Class 8

Samacheer Kalvi 8th Maths Solutions Term 2 Chapter 4 Information Processing Ex 4.4

Students can Download Maths Chapter 4 Information Processing Ex 4.4 Questions and Answers, Notes Pdf, Samacheer Kalvi 8th Maths Book Solutions Guide Pdf helps you to revise the complete Tamilnadu State Board New Syllabus and score more marks in your examinations.

Tamilnadu Samacheer Kalvi 8th Maths Solutions Term 2 Chapter 4 Information Processing Ex 4.4

Information Processing in Maths 8th Standard  Miscellaneous Practice Problems

Information Processing Solution Question 1.
The rule of Fibonacci Sequence is F(n) = F(n – 2) + F(n – 1). Find the 11th to 20th Fibonacci numbers.
Fibonacci series is given by F(n) = F(n – 2) + F(n – 1)
∴ F(11) = F(11 – 2) + F(11 – 1) = F(9) + F(10)
Similarly F(12) ; = F(12 – 2) + F(12 – 1) = F(11) + F(10)
F(13) = F(12) + F(11)
F(14) = F(13) + F(12)……
F(20) = F(19) + F(18)
The Fibonacci series given by
Samacheer Kalvi 8th Maths Solutions Term 2 Chapter 4 Information Processing Ex 4.4 1

8th Maths Book Information Processing Question 2.
In a library, 385 Math books, 297 Science books and 143 Tamil books are bundled equally in numbers. What is the maximum numbers of books possible in a bundle, for all types of books? (Use repeated division method)
In library, no. of math books – 385
Science books – 297 .
Tamil books – 143
We need to find HCF by repeated division method.
Step 1:
First let us take the bigger 2 numbers which are 385 & 297 & find their HCF using repeated division method.
Samacheer Kalvi 8th Maths Solutions Term 2 Chapter 4 Information Processing Ex 4.4 2
Step 2:
Now let us find the HCF of 11 & 143
Samacheer Kalvi 8th Maths Solutions Term 2 Chapter 4 Information Processing Ex 4.4 3
∴ ’11’ is the HCF of 11 & 143
∴ Therefore, the HCF of 385, 297 & 143 is 11.
So, the maximum number of books possible in a bundle, for all types of books is 11.

Samacheer Kalvi 8th Maths Solutions Term 2 Chapter 4 Information Processing Ex 4.4

Repeated Subtraction Method Question 3.
Find the length of the largest which piece of wood used to measure exactly the lengths 4 m, 50 cm and 6 m 30 cm woods.( Use repeated subtraction method)
Piece 1 of wood length = 4 m 50 cm ; 1m = 100 cm
∴ 4m 50 cm = 4 x 100 + 50 = 450 cm
Piece 2 of wood length = 6 m 30 cm = 6 x 100 + 30 = 630 cm
Now, we need to find the HCF of 450 & 630 by repeated subtraction method.
Let bigger number be m & smaller number be n
Therefore, m = 630 & n = 450
m – n = 630 – 450 = 180; now m = 450, n = 180
m – n = 450 – 180 = 270; now m = 180, n = 270
n – m = 270 – 180 = 90; now m = 180, n = 90
m – n = 180 – 90 = 90
∴ now m = n …90 is HCF
length of larget peice of wood to measure exactly the lenth of both pieces of wood is 90 cm

Question 4.
Using both repeated division method and repeated subtraction method and find the greatest number that divides 167 and 95, leaving 5 as reminder.
We need to find a number ‘x’ that divides 167 & 95 having 5 as reminder.
Therefore, if we subtract 5 from both the numbers, there wont be any reminder when the numbers are divided by ‘x’.
∴ x is the HCF of (167 – 5) & (95 – 5)
= 162 & 90
Finding HCF of 162 & 90 by repeated division method,
Samacheer Kalvi 8th Maths Solutions Term 2 Chapter 4 Information Processing Ex 4.4 4
∴ HCF of 162 & 90 is 18.
HCF of 162 & 90 using repeated subtraction method
Let m = 162 & n = 90
m – n = 162 – 90 = 72
m – n = 90 – 72= 18
m – n = 72 – 18 = 54
n – m = 54 – 18 = 36
n – m = 36 – 18 = 18
now m = n = 18
The number is 18
∴ 18 is the HCF

Samacheer Kalvi 8th Maths Solutions Term 2 Chapter 4 Information Processing Ex 4.4

Question 5.
Praveen recently got the registration number for his new two-wheeler. Here, the number is given in the form of mirror – image. Encode the image and find the correct registration number of praveen’s two – wheeler.
Samacheer Kalvi 8th Maths Solutions Term 2 Chapter 4 Information Processing Ex 4.4 5
The mirror image is
Samacheer Kalvi 8th Maths Solutions Term 2 Chapter 4 Information Processing Ex 4.4 6
When we place an imaginary mirror & visualize the image seen in the mirror, we will get the below.
Samacheer Kalvi 8th Maths Solutions Term 2 Chapter 4 Information Processing Ex 4.4 7
∴ The answer is Option c

Samacheer Kalvi 8th English Solutions Term 2 Poem Chapter 1 Making Life Worth While

Students can Download English Poem 1 Making Life Worth While Questions and Answers, Summary, Activity, Notes, Samacheer Kalvi 8th English Book Solutions Guide Pdf helps you to revise the complete Tamilnadu State Board New Syllabus and score more marks in your examinations.

Tamilnadu Samacheer Kalvi 8th English Solutions Term 2 Poem Chapter 1 Making Life Worth While

Making Life Worthwhile Poem Questions And Answers

Making Life Worthwhile Poem Lines and Explanation

Line Nos. Poem Lines Explanation
1-3 Every soul that touches yours –
Be it the slightest contact –
Get there from some good;
We should learn the good from every soul that touches our heart. It
may also be the slightest contact.
4-5 Some little grace; one kindly thought;
One aspiration yet unfelt;
Some little charm, one kind thought, a hope or an ambition of achieving a desire or a wish.
6-7 One bit of courage
For the darkening sky;
We need a bit of bravery to step into the darkening world.
8-9 One gleam of faith
To brave the thickening ilk of life;
A faith that shines brightly to face the evils and obstacles of life.
10-12 One glimpse of brighter skies
To make this life, worthwhile
And heaven a surer heritage.
A quick look at the brighter side of our life will make our life valuable and then surely heaven would be our inherited property.

Samacheer Kalvi 8th English Solutions Term 2 Poem Chapter 1 Making Life Worth While

Making Life Worthwhile Poem Mind Map Read and Understand

1. Comprehension questions.

Question 1.
What should we learn from every soul?
From every soul, we should learn something good.

Question 2.
What qualities will help us to brave the thickening ills of life?
A little grace, a kind thought, an unfelt aspiration, a bit of courage and a gleam of faith are the qualities that help us to brave the thickening ills of life.

Question 3.
Why should we make this life worthwhile?
People who live a purposeful life in this world will inherit heaven after their death.

Question 4.
What does the poet assure if we make our life worthwhile?
Heaven is sure to be our property that may be inherited by us, if we make our life worthwhile.

Question 5.
Pick out any two lines of repetition from the poem.
‘One’ is repeated in the poem like in the lines “one aspiration yet unfelt”; “one bit of courage”.

Samacheer Kalvi 8th English Solutions Term 2 Poem Chapter 1 Making Life Worth While

2. Fill in the blanks.

  1. We should have an ______ in life.
  2. A ______ is needed for the darkening sky.
  3. One must have a ______ of brighter skies to make life worthwhile.


  1. aspiration
  2. bit of courage
  3. glimpse

Samacheer Kalvi 8th English Solutions Term 2 Poem Chapter 1 Making Life Worth While

3. Figure of speech.


Repetition is a literary device that repeats the same words or phrases a few times to make an idea clearer and more memorable. It is used to emphasize a feeling or idea, create rhythm, and bring attention to an idea.

“The woods are lovely, dark, and deep,
But I have promises to keep
And miles to go before I sleep,
and miles to go before I sleep.” – Robert Frost

Samacheer Kalvi 8th English Solutions Term 2 Poem Chapter 1 Making Life Worth While

Making Life Worthwhile Poem Lesson Additional Questions

I. Poem Comprehension – Additional

1. Some little grace; one kindly thought;
One aspiration yet unfelt;
One bit of courage
For the darkening sky;

Question a.
What qualities are mentioned here?
Some Grace, a kind thought, hope, and courage.

Question b.
What do you mean by the word ‘grace’?
‘Grace’ means elegance or charm.

2. One gleam of faith
To brave the thickening ills of life;

Question a.
How can we brave the thickening ills of life?
We can brave them by a gleam of faith.

Question b.
Why does the poet say thickening ills of life?
The evils and obstacles in life are increasing.

Samacheer Kalvi 8th English Solutions Term 2 Poem Chapter 1 Making Life Worth While

II Poetic Devices

1. “Get there some good”.
What is the poetic device used here?
Alliteration is used here. The words get – good are alliterated.

2. “And heaven a surer heritage”
Pick out the alliterated words.
heaven – heritage are alliterated.

3. One aspiration yet unfelt;
One bit of courage
What is the literary device used here?
Repetition. The word one’ is repeated in these two lines.

Samacheer Kalvi 8th English Solutions Term 2 Poem Chapter 1 Making Life Worth While

III. Making Life Worthwhile Poem Short Questions and Answers.

Question 1.
What does every soul touch?
Every soul touches our heart.

Question 2.
How do we look at the brighter skies?
We look at one glimpse at the brighter skies.

Question 3.
What do you mean by ‘heritage’?
Heritage means ‘inheritance’. The property inherited from our ancestors.

Samacheer Kalvi 8th English Solutions Term 2 Poem Chapter 1 Making Life Worth While

III. Making Life Worthwhile Poem Paragraph Paragraph Question with Answer.

Question 1.
How can we make our life Worthwhile?
We should learn the good from every soul that touches our heart. Some little grace, a kind thought, a hope or an ambition of achieving a desire or wish and a bit of courage is needed to step into the darkening world. We need faith that shines brightly to face the evils and obstacles of life. A quick look at the brighter side of our life will make our life valuable. Only then, heaven would surely be our inherited property.

