridge climb over the wall
above higher than something else, but not directly over it a path above the lake
across getting to the other side (also over) getting to the other side walk across the bridge swim across the lake
through something with limits on top, bottom and the sides drive through the tunnel
to the movement to a person or building movement to a place or country for bed go to the cinema go to Madurai go to bed
towards movement in the direction of something (but not directly to it) go 5 steps towards the house
onto a movement to the top of something jump onto the table
from in the sense of where from a flower from the garden

Other Important Prepositions

English Usage Example
from who gave it a present from John
of who/what does it belong to what does it show a page of the book the picture of a palace
by who made it a book by Mark Twain
on walking or riding on horseback entering a public transport vehicle on foot, on horseback get on the bus
in entering a car / Taxi get in the car
off leaving a public transport vehicle get off the train
out of leaving a car / Taxi get out of the taxi
by rise or fall of something traveling (other than walking or horseriding) prices have risen by 10 percent by car, by bus
at for age she learned Russian at 15
about for topics, meaning what about we were talking about you
on days of the week on Monday
in months/seasons period of the day year after a certain period of time (when?) in August / in winter in the morning in 2006 in an hour
at for night for a weekend a certain point of time (when?) at night at the weekend at half-past nine
since the starting point of time (past till now) since 1980
for total period/duration of time (past till now) for 2 years
ago a certain time in the past 2 years ago
before earlier than a certain point of time before 2004
to telling the time ten to six (5:50)
past telling the time ten past six (6:10)
to / till / until marking the beginning and end of a period of time from Monday to/till Friday
till /until in the sense of how long something is going to last He is on holiday until Friday.
by in the sense of at the latest up to a certain time I will be back by 6 o’clock.
By 11 o’clock, I had read five pages.

Samacheer Kalvi 9th English Grammar Preposition

List Of Prepositions
While there are only about 150 prepositions in the English language, these words are among the most important. Without them, the sentences we speak, read, and write would be difficult to understand. The following list of prepositions is not a complete one, however, it is among the most comprehensive lists of prepositions available anywhere.

aboard before except on towards
about behind excepting onto under
above below excluding opposite underneath
absent beneath failing outside unlike
across beside following over until
after besides for past up
against between from per upon
along beyond given plus versus
alongside but in regarding via
amid by inside round with
among circa into since within
amongst concerning like than without
anti considering minus through worth
around despite near to
as down of toward
at during off
1. in Place Chennai is in India.
Time He will go in June.
2. on Place The telephone is on the table.
Time He will pay the fee on Monday.
3. at Place It is cold at Ooty.
Time I get up at 6 a.m.
4. for Time He has been reading for 3 hours.
with noun My uncle works for a foreigner.
5. by Time They will finish the work by noon.
Place The resort is by the sea coast.
with norm The order was given by the manager.
6. from Time The clinic works from 9 a.m.
Place Mr John is from England.
with noun We import goods from many lands.
7. to Time You can meet him from 10 a.m. to 11 a.m.
Place We go to Courtallam in August.
with noun He sent the request to the Principal.

(i) Fill the gap with the correct prepositions.
1. We live Chennai.

2. Would you like to go the library?

Samacheer Kalvi 9th English Grammar Preposition

3. No, thanks. I was the library yesterday.

4. We are going a holiday next week.

5. There is a bridge the river.

6. The train Chennai Madurai is the station.
from, to, in

7. my wall, there are many picture postcards.

8. Who is the person in this picture?

9. Come the hall, we shall watch TV.

10. Elgin lies 530 meters sea level.

11. The bone was the dog.

12. We are going on vacation August.
on, in

13. Please put the vase the table.

14. received a present Janaki.

15. School begins Monday.

(ii) Complete the exercise with appropriate prepositions.
1. Compare your answers your partner.