Samacheer Kalvi 8th English Solutions Term 2 Poem Chapter 1 Making Life Worth While

Making Life Worthwhile Poem Summary In English

The poet talks about how to make our life worthwhile. We should learn the good from every soul that touches our heart. It may be the slightest contact with them. But still, we have to get some, good from them. We need a little grace, one kind thought, a hope or an ambition of achieving our desire or wish. We also need a bit of courage to step into our darkening world. We need a shine of faith to face the evils and obstacles in our life. A quick look at the brighter side of life will make our life valuable and surely, heaven would be our inherited property.

Samacheer Kalvi 8th Social Science History Solutions Term 3 Chapter 1 Urban Changes During the British Period

Students can Download Social Science History Chapter 1 Urban Changes During the British Period Questions and Answers, Notes Pdf, Samacheer Kalvi 8th Social Science Book Solutions Guide Pdf helps you to revise the complete Tamilnadu State Board New Syllabus and score more marks in your examinations.

Tamilnadu Samacheer Kalvi 8th Social Science History Solutions Term 3 Chapter 1 Urban Changes During the British Period

Samacheer Kalvi 8th Social Science Urban Changes During the British Period Textual Evaluation

Make an Album Making of Chennai From Early Period Till Now

I. Choose the correct answer:

Urban Changes During The British Period  Question 1.
Ancient towns are –
(a) Harappa and Mohenjodaro
(b) Delhi and Hyderabad
(c) Bombay and Culcutta
(d) None of the above
(a) Harappa and Mohenjodaro


Question 2.
Coastal towns developed by the British were –
(a) Surat
(b) Goa
(c) Bombay
(d) All of these
(d) All of these

Question 3.
A new trend of urbanisation began in the latter half of 19th century as a result of –
(a) Opening of Suez Canal
(b) Introduction of steam navigation
(c) Construction of railways
(d) All the above
(d) All the above

Question 4.
The British arrived India for.
(a) for trading
(b) for preaching their religion
(c) for working
(d) for ruling
(a) for trading

Question 5.
Fort St. George was constructed by the British in –
(a) Bombay
(b) Cuddalore
(c) Madras
(d) Calcutta
(c) Madras


Question 6.
Which of the following port was the East India Company’s principal settlement until 1774?
(a) Fort St. William
(b) Fort St David
(c) Fort St. George
(d) None of these
(c) Fort St. George

II. Fill in the Blanks:

  1. The network of railroads in India was introduced in …………………………
  2.  ……………………….. rightly regarded as the Father of Local Self – Government in India.
  3. The Government of India Act of 1919 introduced ……………………….. in the provinces.
  4. ……………………….. was responsible for the formation of the corporation.
  5. Francis Day and Andrew Cogan got permission to establish a factory-cum trading post at madrasapatnam in ………………………..


  1. 1853
  2. Ripon
  3. Dyarchy
  4. Sir Josiah Child
  5. 1639

III. Match the following:

Question 1.

  1. Bombay – Religious centres
  2. Cantonment towns – Hill stations
  3. Kedamath – Ancient town
  4. Darjeeling – Seven island
  5. Madurai – Kanpur


  1. Bombay – Seven island
  2. Cantonment towns – Kanpur
  3. Kedamath – Religious centres
  4. Darjeeling – Hill stations
  5. Madurai – Ancient town


IV. State true or false:

  1. Towns flourished since prehistoric times in India.
  2. British acquired political control after the Battle of Plassey.
  3. Fort St. Williams is in Madras.
  4. Army people began to live in cantonments.
  5. Madras was officially renamed Chennai in 1998.


  1. True
  2. True
  3. False
  4. True
  5. False

V. Choose the correct statement:

Question 1.
Assertion (A): India became the agricultural colony of Britain.
Reason (R): The one-way free trade policy followed by the British and the Industrial revolution destroyed Indian indigenous industries.
(a) A is correct and R is Wrong
(b) A is wrong and R is Correct
(c) A is correct and R explains A
(d) A is correct and R does not explain A
(c) A is correct and R explains A

Question 2.
Which of the following statement(s) is/are not true?
i) Srirangarayalu gave the English the grant of Madrasapatnam.
ii) Day and Cogan were jointly responsible for the construction of Fort St. George.
iii) In 1969 the state of Madras was rechristened as Tamil Nadu.
(a) i only
(b) i and ii
(c) ii and iii
(d) iii only
(a) i only

Question 3.
Assertion (A): British built up their alternative capitals in hilly areas.
Reason (R): They found the Indian summer inhospitable.
(a) A is correct and R is Wrong
(b) A is wrong and R is Correct
(c) A is correct and R explains A
(d) A is correct and R does not explain A
(c) A is correct and R explains A

VI. Answer the following in one or two sentences:

Question 1.
What is an urban area?
A place which has a high density of population engaged in different occupations.


Question 2.
Hilly areas were distinctive features of colonial urban development. Why?

  • The British coming from a cool temperate climate, found the hill stations protective from hot weather and epidemics.
  • So they built up the alternative capitals in cool areas.
  • So highly hills areas were distinctive features of colonial urban development.

Question 3.
Name the three Presidency cities?

  • Madras
  • Bombay
  • Calcutta

Question 4.
State any four reasons for the new trend of urbanization in the 19th century.

  • The causes of the new trend of urbanization in the 19th century were
  • Opening of Suez Canal, the introduction of steam navigation, construction of Railways, Canals, and harbours.
  • Growth of factory industries etc.


Question 5.
Write a short note on Cantonment towns.
The British occupied Indian territory by military force and established camps called cantonments in which army people lived and later grown to cities.

Question 6.
What were the regions covered in the Madras presidency during the British regime?
The region covered in the Madras Presidency during the British regime covered were

  • Modem day Tamil Nadu
  • The Lakshadweep Island
  • Northern Kerala
  • Rayalaseema
  • Coastal Andhra
  • Districts of Karnataka and various districts of southern Odisha.

VII. Answer the following in detail.

Question 1.
Describe colonial urban development.
Samacheer Kalvi 8th Social Science History Solutions Term 3 Chapter 1 Urban Changes During the British Period img-1

  • British developed new centres of trade like Calcutta, Madras and Bombay on the Eastern and Western coast.
  • Madras, Bombay and Calcutta were fortified by British.
  • Britishers built homes, shops and Churches, commercial and administrative headquarters.
  • Britishers acquired political control of India after the Battle of Plassey in 1757 and the trade expanded for the East India Company.
  • Calcutta, Bombay and Madras became Presidency cities in the late 18th Century.


Question 2.
Trace the origin and growth of Madras.
Origin and Growth of Madras:
(a) The beginning of the city of Madras goes back to the earliest stages of British commercial enterprise in India. The English East India Company was started in 1600 A.D(C.E).

(b) The English, after some efforts secured the privilege of building a factory at Masulipatnam. It was well protected from the monsoon winds.

(c) The official grant for the land was given by Damarla Venkatapathy Nayak, the deputy of the Raja of Chandragiri (12km west of Tirupathi). Damarla gave the British a piece of land between Cooum river and the Egmore.

(d) India Company’s Francis Day accompanied by his interpreter Beri Thimmappa and superior Andrew Cogan. By this Francis Day and Andrew Cogan (the chief of the Masulipatnam Factory), was granted permission to establish a factory – cum – trading post and a fort at Madrasapatnam in 1639.

(e) This fortified settlement came to be known as Fort St. George settlement. It is otherwise referred to as the White Town. While the nearby villages inhabited by the local population was called Black Town. Collectively the White Town and the Black Town were called Madras.

Question 3.
India became an agricultural colony of Britain. How?

  • The traditional industrial base of Indian cities, made by the indigenous handcraft production was destroyed by the Industrial Revolution.
  • Heavy taxes were imposed for the Indian goods imported into Britain.
  • This led to the decline of Indian industries.
  • Thus, India became the agricultural colony of Britain.


VIII. Project and Activity:

Question 1.
Make an album – ‘Making of Chennai’ (from early period till now)
Activity to be done by the students themselves

Question 2.
Mark port cities, cantonment towns, hill stations on the outline map of India, (any four places from each)
Samacheer Kalvi 8th Social Science History Solutions Term 3 Chapter 1 Urban Changes During the British Period img-2

Samacheer Kalvi 8th Social Science Urban Changes During the British Period Additional Questions

I. Choose the correct answer:

Question 1.
The evolution of towns has occurred in.
(a) ancient towns
(b) medieval towns
(c) modern towns
(d) all the above
(d) all the above

Question 2.
Most of the ancient towns in India developed as.
(a) administrative centres
(b) religious centres
(c) cultural centres
(d) all the above
(d) all the above


Question 3.
Some of the important medieval towns of India are.
(a) Delhi, Hyderabad, and Harappa
(b) Jaipur, Lucknow, and Agra
(c) Nagpur, Madurai, and Mohenjadaro
(d) Madurai, Varanasi, and Lucknow
(b) Jaipur, Lucknow, and Agra

Question 4.
The British developed new towns depending on it.
(a) location
(b) purpose
(c) resources
(d) all the above
(d) all the above

Question 5.
Deindustrialization under the British took place due to their.
(a) economic policy
(b) industrial policy
(c) political policy
(d) none of the above
(a) economic policy


Question 6.
One of the old populous manufacturing towns was.
(a) Delhi
(b) Harappa
(c) Dacca
(d) Madurai
(c) Dacca

Question 7.
The introduction of railways in British India resulted in.
(a) the diversion of trade routes
(b) export of raw materials
(c) uprooting the traditional industries
(d) ail the above
(d) all the above

Question 8.
British developed new centers of trade at.
(a) Calcutta
(b) Madras
(c) Bombay
(d) All the above
(d) All the above

Question 9.
The trade of English East India Company expanded in.
(a) 1639
(b) 1661
(c) 1690
(d) 1757
(d) 1757


Question 10.
The British established the cantonments since they needed them.
(a) raw materials
(b) commercial centers
(c) strong military camps
(d) none of the above
(c) strong military camps

Question 11.
Some of the hill stations developed by the British were.
(a) Kedamath and Badrinath
(b) Simla and Nainital
(c) Kanpur and Lahore
(d) Srinagar and Delhi
(b) Simla and Nainital

Question 12.
The charter _______established Municipal administration in the three presidency Towns
(a) 1812
(b) 1793
(c) 1850
(d) 1909
(b) 1793

Question 13.
English trade did not thrive at Masulipatnam due to.
(a) Lack of resources
(b) Leak of Transport
(c) Famine
(d) None of the above
(c) Famine

Question 1 4.
Francis Day was.
(a) The Director of East India Company
(b) Member of the Masulipatnam Council
(c) Mayor of Madras Municipal Corporation
(d) The Chief of the Masulipatnam Factory
(b) Member of the Masulipatnam Council


Question 15.
Beri Thimmappa was.
(a) The Deputy of the Raja of Chandragiri
(b) An Interpreter
(c) Superior of Francis Day
(d) Councillor
(b) An Interpreter

II. Fill in the blanks:

  1. The medieval towns of India functioned either as______city or______city.
  2. At the beginning of the eighteenth century, the policies of the British proved harmful to the process of______.
  3. The native rulers lost their kingdom to the British by means of various______ of the colonial power.
  4. Srinagar was a______recreational centre.
  5. Darjeeling was wrested from the rulers of______.
  6. The introduction of______made hill station more accessible.
  7. Damarla gave the British a piece of land between Cooum river and______.
  8. Collectively the White Town and the Black Town were called______.
  9. Srirangarayapatnam and Chennapatnam were together known______
  10. Madras was officially renamed Chennai in______.
  11. In western India______was the main port of the East India Company.


  1. Fort, port
  2. urbanisation
  3. policies
  4. Mughal
  5. Sikkim
  6. railways
  7. Egmore
  8. Madras
  9. Madrasapatnam
  10. 1996
      1. Bombay

III. Match the following:

Samacheer Kalvi 8th Social Science History Solutions Term 3 Chapter 1 Urban Changes During the British Period img-3


  1. d
  2. a
  3. e
  4. b
  5. c


IV. State True or False:

  1. During ancient times most of the towns developed as headquarters of Kingdoms.
  2. The policies of the British proved useful in the process of urbanisation.
  3. The stiff competition of imported goods crashed down the industrial structure in India.
  4. Madras, Calcutta and Bombay became the prominent commercial centres under the British.
  5. The British developed the hill stations as Sanatoriums also.
  6. By the nature of railway transport, all the towns were located on the hills.


  1. False
  2. False
  3. True
  4. True
  5. True
  6. False

V. Choose the correct statement:

Question 1.
Assertion (A): The trade of English East India company expanded after 1757.
Reason (R): The British gradually acquired political control after the Battle of Plassey in 1757.
(a) A is correct and R is Wrong
(b) A is wrong and R is Correct
(c) A is correct and R explains A
(d) A is correct and R does not explain A
(c) A is correct and R explains A

Question 2.
Which of the following statement(s) is/are not true
(i) Ripon’s Resolution is known as MagnaCarta of Local Self-Government.
(ii) Lord Mayo’s famous Resolution of 1870 supported the development of local self-government.
(iii) After Independence India got the unique opportunity of moulding local government.
(a) i only
(b) ii only
(c) iii only
(d) i, ii and iii
(d) i, ii and iii

Question 3.
Assertion (A): The British established cantonments.
Reason (R): The British occupied the Indian territory and political power by their military force.
(a) A is correct and R is Wrong
(b) A is wrong and R is Correct
(c) A is correct and R explains A
(d) A is correct and R does not explain A
(c) A is correct and R explains A

VI. Answer the following one or two sentences:

Question 1.
Mention the names of the few ancient towns in India.
Harappa, Mohenjodaro, Varanasi, Allahabad and Madurai are well – known ancient towns in India.

Question 2.
Write a note on Medieval towns in India.

  • During medieval times, most of the towns developed as headquarters of principalities and kingdoms.
  • They functioned as either fort city or port city.
  • Important among them is Delhi. Hyderabad, Jaipur, Lucknow, Agra, and Nagpur.

Question 3.
Mention a few Coastal towns.

  1. The Europeans first developed some coastal towns.
  2. They were Surat, Daman, Goa and Pondicherry.

Question 4.
Mention the three main cities developed by the British.

  1. The British after consolidated their power in India developed three main cities – Mumbai, Chennai, and Kolkatta.
  2. They served as administrative headquarters and trading centres.

Question 5.
How were the newly developed towns known?
The newly developed towns are known differently as hill towns, industrial towns, court towns, railway station towns, cantonments and administrative towns.

Question 6.
Mention the factors which led to the decline of Indian Industries.

  1. The traditional industrial base of Indian cities, was destroyed by Industrial revolution.
  2. The high import duties and other restrictions imposed on the import of Indian goods into Britain and Europe led to the decline of Indian industries.

Question 7.
Why was there a new trend of urbanisation in the latter half of the nineteenth century?

  1. The opening of Suez Canal
  2. Introduction of Steam Navigation
  3. Construction of railways
  4. Canals, harbours, growth of factory industries, coal mining, tea plantation, banking, shipping and insurance, all these created a new trend urbanisation in the latter half of the nineteenth century.

Question 8.
Write a note on the administration of the Presidency towns.

  1. The Governor-General to appoint justices of the peace in the Presidency towns.
  2. After various trials, a system of government was evolved with essential features like a large corporation with elected members, a strong independent executive authority to check accounts and perform essential duties such as sanitation water supply and collection of revenue etc.

Question 9.
How did Calcutta become a Presidency?

  1. In 1690, the English merchants founded a settlement at Sutanati.
  2.  In 1698, they secured Zamindari rights over Sutanati, Calcutta and Gobindpur.
  3. The company established Fort William at Calcutta.
  4. Calcutta became Presidency with a Governor and Council to manage its affairs.

Question 10.
How did the administrative headquarters emerge as the most important towns and cities of the country?

  1. By the beginning of 20th century, Calcutta, Bombay and Madras had become the leading administration, commercial and industrial cities of India.
  2. These cities became the central commercial area with buildings of European style.
  3. Sub urban railways, tram car and city buses gave the colonial cities a new look and status.

VII. Answer the following in detail:

Question 1.
Write a note on the evolution of towns in India.

  1. The evolution of towns has occurred in different ways and in different stages in India.
  2. They can be classified into ancient towns, medieval towns and modem towns.
  3.  Most of the ancient towns like Harlappa. Mohenjodaro, Varanasi, Allahabad and Madurai developed as administrative, religious and cultural centres.
  4. The medieval towns like Delhi, Hyderabad, Jaipur, Lucknow, Agra and Nagpur developed as headquarters of principalities and kingdom.
  5. The Europeans first developed some coastal towns such as Surat, Daman, Goa and Pondicherry in modem India.
  6. Then the British developed Madras, Bombay and Calcutta as the administrative headquarters and trading centres.
  7. The newly developed towns are known differently as hill towns, industrial towns, court towns, railway station towns, cantonments and administrative towns.

Question 2.
Write about the development of Local Government in British India.
The development of local government in British India may be traced in three distinct phases.
(a) First phase (1688-1882):

  1. Municipal government in India has been in existence since 1688 with the formation of Madras Municipal Corporation with a Mayor.
  2. Sir Josiah Child, one of the Directors of the East India Company was responsible for the formation of the corporation.
  3. The Charter Act of 1793, established Municipal administration in the three
    Presidency Towns.
  4. The Act of 1850 provided the formation of municipalities in North Western Frontier provinces, Oudh and Bombay.

(b) Second phase (1882-1920):

  1. Ripon’s Resolution on local Self – Government was a landmark in the history of local self-government.
  2. So Ripon is rightly called the “Father of Local Self-Government” in India.

(c) Third phase (1920-1950):

  1. The Government of India Act of 1919 introduced Dyarchy in the provinces.
  2. The Government of India Act of 1935 introduced Provincial Autonomy.
  3. With the attainment of Independence in 1947 India had the unique opportunity of making and moulding local government to meet the needs of the free nation.

Question 3.
How did Bombay become the main part of Western India?

  1. Bombay was initially seven Islands.
  2. It was under, the Portuguese from 1534 onwards.
  3. Portuguese king gave it as a dowry to Charles II of England when he married the former’s sister in 1661.
  4. King leased it to the East India Company.
  5. The city of Bombay began to grow when the East India Company started using Bombay as its main port in Western India.
  6.  In 1687, the English East India Company transferred its headquarters from Surat to Bombay.

Samacheer Kalvi 8th English Solutions Term 3 Poem Chapter 1 Special Hero

Students can Download English Poem 1 Special Hero Questions and Answers, Summary, Activity, Notes, Samacheer Kalvi 8th English Book Solutions Guide Pdf helps you to revise the complete Tamilnadu State Board New Syllabus and score more marks in your examinations.

Tamilnadu Samacheer Kalvi 8th English Solutions Term 3 Poem Chapter 1 Special Hero

Special Hero Poem 8th Standard Read And Understand

B. Find a line from the poem to match the statements given below and write it in the blank.

  1. He always saves me from harm ________
  2. I am so lucky to get you ________
  3. The affection between us has no end ________


  1. “keeping me safe from harm”
  2. “How did I get so lucky. You were the Dad chosen for me”.
  3. “Our love is everlasting”

C. Answer the following questions.

Question 1.
Who is the speaker?
The poetess is the speaker.

Samacheer Kalvi 8th English Solutions Term 3 Poem Chapter 1 Special Hero

Question 2.
Who is the special hero mentioned in the poem?
The poet’s father is a special hero mentioned in the poem.

Question 3.
How did the child feel when it was held by its dad?
The child felt love and tenderness when his father held the child in his arms.
‘Seems it was sent to me from someplace up above.’

Question 4.
What do the above lines mean?
The above lines mean that the poet’s father is sent to her from heaven.

Question 5.
What did the child want to tell its dad?
The child wants to tell its dad that its father is the special hero of the child.

D. Work in pairs and answer the questions below.

Question 1.
“There is something special about a father’s love”.
Identify the alliteration in the given lines.
something – special is the alliterated words in the given lines.

Question 2.
Pick out the rhyming word from the poem.
arms – harm,
see – me,
love – above,
know – so


E. Write a paragraph on the father’s love as described in the poem.
The poet describes her father’s love in this poem. When she was a baby, he held her in his arms. She felt his love and kindness. He always kept her safe from harm. She saw his love for her in his eyes. She said that she was lucky that he was the dad chosen for her. There was something special about her father’s love. He was sent to her from heaven. She wanted him to know that their love lasts forever. She also wanted to tell him that he was her special hero.