2. This key holder is very special me.

3. Apples and oranges are the same box.

4. Write me soon.

5. Have you got a piece paper?

Samacheer Kalvi 9th English Grammar Preposition

6. What’s the calculator for? It is my exam.

7. I’m tall black hair and brown eyes.

8. We have a house a big backyard.

9. I come a big family.

10. Match the pictures the names.

11. Is your house the country?

12. Guess what I have my hand?

13. I have to color pens. what you?

(iii) Fill in the prepositions.
1. The cat hid the door.
(a) behind (b) under (c) on
(a) behind

2. Mv uncle will visit me May.
(a) at (b) in (c) on
(b) in

3. Wait there I come.
(a) behind (b) until (c) near
(b) until

4. Hang the charts the wall.
(a) in (b) on (c) by
(b) on

5. I have been practicing morning.
(a) by (b) for (c) since
(c) since

6. The baby has been sleeping for a long time.
(a) for (b) since (c) at
(a) for

Samacheer Kalvi 9th English Grammar Preposition

7. The work will be over this evening.
(a) on (b) by (c) in
(b) by

8. We could not get help anyone.
(a) from (b) till (c) in
(a) from

9. The ladder is placed the wall.
(a) on (b) upon (c) against
(c) against

10. The people stood the road to watch the procession go by.
(a) across (b) along (c) on
(b) along

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Samacheer Kalvi 9th English Grammar Degrees of Comparison

You can Download Samacheer Kalvi 9th English Book Solutions Guide Pdf, Tamilnadu State Board help you to revise the complete Syllabus and score more marks in your examinations.

Exploring the textbook concepts is not enough for students who dreamt to do a cakewalk in English grammar. Consistently do your learning and practicing session with Samacheer Kalvi 9th English Grammar study material and achieve all your dreams.

Tamilnadu Samacheer Kalvi 9th English Grammar Degrees of Comparison

A comparison can be made using the three forms of an adjective.
The adjective is a word that describes or qualifies a noun. It gives more information about a noun.
(e.g.) The tiger is a strong animal.

Samacheer Kalvi 9th English Grammar Degrees of Comparison

There are three degrees of comparison :

  1. Positive (e.g.) Kumar is a kind man.
  2. Comparative (e.g.) A tsunami is more destructive than a cyclone.
  3. Superlative (e.g.) Mount Everest is the highest peak in the world.

Read The Following Example

Positive Comparative Superlative
No other girl in the class is as tall as Ramya. Ramya is taller than any other girl in the class. Ramya is the tallest girl in the class.
Very few girls in the class are as tall as Ramya. Ramya is taller than most other girls in the class. Ramya is one of the tallest girls in the class.
Positive Comparative Superlative
good better best
bad worse worst
little less least
much, many, some more most
far further furthest

The Positive Degree is used to express or describe a quality.
The Positive Degree of an adjective states the characteristic of the noun.
(e.g.) It is a tall building.
(e.g.) Mango is sweet to taste.

The Comparative Degree is used when two things (or two sets of things) are compared.
(e.g.) This building is taller than any other building.
(e.g.) Mango is sweeter than pineapple.

The Superlative Degree is used when more than two things are compared.
(e.g.) This is the tallest building.
(e.g.) Mango is the sweetest fruit.

Examples :
Prabhu is young. (Positive Degree)
Prabhu is younger than Amirtha. (Comparative Degree)
Prabhu is the youngest of all. (Superlative Degree)

For adjectives of the multi syllabus we add
MORE (or LESS) for the comparatives and MOST (or LEAST) for the superlatives.

Positive Comparative Superlative
useful more useful most useful
unfortunate more unfortunate most unfortunate
expensive more expensive most expensive
important more important most important

(i) Complete the following sentences.
1. She is from her sister.
(a) pretty (b) prettier (c) prettiest
(b) prettier

2. Priyaisa girl.
(a) nice (b) nicer (c) nicest
(a) nice

Samacheer Kalvi 9th English Grammar Degrees of Comparison

3. Supriyaisthe girl in the class.
(a) intelligent (b) more intelligent (c) most intelligent
(c) most intelligent

4. Martin speaks English
(a) well (b) better (c)best
(a) well

5. Nile is the river in the world.
(a) long (b) longer (c) longest
(c) longest

6. India is a country.
(a) big (b) bigger (c) biggest
(a) big

7. China is than India.
(a) big (b) bigger (c) biggest
(b) bigger

8. This is the book I have ever read.
(a) interesting (b) more interesting (c) most interesting
(c) most interesting

9. I am than you.
(a) smart (b) smarter (c) smartest
(b) smarter

10. Take the of the two routes.
(a) short (b) shorter (d) shortest
(b) shorter

(ii) Complete the following sentences using the correct degree of the adjective given in the brackets.
1. My brother’s handwriting is (bad) mine.
worse than