Special Hero Additional Questions

I. Poem Comprehension – Additional

Question 1.
I felt the love and tenderness
keeping me safe from harm

(a) Who felt love and tenderness?
The poet felt the love and tenderness of her father.

Samacheer Kalvi 8th English Solutions Term 3 Poem Chapter 1 Special Hero

(b) What did he keep her safe?
He kept her safe from harm.

(c) What do you mean by‘tenderness’?
‘Tenderness’ means “Gentleness and kindness”.

Question 2.
How did I get so lucky,
You were the dad chosen for me

(a) Who was lucky?
The poet was lucky.

(b) Why was she lucky?
She was lucky because he was the dad chosen for her.

(c) Is the poet excited about her father’s love?
Yes, she is excited and feels lucky to get a Dad like him.

II. Poetic Devices.

Question 1.
Seems it was sent to me from someplace up above
Pick out the alliterated words?
Seems – sent are alliterated words.

Samacheer Kalvi 8th English Solutions Term 3 Poem Chapter 1 Special Hero

Question 2.
I just wanted you to know
That you’re my special hero
and I wanted to tell you so.
Pick out the rhyming words.
know – so are the rhyming words.


What are the sacrifices made by your father for your family?

Samacheer Kalvi 8th English Solutions Term 3 Poem Chapter 1 Special Hero

Special Hero Poem Summary In English By Christina M Kerschen

The poem is about the father’s love for a child. The poet describes her father’s love and care towards her. When she was a baby, he held her in his arms. She felt his love and kindness. He always kept her safe from harm. She was able to experience his love for her in his eyes. She felt that she was lucky that he was the dad chosen for her. There was something special about the father’s love. She thought that he was sent to her from heaven. She just wanted him to know that their love lasts forever. She wanted to tell him that he was her special hero.

Samacheer Kalvi 8th English Solutions Term 3 Prose Chapter 1 The Nose-Jewel

Students can Download English Lesson 1 The Nose-Jewel Questions and Answers, Summary, Activity, Notes, Samacheer Kalvi 8th English Book Solutions Guide Pdf helps you to revise the complete Tamilnadu State Board New Syllabus and score more marks in your examinations.

Tamilnadu Samacheer Kalvi 8th English Solutions Term 3 Prose Chapter 1 The Nose-Jewel

The Nose Jewel Lesson Plan Read And Understand

A. Choose the correct synonyms for the italicized words

Question 1.
Nice fun indeed.
(a) in fact
(b) doubtedly
(c) fine
(a) in fact

Question 2.
The poor woman is in a panic.
(a) fear
(b) grid
(c) crash
(a) fear

Samacheer Kalvi 8th English Solutions Term 3 Prose Chapter 1 The Nose-Jewel

Question 3.
The mother consoled her little girl.
(a) pretended
(b) comforted
(c) left
(b) comforted

Question 4.
You are always self-centered.
(a) egoistic
(b) generous
(c) heroic
(a) egoistic

Question 5.
What is the secret you are whispering?
(a) rumour
(b) murmur
(c) louder
(b) murmur

B. Find the antonym for the following words.

  1. Delight × displease
  2. Disgrace × glory
  3. Careless × careful
  4. Secret × public
  5. confine × release

C. The Nose Jewel Question Answer

Question 1.
Where did the sparrows build the nest?
The sparrows built the nest in a nice spot on the roof of Ramayya’s house.

Question 2.
Why did the birds drop the diamond stud?
The wife bird shouted at the male bird to go in search of food. So it dropped the diamond stud.

Question 3.
What were the words of Meenakshi Ammal to her daughter?
Meenakshi Ammal consoled her little girl saying that they would search and found out the jewel. You should not tell their anything to her father or else he would go into a rage.

Samacheer Kalvi 8th English Solutions Term 3 Prose Chapter 1 The Nose-Jewel

Question 4.
Who was suspected of stealing the diamond nose stud?
The maid-servant Kuppayi was suspected of stealing the diamond nose stud.

Question 5.
What did Ramayya’s wife do with the stud?
Ramayya’s wife found the diamond stud. She took it and wore it.

Question 6.
What happened to Ramayya’s wife at the end?
Ramayya’s wife developed a severe fever and was confined to her bed.

D. Answer the following in about 100 words.

Question 1.
Why did the sparrow throw the nose jewel into Ramayya’s house?
The male sparrow wanted to help Ramayya. It felt pity for Ramayya. Ramayya was facing harsh words from his wife often. One day, somewhere in the muck-heap laid a diamond nose jewel. The male bird picked it up and came to the nest with the shining stud in his beak. The male sparrow asked his wife if she liked the jewel. The wife bird replied that the jewel was useless for her. She also said that it would be better for the male sparrow if he went out to find some grub for the hungry young ones. Then the male bird dropped the diamond stud on the floor and went out in search of little worms for the young ones.

Samacheer Kalvi 8th English Solutions Term 3 Prose Chapter 1 The Nose-Jewel

Question 2.
Explain how Ramayya’s wife reacted when she saw the nose jewel?
When Ramayya’s wife was sweeping the floor she found the diamond nose stud. She picked it up with delight and wore it. Her husband told her that it was a mistake to keep the jewel. She did not bother about it. She knew that the jewel belonged to her neighbour’s daughter. Yet she did not reveal about it to anyone. The maid servant of the neighbour was suspected. The police searched her hut, but could not find it. Ramayya’s wife put the stud away in her box. She soon developed a server fever and was confined to her bed.

The Nose-Jewel Additional Questions

I. Choose the correct Synonyms for the Italicized words :

Question 1.
The female sparrow said with disdain, “Let me see what help you can do for him”.
(a) respect
(b) scorn
(c) value
(d) admire
(b) scorn

Question 2.
Find some grub; the young ones are hungry.
(a) food
(b) smoothen
(c) poison
(d) task
(a) food

Question 3.
She is very careless and ignorant,
(a) educated
(b) unaware
(c) polite
(d) humble
(b) unaware

Question 4.
If tomorrow the police should come and search our house, it will be disgrace to us.
(a) honour
(b) glory
(c) praise
(d) dishonour
(d) dishonour

Samacheer Kalvi 8th English Solutions Term 3 Prose Chapter 1 The Nose-Jewel

Question 5.
The maid-servant Kuppayi was suspected by everyone to have stolen it.
(a) knew
(b) doubted
(c) amazed
(d) believed
(b) doubted

Question 6.
Ramayya’s heart was in aflutter.
(a) calm
(b) still
(c) steady
(d) flap
(d) flap

Question 7.
She was confined to her bed.
(a) invasive
(b) restricted
(c) released
(d) freed
(b) restricted

Question 8.
The loss of the jewel had to be admitted.
(a) dismissed
(b) excluded
(c) accepted
(d) refused
(c) accepted

Question 9.
“And a good thing too”, said the cruel male sparrow.
(a) merciful
(b) kind
(c) merciless
(d) compassionate
(c) merciless

Samacheer Kalvi 8th English Solutions Term 3 Prose Chapter 1 The Nose-Jewel

Question 10.
The male bird answered gravely, “Did I tell her to steal the thing?”
(a) seriously
(b) cheerfully
(c) joyfully
(d) happily
(a) seriously

II. Choose the correct antonyms for the Italicized words,

Question 1.
“Why does the lady of this house always quarrel with her husband?”
(a) fight
(b) argue
(c) agree
(d) shout
(c) agree

Question 2.
“Please do not talk about what does not concern us.”
(a) anxiety
(b) worry
(c) uneasiness
(d) disregard
(d) disregard

Samacheer Kalvi 8th English Solutions Term 3 Prose Chapter 1 The Nose-Jewel

Question 3.
The male bird went out in search of little worms for the young ones.
(a) ignore
(b) seek
(c) find
(d) quest
(a) ignore

Question 4.
We should go and deliver it to the village magistrate.
(a) bring
(b) hand over
(c) collect
(d) give
(c) collect

Question 5.
He would go into a rage if he knew that you had lost the diamond nose-stud.
(a) anger
(b) fury
(c) passion
(d) peace
(d) peace

Question 6.
The loss of the jewel had to be admitted.
(a) confessed
(b) denied
(c) allowed
(d) entered
(b) denied

Question 7.
Everyone thought that Kuppayi had stolen it.
(a) sacked
(b) swiped
(c) donated
(d) robbed
(c) donated

Samacheer Kalvi 8th English Solutions Term 3 Prose Chapter 1 The Nose-Jewel

Question 8.
She soon developed a severe fever and was confined to her bed.
(a) minor
(b) great
(c) intense
(d) harsh
(a) minor

Question 9.
The lady of the house is scared and is down with fever.
(a) afraid
(b) frightened
(c) confident
(d) timid
(c) confident

Question 10.
This is bound to happen when humans are beings greedy.
(a) generous
(b) self-centered
(c) grabby
(d) miserly
(a) generous

III. Choose the right answer (MCQ):

Question 1.
He was not rich but could take care of his _________
(a) wife
(b) children
(c) mother
(d) family
(d) family

Question 2.
_________ sparrows built a nest in a nice spot in the roof of Ramayyas house.
(a) Four
(b) Five
(c) Two
(d) Three rerca
(c) Two

Samacheer Kalvi 8th English Solutions Term 3 Prose Chapter 1 The Nose-Jewel

Question 3.
The female sparrow said with _________, “Let me see what help you can do for him”.
(a) disdain
(b) contempt
(c) hatred
(d) love
(a) disdain

Question 4.
The bird dropped the _________ stud on the floor.
(a) gold
(b) diamond
(c) silver
(d) metal
(b) diamond

Question 5.
_________ questioned her angrily.
(a) Meenakshi Ammal
(b) Ramayyas wife
(c) Ramayya
(b) Kuppayi
(c) Ramayya

Question 6.
She is verv careless and _________ .
(a) silly
(b) ignorant
(c) innocent
(d) foolish
(b) ignorant

Question 7.
She picked it up with _________
(a) joy
(b) sorrow
(c) delight
(d) disgrace
(c) delight

Samacheer Kalvi 8th English Solutions Term 3 Prose Chapter 1 The Nose-Jewel

Question 8.
The loss of the jewel had to be _________
(a) accepted
(b) announced
(c) told
(d) admitted
(d) admitted

Question 9.
The _________ came and searched her hut.
(a) thief
(b) Ramayya
(c) Meenakshi Ammal
(d) police
(d) police

Question 10.
Ramayya’s wife put the _________ away in her box.
(a) ring
(b) stud
(c) chain
(d) bangle
(b) stud

IV. Very Short Questions and Answers :

Question 1.
Where did Ramayya live?
Ramayya was a simple man who lived in a town.