2. Health is wealth, (important)
more important than

3. Blood is water, (thick)
thicker than

4. Everest is peak in the world, (high)
the highest peak

5. This is play I have ever heard on the radio, (interesting)
the most interesting

6. Sushila is of all the four sisters, (beautiful)
the most beautiful

7. The planet Mars is from the earth than the satellite Moon, (far)

Samacheer Kalvi 9th English Grammar Degrees of Comparison

8. The elephant is animal in the world, (large)
the largest

9. An ocean is certainly a sea. (big)
bigger than

10. Iam in cricket than in football, (interested)
more interested

(iii) Write the words in your own sentences using any one of the degrees of comparison.
1. famous
Mr. Ravi is more famous than his friends. (Comparative degree)

2. happy
She is as happy as a lark. (Positive degree)

3. good
Mahesh is the best student in the class. (Superlative degree)

4. sincere
You should be more sincere in your work. (Comparative degree)

Samacheer Kalvi 9th English Grammar Degrees of Comparison

5. strong
The lion is the strongest animal in this jungle. (Superlative degree)

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Samacheer Kalvi 9th English Completion of Dialogues

You can Download Samacheer Kalvi 9th English Book Solutions Guide Pdf, Tamilnadu State Board help you to revise the complete Syllabus and score more marks in your examinations.

Exploring the textbook concepts is not enough for students who dreamt to do a cakewalk in English grammar. Consistently do your learning and practicing session with Samacheer Kalvi 9th English Grammar study material and achieve all your dreams.

Tamilnadu Samacheer Kalvi 9th English Completion of Dialogues (Fill in type)

Complete the following dialogue appropriately :
1. Selvi : (i) _________?
Librarian : Yes, Come in. (ii) _________?
Selvi : I wish to become a member of the library.
Librarian You have to pay a membership fee.
Selvi : (iii) _________?
Librarian : An annual fee of two hundred rupees.
Selvi : (iv) _________?
Librarian : You can borrow four books at a time.
Selvi : (v) _________?
Librarian : You should return the books within fifteen days.
(i) May I come in sir
(ii) What can I do for you?
(iii) How much should I pay?
(iv) How many books can I borrow at a time?
(v) When should I return the books?

Samacheer Kalvi 9th English Completion of Dialogues

2. Bookseller Hello Sir! (1) __________?
Customer Sir, would you allow me to exchange this book with another book?
Bookseller (ii) __________?
Customer A few pages are missing in this book.
Bookseller (iii) __________?
Customer I bought the book this morning.
Bookseller (iv) __________?
Customer : Here is the bill (v) __________?
(i) May I help you
(ii) Is something wrong with this book
(iii) When did you buy it
(iv) Do you have the biu
(v) and the book. Kindly exchange it

3. (Telephonic Conversation)
Rm : Hello (i) __________?
Rahim : Yes, may I know who is calling?
Ram : (ii) __________?
Rahim : Hi Ram, what can I do for you?
Ram : (iii) __________? Are you free after six this evening?
Rahim : Sorry. Ram (iv) __________? Will it be convenient for you to come tomorrow morning.
Ram : Ok (v) __________?
(i) Is Mr. Rahim at home
(ii) It’s Ram. May I see you for five minutes
(iii) It’s an important personal matter
(iv) I have an urgent appointment with my boss
(v) See you tomorrow at 9 a.m.

Samacheer Kalvi 9th English Completion of Dialogues

4. TTR : Ticket please.
Traveller : Sorry sir, somehow I have lost my ticket.
TTR : (i) ________ ?
Traveller : (ii) ________?
TTR : Then (iii) ________?
Traveller : Just a minute sir (iv) ________?
TTR : Be quick.
Traveller : I got it. Here it is sir.
TTR : (v) ________?
Traveller : OK. Thank you sir.
(i) Then you have to take a new ticket with penalty.
(ii) I don’t have enough money to take another ticket sir.
(iii) Then, what are you going to do?
(iv) Shall I check once again in my bags?
(v) 0k. Always keep your ticket at safe place. Don’t waste others time.

Samacheer Kalvi 9th English Completion of Dialogues

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Samacheer Kalvi 9th English General Para Writing, Using Given Hints

You can Download Samacheer Kalvi 9th English Book Solutions Guide Pdf, Tamilnadu State Board help you to revise the complete Syllabus and score more marks in your examinations.

Exploring the textbook concepts is not enough for students who dreamt to do a cakewalk in English grammar. Consistently do your learning and practicing session with Samacheer Kalvi 9th English Grammar study material and achieve all your dreams.