Question 2.
What did the male-bird find?
The male-bird found a diamond stud in a heap.

Question 3.
What did Ramavva’s wife notice?
Ramayya’s wife noticed the diamond stud, as she was sweeping the floor.

Question 4.
Who was Kuppavi?
Kuppayi was the maid-servant of Meenakshi Ammal.

Question 5.
Did the police find anything?
The police could not find anything

V. Short Questions and Answers

Question 1.
What did the male-bird say to the female-bird about Ramayya’s wife?
The male-bird complained to his wife that Ramayya’s wife always quarreled with his wife.

Question 2.
What was the state of Ramayya, when the police were searching the stud?
Ramayya’s heart was in a flutter. He was frightened that the police would come to his house and search for the stud.

VI. Paragraph Question and Answer

Question 1.
What is the moral of the story ‘The Nose-Jewel’?
The moral of The Nose Jewel Story In English is that ‘we should never be greedy for what belongs to others’. Greediness will cause pain. Mrs. Ramayya found the diamond nose stud when she was sweeping the floor. It didn’t belong to her. But she was delighted to find it and wore it. She did not feel guilty, that she was wearing someone else’s jewel. Her husband warned her not to take it. But she did not pay heed to his words. After some time, she developed a severe fever and was confined to her bed. The couple spent the rest of their life in fear.


Eponymous Words

E. Fill in the blanks with correct Meaning and Eponym for the given words.

Word Meaning Eponym
saxophone A woodwind instrument made of brass and played with a single-reed mouthpiece. Adolphe Sax, a Belgian – born inventor, was the designer of the saxophone.
volcano A rupture in the crust of a planetary-mass object. Vulcan, the god of fire in Roman mythology.
Eiffel Tower It is a wrought-iron lattice tower on the champ de Mars in Paris, France. Gustave Eiffel, an Engineer. His company designed and built the tower.
Boycott At act of voluntary absence from using, buying or dealing with a person or organization. Captain Charles C. Boycott, an Irish land agent.
Mount Everest The world’s highest mountain above sea-level. Sir George Everest the surveyor General of India.

Euphemistic Words

F. Fill in the blanks with correct Euphemisms for the given words.

Deaf, or hard of hearing Hearing-impaired
Mentally ill Intellectually impaired
Fat Big-boned
Blind Visually impaired
liar Spinning a yarn

Grammar Additional

Eponymous Words

An eponym refers to a person or thing after which something else is named. Words whose origin is traced to individuals are known as eponymous words.

A. Fill in the blanks with correct Meaning and Eponym for the given words

Word Meaning Eponym


Word Meaning Eponym
Atlas A book of maps In Greek mythology, Atlas was the God of astronomy. He was forced to support the heavens upon his shoulders.
Braille A writing system which allows blind or visually impaired people to read. Louis Braille (1809-1852) suffered an eye injury as a small child and went blind. He developed his own writing system of raised dots.
Celsius a temperature scale (0°C – 100°C) Anders Celsius (1701-1744), a Swedish professor, developed the idea behind the temperature scale. The Celsius temperature scale was named after him.
Fahrenheit One method of measuring temperature. Gabriel Daniel Fahrenheit (1686-1736) was a German physicist. The Fahrenheit temperature scale was named after him.

Euphemistic Words
Euphemisms are polite, mild phrases which substitute unpleasant ways of saying something sad or uncomfortable.

B. Fill in the blanks with correct Euphemisms for the given words.

Word Euphemisms
Old people
Lunatic asylums


Word Euphemisms
Housewife homemaker
Old people senior citizen
Short vertically challenged
Prison correctional facility
Toilet restroom
Homeless on the street
Lazy couch potato
Lunatic asylums mental institutions

Greetings In Informal Conversations

Practicing Dialogue

C. complete the following dialogue

Amala: Sanjay,_____(i)_____
Sanjay: Hi Amala_____(ii)_____I’m just hanging out. What’s up with you?
Amala: It’s a good day. I’m feeling fine.
Sanjay: How is your sister?
Amala: Oh, fine. Not much has changed.
Sanjay: Well, I have to go _____(iii)_____
Amala: Later!
(i) what’s up
(ii) Nothing much
(iii) Nice seeing you!

Greetings In Formal Conversations

Practicing Dialogue

C. Complete the following dialogue :

Cecily : Good morning.
Prabu : Good morning _____(i)_____
Cecily : I’m very well thank you. And you?
Prabu : _____(ii)_____Thank you for asking.
Cecily : Do you have a meeting this morning?
Prabu : Yes, I do. Do you have a meeting as well?
Cecily: Yes. Well. It was _____(iii)_____
Prabu : Goodbye.
(i) How are you?
(ii) I’m fine
(iii) a pleasure seeing you


G. Listen to the passage carefully and choose the right answer.

“Why Do Birds Sing?”

Why do birds sing? You might assume that birds sing because they are happy. While birds might be happy, they sing in order to communicate. One reason they sing is to stake a claim on the territory. Birds sing to warn other birds to stay off their property. For example, a robin might stake a claim on a piece of land which measures about 200 feet wide by 200 feet long. This amount of land provides enough worms for the robin to feed its family. A bird maintains singing perches around the outside edges of its territory. The perches are high in the trees, so other birds can see and hear them. Birds also sing to find a mate. The length and complexity of the mating song gives information about the fitness of the bird. Healthy birds can sing longer, more complicated songs. Birds call to one another in shorter vocalizations in order to warn of danger and to locate one another. Birds sing instinctively. Young birds learn to perfect their songs by listening to adult birds and interacting with other birds. Birds in a local area might learn variations in the basic song which help them recognize other members of their group.

Question 1.
Why do birds sing?
(A) To locate one another
(B) To warn other birds
(C) To find a mate
(D) All of the above
(D) All of the above

Samacheer Kalvi 8th English Solutions Term 3 Prose Chapter 1 The Nose-Jewel

Question 2.
Birds perch very high so _____?
(A) other birds can hear them
(B) other birds can see them
(C) they can hide there
(D) Both A and B are correct.
(D) Both A and B are correct.

Question 3.
health Of a bird can be determined _____
(A) by the length of its song
(B) by the complexity
(C) by the volume of its Song
(D) Both A and B are correct
(D) Both A and B are correct

Question 4.
Shorter bird vocalizations are _____
(A) territorial songs
(B) mating songs
(C) warnings
(D) None of the above
(C) warnings

Question 5.
Young birds perfect their songs by _____
(A) natural instinct
(B) by the complexity of its song.
(C) practice
(D) Both A and B are correct.
(B) by the complexity of its song.

Question 6.
Fitness is _____
(A) health
(B) danger
(C) a song
(D) a warning.
(A) health

Question 7.
What help does a basic song do?
(A) recognize other members
(B) Maintain health
(C) Increase the length of their song
(D) Communicate with one another.
(A) recognize other members



H. Fill in the form given below.
Samacheer Kalvi 8th English Solutions Term 3 Prose Chapter 1 The Nose-Jewel
Samacheer Kalvi 8th English Solutions Term 3 Prose Chapter 1 The Nose-Jewel
Samacheer Kalvi 8th English Solutions Term 3 Prose Chapter 1 The Nose-Jewel

I. Fill in the form given below.

Samacheer Kalvi 8th English Solutions Term 3 Prose Chapter 1 The Nose-Jewel

Samacheer Kalvi 8th English Solutions Term 3 Prose Chapter 1 The Nose-Jewel


Direct And Indirect Speech

A. Change the following into Indirect Speech:

Question 1.
“What do you want?” he said to her.
He asked her what she wanted.

Question 2.
He said, “How’s your father?”
He enquired how his father was.

Question 3.
“Are you coming home with me?” he asked.
He asked him whether he was coming home with him.

Samacheer Kalvi 8th English Solutions Term 3 Prose Chapter 1 The Nose-Jewel

Question 4.
The poor man exclaimed, “Will none of you help me?”
The poor man asked in despair whether none of them would help him.

Question 5.
“Don’t you know the way home?” asked I.
I asked whether he knew the way home.

B. Change the following into Indirect Speech


Question 1.
“Bring me a glass of milk,” said the swami to the villagers.
The swami commanded the villages to bring him a glass of milk.

Question 2.
Sit down, boys,” said the teacher.
The teacher ordered the boys to sit down.

Question 3.
“Halt!” shouted the officer to his men.
The officer shouted to his men to halt.

Question 4.
“Take off your hat,” the king said to the Hatter.
The king ordered the Hatter to take off his hat.

Question 5.
The teacher said to him, “Do not read so fast.”
The teacher commanded him not to read very fast.

Question 6.
He said to me, “Wait until I come.”
He urged me to wait until he came.

Question 7.
“Hurry up,” he said to his servant, “do not waste time.”
He ordered his servant to hurry up and not to waste time.

Question 8.
“Runaway, children,” said their mother.
Their mother urged the children to run away.

Question 9.
He said, “Daughter, take my golden jug, and fetch me some water from the Well.”
He requested his daughter to take his golden jug and fetch him some water from the well.

Samacheer Kalvi 8th English Solutions Term 3 Prose Chapter 1 The Nose-Jewel

Question 10.
“Go down to the bazaar. Bring me some oil and a lump of ice,” ordered his master.
His master ordered him to go down to the bazaar and bring him some oil and a lump of ice.

C. Change the following into Indirect Speech :

Question 1.
He said, “My God! I am ruined.”
He exclaimed sadly that he was ruined.

Question 2.
He said, “Alas! our foes are too strong.”
He exclaimed sorrowfully that their foes were too strong.

Question 3.
“How smart you are!” she said.
She exclaimed that he was very smart.

Question 4.
He said. “Oh ! that’s a nuisance.”
He exclaimed with disgust that it was a nuisance.

Question 5.
He said, “What a pity you did not come!”
He exclaimed with sorrow that he did not come.

D. What were the actual words used in each instance below? The sentences containing the actual words are listed afterwards in the wrong order. Write them out in the same order as the others.

  1. Punitha asked Pushpa what she was reading.
  2. Pushpa told her that he was reading Robinson Crusoe.
  3. Punitha asked her what it was all about.
  4. Pushpa said it was about a man wrecked on an island.
  5. Punitha then asked her friend who gave her the book.
  6. Pushpa answered that her uncle gave it to her at Christmas.
  7. Finally, Punitha inquired if she could borrow it.
  8. Pushpa replied that she would certainly lend it to her.

(a) “May I borrow it?” inquired Punitha.
(b) “What are you reading, Pushpa?” asked Punitha.
(c) “It is about a man wrecked on an island,” Pushpa said.
(d) “Of course I will lend it to you,” replied Pushpa.
(e) “Uncle gave it to me at Christmas,’ answered Pushpa.
(f) “What is it all about?” Punitha asked.
(g) “I am reading Robinson Crusoe, Pushpa told her.
(h) “Who gave you the book, Pushpa?” Punitha then asked.
(b) “What are you reading, Pushpa?” asked Punitha.
(g) “I am reading Robinson Crusoe”, Pushpa told her.
(f) “What is it all about?” Punitha asked.
(c) “It is about a man wrecked on an island,” Pushpa said.
(h) “Who gave you the book, Pushpa?” Punitha then asked.
(e) “Uncle gave it to me at Christmas,’ answered Pushpa.
(a) “May I borrow it?” inquired Punitha.
(d) “Of course I will lend it to you,” replied Pushpa.

E. Change the following into Direct Speech :

Question 1.
Nevin asked his father when the next letter would come.
Nevin asked his father, “When will the next letter come?”

Question 2.
I wrote that I would visit him the next day.
I wrote, “I will visit you tomorrow”.

Question 3.
I told them to be quiet.
I said to them, “Be quiet”.

Question 4.
Lakshan asked me if I had anything to say.
He asked me, “Do you have anything to say”.

Samacheer Kalvi 8th English Solutions Term 3 Prose Chapter 1 The Nose-Jewel

Question 5.
An old mouse asked who would bell the cat.
An old mouse asked, “Who will bell the cat?”

Question 6.
Mervin said that he wanted to be a soldier.
Mervin said, “I want to be a soldier”.

Question 7.
Elwin asked me what I wanted.
He asked me, “What do you want?”

Question 8.
Bhagya said that she had seen that picture.
Bhagya said, “I have seen this picture”.

Question 9.
The stranger asked Nasrin where she lived.
The stranger asked Nasrin, “Where do you live?”

Question 10.
I asked Mary if she would lend me a pencil.
I asked Mary, “Will you lend me a pencil?”.

F. Sherlyn receives a postcard from her friend Pushpa who is holidaying in Sri Lanka. She calls her friend Galen and tells him what Pushpa has written. Help her by filling in the blanks, using reported speech.

Samacheer Kalvi 8th English Solutions Term 3 Prose Chapter 1 The Nose-Jewel
Hello, Galen Today I received a postcard from Pushpa. Remember I had told you that She has gone to Sri Lanka on a holiday? Well, she has written from Colombo. She has written that she had visited Pinnawala Elephant Orphanage. It had 84 elephants. She said that it is the biggest herd of elephants in the world that is living under human supervision. She also added that she was glad that they had come there because she was learning a lot. The Elephant Orphanage was truly worth visiting. She said that next day, they are going to the national park. She would be returning next week and added that she was looking forward to meeting me then.

G. Convert the following into indirect speech.

a. Sharun said to me, ‘Are you coming to school tomorrow?’
Sharun asked me if I am coming to school, the next day.

b. “We must visit the historical buildings of Delhi since we are here,’ said Ashok.
Ashok said that they had to visit the historical building of Delhi since they were there.

c. ‘Have you read The Wind in the Willows?’ asked Amutha.
run Amutha asked whether he had read ‘The Wind in the Willows’.

d. Teacher said to us, ‘You must conduct the experiment very carefully.’
The teacher told us that we had to conduct the experiment very carefully.

Samacheer Kalvi 8th English Solutions Term 3 Prose Chapter 1 The Nose-Jewel

e. ‘Wow! That is great news!’ said Tejeswar.
Tejaswar exclaimed happily that it was great news.

The Nose-Jewel Grammar Additional

Direct And Indirect Speech

A. Change the following into indirect speech :

Question 1.
Ramu says, “I am busy”.
Ramu says that he is busy.

Question 2.
Suresh said, “I like dancing”.
Suresh said that he liked dancing.

Samacheer Kalvi 8th English Solutions Term 3 Prose Chapter 1 The Nose-Jewel

Question 3.
He said, “I am going to the cinema”.
He said that he was going to the cinema.

Question 4.
Ravi said, “I have bought a cycle”.
Ravi said that he had bought a cycle.

Question 5.
Ram said, “Visu came at night”.
Ram said that Visu had come at night. I

Question 6.
He said, “Honesty is the best policy”.
He said that honesty is the best policy.

Question 7.
She said, “I have done my homework”.
She said that she had done her homework.

Question 8.
He says, “I am happy”.
He says that he is happy.

Question 9.
The teacher said, “Hari will definitely pass”.
The teacher said that Hari would definitely pass.

Question 10.
Raju said, “I shall be here this evening”.
Raju said that he would be there that evening.

B. Change the following into direct speech :

Question 1.
The teacher ordered the boys to leave that place.
The teacher said to the boys, “Leave this place”.

Question 2.
I requested him to give me a glass of water.
I said to him, “Please give me a glass of water”.

Samacheer Kalvi 8th English Solutions Term 3 Prose Chapter 1 The Nose-Jewel

Question 3.
The captain ordered the soldiers to stand at ease.
The captain said, “Stand at ease”.

Question 4.
My brother said that he might go to Kolkata.
My brother said, “I may go to Kolkata”.

Question 5.
He said that the earth moves around the sun.
He said, “The earth moves around the sun”.

Question 6.
Ravi asked Ganesh when he was going to the library.
Ravi said to Ganesh, “When are you going to the library?”

Question 7.
The policeman ordered the boy to show him his licence.
The policeman said to the boy, “Show me your licence”.

Question 8.
She told him that she was going to the market then.
She said to him, “I am going to the market now”.

Question 9.
He said that he was buying a cell phone that day.
He said, “I am buying a cell phone today”.

Question 10.
He asked who I was.
He said, “Who are you?”


What are the life lessons that you can learn from the birds? Match the birds with the characters given in the box and fill in the blanks.

Samacheer Kalvi 8th English Solutions Term 3 Prose Chapter 1 The Nose-Jewel
Samacheer Kalvi 8th English Solutions Term 3 Prose Chapter 1 The Nose-Jewel

Samacheer Kalvi 8th English Solutions Term 3 Prose Chapter 1 The Nose-Jewel

The Nose Jewel Summary By C Rajagopalachari

Ramayya was a simple man, who lived in a town. His house was made of tiled roots He lived with ‘made his wife. He was not rich. But take good care of his family. On the roof of his house, two sparrows built a nest. The mother-bird laid her eggs in it. The male-bird wanted to help Ramavya, as he noticed Ramayyas wife always quarreling with him. But the female bird advised her male bird not to bother about others. But to mind their own business.

One day, the male-bird found a diamond nose-jewel in a heap. When he showed it to his wife, she replied that it was of no use to her. So she asked him to find some food for the young ones. The bird dropped the diamond stud on the floor and went out in search of food.

Ramayyas wife noticed the jewel as she was sweeping the floor. She picked it with delight and wore it. Her husband shouted at her and told her that they should go and deliver it to the magistrate. But his wife wouldn’t want to part with it.

This nose-stud belonged to their neighbour, Meenakshi Ammal’s daughter. She forgot and left it in the bathroom. Kuppayi, their servant woman would have swept it out. Meenakshi Ammal consoled her daughter. She also advised her not to inform her father Ramanathan about the lost stud. He would become very angry. But her husband Ramanathan and the whole village knew about it. The maidservant was suspected to have stolen it. The police came and searched for her hut. But they could not find it.

Ramayyas wife put the stud away in her box. She soon developed a severe fever and was always in her bed. The two birds witnessed all this and thought that “we should never be greedy for what belongs to others.” Ramayya and his wife spent the rest of their lives in fear of being caught.

Samacheer Kalvi 8th Maths Solutions Term 2 Chapter 3 Geometry Ex 3.3

Students can Download Maths Chapter 3 Geometry Ex 3.3 Questions and Answers, Notes Pdf, Samacheer Kalvi 8th Maths Book Solutions Guide Pdf helps you to revise the complete Tamilnadu State Board New Syllabus and score more marks in your examinations.

Tamilnadu Samacheer Kalvi 8th Maths Solutions Term 2 Chapter 3 Geometry Ex 3.3

Question I.
Construct the following trapeziums with the given measures and also find their area.

Question 1.
AIMS with \(\overline { AI } \) ∥ \(\overline { SM } \), AI = 6 cm, IM = 5 cm, AM = 9 cm and MS 6.5 cm.
Samacheer Kalvi 8th Maths Solutions Term 2 Chapter 3.3 1
AI = 6cm
IM = 5cm
AM = 9cm, and \(\overline { AI } \) ∥ \(\overline { SM } \)
MS = 6.5 cm
Samacheer Kalvi 8th Maths Solutions Term 2 Chapter 3.3 2

  1. Draw a line segment AI = 6cm.
  2. With A and I as centres, draw arcs of radii 9 cm and 5 cm respectively and let them cut at M
  3. Join AM and IM.
  4. Draw MX parallel to AI
  5. With M as centre, draw an arc of radius 6.5 cm cutting MX at S.
  6. Join AS AIMS is the required trapezium.