Tamilnadu Samacheer Kalvi 9th English General Para Writing, Using Given Hints

1. Develop the following hints into a readable passage and give a suitable title.
A rich farmer – lot of land – cattle and servants – two sons – happy life – After some years younger son unhappy – asked for his share of the property – wouldn’t listen to father’s advice – got his share – sold them all – went away to another country – fell into bad ways – soon all money gone – poor – no one to help him – understood his mistake.

The Disobedient Son

Once there was a rich farmer in a Village. He had a lot of land, cattle and many servants. He had two sons. He led a happy life with them. After some years the younger son became unhappy.

He asked his father for his share of the property. His father advised him not to demand like that. But he would not listen to his father’s advice. He got his share and sold them. He had a huge amount with him.

With this amount he travelled to a distant country. He had bad company there and fell into evil ways. All the money was gone. He became poor and no one helped him. Then he understood his mistake and returned to his country. His father and brother took him into their fold and supported him forever. We should obey our parents.

Moral: We should obey our parents.

Develop the following hints into a readable passage and give a suitable title.

Samacheer Kalvi 9th English General Para Writing, Using Given Hints

2. Devan – clever thief – robs the rich – gives all to the sick and the needy – other thieves jealous – plan to get rid of him – challenge Devan to steal the King’s pyjamas – Devan accepts challenge – finds king sleeping – opens a bottle of red ants on the bed – King badly bitten – cries for help – servants rush in pretends to look for ants – Devan removes King’s pyjamas – escapes – other thieves dumbfounded – accept Devan their leader

Clever Thief

Devan was a clever thief. He robbed the rich and gave all to the sick and the needy. The other thieves were jealous of him. They planned to get rid of him. They challenged to steal the king’s pyjamas. Devan accepted the challenge. He found the king sleeping. He opened a bottle of red. ants on the bed. The king was badly bitten. He cried for help. The servants rushed in. They pretended to look for ants. Devan removed king’s pyjamas and escaped. Other thieves were dumb founded. They accepted Devan their leader.

Moral: When luck joins in the game cleverness scores double.

3. Develop the following hints into a readable passage and give a suitable title.
Manager of a firm advertised – night watchman – applicants presented – manager not satisfied – found something wrong with each man – there was Raju – an applicant – sat in a comer – patiently waiting – his turn came – manager found nothing wrong in his appearance – questioned about his health – got the reply -1 suffering from sleeplessness – manager happy – appointed him

Night Watchman

The manager of a firm advertised for a night watchman. All the applicants were present. But the manager was not satisfied. He found something wrong with each man. There was Raju, an applicant. He was sitting in a comer, waiting for his turn. Manager found nothing wrong in his appearance. He questioned about his health. He got the reply that he was suffering from sleeplessness. Manager was happy and appointed him.

Moral: Life is about creating yourself.

4. Develop the following hints into a readable passage and give a suitable title.
Farmer in a village – had a hen – Golden egg – farmer became rich By selling golden eggs – greedy – thought to get all eggs at a time- killed the hen – found no eggs.

The Greedy Farmer

There lived a farmer in a village. His name was Richard. He had a hen. The hen used to lay a golden egg every day. The farmer used to sell the golden egg in the market and got huge amount of money. Soon he became rich. He got a big house built. But the farmer was very greedy. He wanted to get more eggs every day. He thought, “At present I get an egg every day. This is not enough. Why should I not get all the eggs at a time? I must kill the hen to get all the golden eggs at a time.” And the greedy farmer killed the hen. Did the farmer find any egg? No, He did not find any egg. He was very sad now. He could not get golden egg now. This happened only due to his greed.

Moral: Greed leads to heavy losses..

Samacheer Kalvi 9th English General Para Writing, Using Given Hints

5. Develop the following hints into a readable passage and give a suitable title.
Tenali Raman – offends King – King gets angry sentences Raman to death – but allows Raman to choose type of death – wise Raman – promptly says – want natural death – of old age – King amazed – pardons Raman.

Tenali Raman’S Wisdom

Tenali Raman was a courtier. He offended the king. The king got angry and sentenced Raman to death. The king allowed Tenali Raman to choose the type of death. Raman was a wise man and he said like this, he wanted natural death and wanted to die of old age. The king was amazed at Tenali Raman’s wisdom and pardoned him.

Moral: Knowledge is strength.

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