Calculation of Area:
Area of the trapezium AIMS = \(\frac{1}{2}\) x h x (a + b) sq.units
= \(\frac{1}{2}\) x 4.6 x (6 + 6.5) = \(\frac{1}{2}\) x 4.6 x 12.5
= 28.75

Samacheer Kalvi 8th Maths Solutions Term 2 Chapter 3 Geometry Ex 3.3

Question 2.
BIKE with \(\overline { BI } \) ∥ \(\overline { EK } \), BI = 4 cm, IK = 3.5 cm, BK = 6 cm and BE = 3.5 cm
Samacheer Kalvi 8th Maths Solutions Term 2 Chapter 3.3 3
In the trapezium BIKE,
BI = 4 cm
IK = 3.5 cm
BK = 6 cm
BE = 3.5 cm and \(\overline { BI } \) ∥ \(\overline { EK } \)
Samacheer Kalvi 8th Maths Solutions Term 2 Chapter 3.3 4

  1. Draw a line segment BI = 4 cm.
  2. With B and I as centres, draw arcs of radii 6 cm and 3.5 cm respectively and let them cut at K.
  3. Join BK and IK
  4. Draw KX parallel to BI
  5. With B as centre, draw an arc of radius 3.5 cm.cutting KX at E
  6. Join BE. BIKE is the required trapezium.

Calculation of area:
Area of the trapezium BIKE = \(\frac{1}{2}\) x h x (a + b) sq. units = \(\frac{1}{2}\) x 3.5 x (4 + 4.2)
= \(\frac{1}{2}\) x 3.5 x 8.2 = 14.35

Question 3.
CUTE with \(\overline { CD } \) ∥ \(\overline { ET } \), CU = 7 cm, ∠UCE = 80°, CE = 6 cm and TE = 5 cm.
Samacheer Kalvi 8th Maths Solutions Term 2 Chapter 3.3 5
In the trapezium CUTE,
CU = 7 cm, ∠UCE = 80°,
CE = 6 cm, TE = 5 cm and \(\overline { CD } \) ∥ \(\overline { ET } \)
Samacheer Kalvi 8th Maths Solutions Term 2 Chapter 3.3 6

  1. Draw a line segment CU = 7 cm.
  2. Construct an angle ∠UCE = 80° at C
  3. With C as centre, draw an arc of radius 6 cm cutting CY at E
  4. Draw EX parallel to CU
  5. With E as centre, draw an arc of radius 5 cm cutting EX at T
  6. 6. Join UT. CUTE is the required trapezium.

Calculation of area:
Area of the trapezium CUTE = \(\frac{1}{2}\) x h x (a + b) sq. units = \(\frac{1}{2}\) x 5.9 x (7 + 5) sq. units
= 35.4 –

Question 4.
DUTY with \(\overline { DU } \) ∥ \(\overline { YT } \), DU = 8 cm, ∠DUT = 60°, UT = 6 cm and TY = 5 cm.
Samacheer Kalvi 8th Maths Solutions Term 2 Chapter 3.3 7
In the trapezium DUTY
DU = 8 cm, ∠DUT = 60°,
UT = 6 cm, TY = 5 cm and \(\overline { DU } \) ∥ \(\overline { YT } \)
Samacheer Kalvi 8th Maths Solutions Term 2 Chapter 3.3 8

  1. Draw a line segment DU = 8 cm.
  2. Construct an angle ∠DUT = 60° at U
  3. With U as centre, draw an arc of radius 6 cm cutting UA at T.
  4. Draw TX parallel to DU
  5. With T as centre, draw an arc of radius 5 cm cutting TX at Y
  6. Join DE. DUTY is the required trapezium.

Calculation of area:
Area of the trapezium DUT Y = \(\frac{1}{2}\) x h x (a + b) sq. units= \(\frac{1}{2}\) x 5.2 x (8 + 5) sq. units = \(\frac{1}{2}\) x 5.2 x 13
= 33.8 ,

Samacheer Kalvi 8th Maths Solutions Term 2 Chapter 3 Geometry Ex 3.3

Question 5.
ARMY with \(\overline { AR } \) ∥ \(\overline { YM } \), AR = 7 cm, RM = 6.5 cm ∠RAY = 100° and ∠ARM = 60° 5
Samacheer Kalvi 8th Maths Solutions Term 2 Chapter 3.3 9
In the trapezium ARMY
AR = 7 cm, RM = 6.5 cm,
∠RAY = 100° and ARM = 60°, \(\overline { AR } \) ∥ \(\overline { YM } \)
Samacheer Kalvi 8th Maths Solutions Term 2 Chapter 3.3 10

  1. Draw a line segment AR = 7 cm.
  2. Construct an angle ∠RAX = 100° at A
  3. Construct an angle ∠ARN = 60° at R
  4. With R as centre, draw an arc of radius 6.5 cm cutting RN at M
  5. Draw MY parallel to AR
  6. ARMY is the required trapezium.

Calculation of area:
Area of the trapezium ARMY = \(\frac{1}{2}\) x h x (a + b) sq. units = \(\frac{1}{2}\) x 5.6 x (7 + 4.8) sq. units
= \(\frac{1}{2}\) x 5.6 x 11.8 = 33.04

Question 6.
BELT with \(\overline { BE } \) ∥ \(\overline { TL } \), BT = 7 cm ∠EBT = 85° and ∠BEL = 110°
Samacheer Kalvi 8th Maths Solutions Term 2 Chapter 3.3 11
In the trapezium BELT
BE = 10 cm, BT = 7cm,
∠EBT = 85°, ∠BEL = 110° and \(\overline { BE } \) ∥ \(\overline { TL } \)
Samacheer Kalvi 8th Maths Solutions Term 2 Chapter 3.3 12

  1. Draw a line segment BE = 10 cm.
  2. Construct two angles ∠TBE = 85° and ∠BEL =110° respectively at the points B and E.
  3. With B as centre, draw an arc of radius 7 cm cutting BX at T.
  4. Draw TL ∥ BE
  5. BELT is the required trapezium

Question 7.
CITY with \(\overline { CI } \) ∥ \(\overline { YT } \) Cl = 7 cm, IT = 5.5 cm, TY = 4 cm and YC = 6 cm.
Samacheer Kalvi 8th Maths Solutions Term 2 Chapter 3.3 13
In the trapezium CITY,
Cl = 7 cm
IT = 5.5 cm
TY = 4 cm
YC = 6 cm, and \(\overline { CI } \) ∥ \(\overline { YT } \)
Samacheer Kalvi 8th Maths Solutions Term 2 Chapter 3.3 14

  1. Draw a line segment Cl = 7 cm.
  2. Mark a point D on Cl such that CD = 4cm
  3. With D and I as centres, draw arcs of radii 6 cm and 5.5 cm respectively. Let them cut at T. Join DT and IT.
  4. With C as centre, draw an arc of radius 6 cm.
  5. Draw TY parallel to CL Let the line cut the previous arc at Y.
  6. Join CY. CITY is the required trapezium.

Calculation of area:
Area of the trapezium CITY = \(\frac{1}{2}\) x h x (a + b) sq. units
= \(\frac{1}{2}\) x 5.5 x (7 + 4) sq. units = \(\frac{1}{2}\) x 5.5 x 11
= 30.25

Samacheer Kalvi 8th Maths Solutions Term 2 Chapter 3 Geometry Ex 3.3

Question 8.
DICE with \(\overline { DI } \) ∥ \(\overline { EC } \), DI = 6 cm, IC = ED = 5 cm and CE = 3 cm. Solution:
Samacheer Kalvi 8th Maths Solutions Term 2 Chapter 3.3 15
In the trapezium DICE,
DI = 6 cm
IC = ED = 5 cm
CE = 3 cm and \(\overline { DI } \) ∥ \(\overline { EC } \)
Samacheer Kalvi 8th Maths Solutions Term 2 Chapter 3.3 111

  1. Draw a line segment DI = 6 cm.
  2. Mark a point M on DI such that DM = 3cm
  3. With D and I as centres, draw arcs of radii 5 cm each Let them cut at C. Join MC and IC.
  4. Draw CX parallel to DI
  5. With D as centre, draw an arc of radius 5 cm. Let it cut CX at E
  6. Join DE. DICE is the required trapezium.

Calculation of area:
Area of the trapezium DICE = \(\frac{1}{2}\) x h x (a + b) sq. units = \(\frac{1}{2}\) x 3.8 x (6 + 3) sq. units
= \(\frac{1}{2}\) x 3.8 x 9 = 17.1 sq. cm

Samacheer Kalvi 8th Maths Solutions Term 3 Chapter 5 Information Processing Additional Questions

Students can Download Maths Chapter 5 Information Processing Additional Questions and Answers, Notes Pdf, Samacheer Kalvi 8th Maths Book Solutions Guide Pdf helps you to revise the complete Tamilnadu State Board New Syllabus and score more marks in your examinations.

Tamilnadu Samacheer Kalvi 8th Maths Solutions Term 3 Chapter 5 Information Processing Additional Questions

Question 1.
Which one is the best buy of the following purchases. A pack of 5 soaps for ₹ 180 or 4 soaps for ₹ 128.
From the pack, Cost of 5 soaps = ₹ 180
∴ Cost of 1 soap = \(\frac { 180 }{ 5 } \) = ₹ 36.
Also Cost of 4 soaps = ₹ 128
∴ Cost of 1 soap = \(\frac { 128 }{ 4 } \) = ₹ 32.
∴ Buying the pack of 5 is the best buy.

Samacheer Kalvi 8th Maths Solutions Term 3 Chapter 5 Information Processing Samacheer Kalvi 8th Maths Solutions Term 3 Chapter 5 Information Processing Additional Questions

Samacheer Kalvi 8th Maths Solutions Term 3 Chapter 5 Information Processing Ex 5.2

Students can Download Maths Chapter 5 Information Processing Ex 5.2 Questions and Answers, Notes Pdf, Samacheer Kalvi 8th Maths Book Solutions Guide Pdf helps you to revise the complete Tamilnadu State Board New Syllabus and score more marks in your examinations.

Tamilnadu Samacheer Kalvi 8th Maths Solutions Term 3 Chapter 5 Information Processing Ex 5.2

I. Answer the following Questions

Question 1.
The sizes in MB, for nine computer files are given below. 53 82 61 38 23 41 16 34 42 The files are to be grouped into folders. Each folder may contain a maximum limit of 100 MB.
(a) Determine the minimum number of folders required.
(b) Use the first-fit method to group the files into folders.
(c) Use the first-fit decreasing method to group the files into folders.
(a) Maximum number of folders required

Samacheer Kalvi 8th Maths Solutions Term 3 Chapter 5 Information Processing Ex 5.2
(b) First fit method.
Samacheer Kalvi 8th Maths Solutions Term 3 Chapter 5 Information Processing Ex 5.2 2

(c) First fit decreasing method.
Samacheer Kalvi 8th Maths Solutions Term 3 Chapter 5 Information Processing Ex 5.2 3

Samacheer Kalvi 8th Maths Solutions Term 3 Chapter 5 Information Processing Ex 5.2

Question 2.
A parcel delivery company has 4 motorcycles. Each motorcycle can carry a maximum load of 30kg. The weights of the parcels, (in kg), in the order they are waiting to be delivered are given below.
Samacheer Kalvi 8th Maths Solutions Term 3 Chapter 5 Information Processing Ex 5.2 4
(a) Determine the minimum number of motorcycles required .
(b) Use the first-fit method to show how the parcels could be allocated to the motorcycles.
(c) Use the first-fit decreasing method to show how the parcels could be allocated to the motorcycles.
(a) Minimum number of motorcycles required
Samacheer Kalvi 8th Maths Solutions Term 3 Chapter 5 Information Processing Ex 5.2 5

(b) First fit method :
Samacheer Kalvi 8th Maths Solutions Term 3 Chapter 5 Information Processing Ex 5.2 6

(c) First fit decreasing method :
Samacheer Kalvi 8th Maths Solutions Term 3 Chapter 5 Information Processing Ex 5.2 7

Samacheer Kalvi 8th Maths Solutions Term 3 Chapter 5 Information Processing Ex 5.2

Question 3.
A plumber wishes to cut the following sections from standard size of pipe each of length 6m.
Samacheer Kalvi 8th Maths Solutions Term 3 Chapter 5 Information Processing Ex 5.2 8
Find the
(a) To cut according to the first-fit method calculate the wastage of the pipe length.
(b) To cut according to the first-fit decreasing method calculate the wastage of the pipe length,
(a) First fit method :
Samacheer Kalvi 8th Maths Solutions Term 3 Chapter 5 Information Processing Ex 5.2 9

(b) First fit decreasing method.
Samacheer Kalvi 8th Maths Solutions Term 3 Chapter 5 Information Processing Ex 5.2 10

Samacheer Kalvi 8th Maths Solutions Term 3 Chapter 5 Information Processing Ex 5.1

Students can Download Maths Chapter 5 Information Processing Ex 5.1 Questions and Answers, Notes Pdf, Samacheer Kalvi 8th Maths Book Solutions Guide Pdf helps you to revise the complete Tamilnadu State Board New Syllabus and score more marks in your examinations.

Tamilnadu Samacheer Kalvi 8th Maths Solutions Term 3 Chapter 5 Information Processing Ex 5.1

I. Choose the correct answer:

Question 1.
Online or television advertisements influence on spending decisions by
(a) using special music
(b) making me think I need the item
(c) using attractive pictures
(d) all the above
(d) all the above

Question 2.
When I go shopping, I will buy
(a) something that looks attractive
(b) something my friend has
(c) something that I need to purchase
(d) the first thing I see in the store
(c) something that I need to purchase

Samacheer Kalvi 8th Maths Solutions Term 3 Chapter 5 Information Processing Ex 5.1

Question 3.
The best shopping choice is
(a) always shop at brand name stores
(b) compare the choices before buying
(c) the same thing my friends bought
(d) always buy at a regular shop
(b) compare the choices before buying

II. Say true or false:

Question 1.
Wise consumers take time to compare two or three shops before spending money.

Question 2.
Taking time to analyse advertisements cannot save money when shopping.

Question 3.
One cannot shop on double and triple coupon discounts in available days.

Question 4.
Every time one must make a shopping list and stick on within his/her budget.

Samacheer Kalvi 8th Maths Solutions Term 3 Chapter 5 Information Processing Ex 5.1

III. Find the best buy of the following purchases:

(i) A pack of 5 chocolate bars for ₹ 175 or 3 chocolate bars for ₹ 114?
(ii) Basker buy 1 1/2 dozen of eggs for ₹ 81 and Aruna buy 15 eggs for ₹ 64.5?
Samacheer Kalvi 8th Maths Solutions Term 3 Chapter 5 Information Processing Ex 5.1 1
Best buy is a pack of 5 chocolate bars for ₹ 175.

Samacheer Kalvi 8th Maths Solutions Term 3 Chapter 5 Information Processing Ex 5.1 2
Best buy is 15 eggs for ₹ 64.5

Question 4.
Using the given picture find the total special offer price of fresh sweets and bakery products to buy 1/2 kg laddu, 1 kg cake, 6 pockets of bread.
Samacheer Kalvi 8th Maths Solutions Term 3 Chapter 5 Information Processing Ex 5.1 80

Samacheer Kalvi 8th Maths Solutions Term 3 Chapter 5 Information Processing Ex 5.1
Samacheer Kalvi 8th Maths Solutions Term 3 Chapter 5 Information Processing Ex 5.1 4

Question 5.
Using given picture prepare a price list.
Suppose you plan to buy 1 1/2 kg of apple, 2 kg of pomegranate, 2 kg of banana, 3 kg of mango, 1/2 kg of papaya, 3 kg of onion, 1 1/2 kg of tomato, and 1 kg of carrot in shop 1, how much will you save compared to shop 2.
Samacheer Kalvi 8th Maths Solutions Term 3 Chapter 5 Information Processing Ex 5.1 90
Samacheer Kalvi 8th Maths Solutions Term 3 Chapter 5 Information Processing Ex 5.1 6
Price in shop 2 – Shop 1 = 715 – 675.75 = ₹ 39.25
We can save ₹ 39.25 in shop 1 compared to shop 2.

Samacheer Kalvi 8th Maths Solutions Term 3 Chapter 5 Information Processing Ex 5.1

Question 6.
When you plan to buy a shirt, one shop offers a discount of ₹ 200 on MRP ₹ 1000 and another shop offers 15% discount on the same MRP. Where would you buy?
Price in Ist shop = ₹ 1000 – ₹ 200 = ₹ 800
Samacheer Kalvi 8th Maths Solutions Term 3 Chapter 5 Information Processing Ex 5.1 7

Question 7.
Amazing park is offers a package deal of 5 entrance passes for ₹ 130. If one entrance pass normally costs ₹ 30, how much will you save by taking advantage of this special deal?
Cost of one entrance pass = ₹ 30
∴ Cost of 5 entrance passes = 5 × 30 = ₹ 150
But special deal price = ₹ 130
Amount of saving = 150 – 130 = ₹ 20

Question 8.
Consider that you are going to buy the toys that are given below in the price list. Prepare a comparison price chart table and find where will you get the best offer price and also find how much you save?
Samacheer Kalvi 8th Maths Solutions Term 3 Chapter 5 Information Processing Ex 5.1 8
[The amount to the nearest rupee as ₹ 789.84 is rounded off to ₹ 790]
Samacheer Kalvi 8th Maths Solutions Term 3 Chapter 5 Information Processing Ex 5.1 9
By shopping at Toys & Trades mart we can save ₹ 512 (4328 – 3816) then Golden toys in Toys & Trades mart we get the best price.

Samacheer Kalvi 8th Maths Solutions Term 3 Chapter 5 Information Processing Intext Questions

Students can Download Maths Chapter 5 Information Processing Intext Questions and Answers, Notes Pdf, Samacheer Kalvi 8th Maths Book Solutions Guide Pdf helps you to revise the complete Tamilnadu State Board New Syllabus and score more marks in your examinations.

Tamilnadu Samacheer Kalvi 8th Maths Solutions Term 3 Chapter 5 Information Processing Intext Questions

Exercise 5.1
Activity 1 (Text book Page No. 104)

Question 1.
Consider that you are going to a store with your total budget of ₹ 220 to buy things without changing the quantity of the items given in the list below with the following conditions.
Samacheer Kalvi 8th Maths Solutions Term 3 Chapter 5 Information Processing Intext Questions 1
Conditions :
(i) First you have to complete the price list given.
(ii) You have to buy three items as per the given price list but within your budget ₹ 220.
(iii) You won’t carry exceeding 5kg because you have to walk home carrying them, so they cannot be bulky.

Now, answer the following questions:
1. In how many ways can you buy your items? Complete the price lists given below. One is done for you.
2. Which one is the best purchase price list and why?
Samacheer Kalvi 8th Maths Solutions Term 3 Chapter 5 Information Processing Intext Questions 2
Samacheer Kalvi 8th Maths Solutions Term 3 Chapter 5 Information Processing Intext Questions 14

Samacheer Kalvi 8th Maths Solutions Term 3 Chapter 5 Information Processing Samacheer Kalvi 8th Maths Solutions Term 3 Chapter 5 Information Processing Intext Questions

Try this (Text book Page No. 106)

The teacher divides the class into four groups and setup a mock market in the class room and ask the students to involve in role play as two groups of businessmen and two groups of consumers. Consumers have to buy products at different shops and prepare a price list.

The two supermarkets in which the two groups buy are Star Food Mart and Super Provisions. Th is week they each have got a special deal on some products. At Star Food Mart, you can buy items at discount prices. At Super Provisions, there are some “BUY ONE GET ONE” deals. Flave a look at their deal:
Samacheer Kalvi 8th Maths Solutions Term 3 Chapter 5 Information Processing Intext Questions 4
Now, answer the following questions.

I. Here is your shopping list:
4 bottles of Protein Milk (200 ml size), 2 packets of Peanut candies(200 gm), 1 packet of Chocolate biscuits and 1 packet of Badam nuts (500 gm)
(i) If you buy all the items in one shop, where will you get the best price?
(ii) If you buy the items from different shops, how will you do it to spend the least amount of money?

Samacheer Kalvi 8th Maths Solutions Term 3 Chapter 5 Information Processing Samacheer Kalvi 8th Maths Solutions Term 3 Chapter 5 Information Processing Intext Questions

II. You have ₹ 1000/- to spend to buy the following shopping list:
6 bottles of Protein Milk (200 ml size), 3 packets of Peanut candies (200 gm), 3 packets of Chocolate biscuits and 1 packet of Badam nuts (250 gm).

(i) How can you do this so that you don’t go over your budget amount ₹ 1000?
(ii) Which shop offers you the best value for money on each item?
(iii) Is the “BUY ONE GET ONE” deal at Super Provisions the same as “50% off’ deal?
Prices of Star Food Mart.
Samacheer Kalvi 8th Maths Solutions Term 3 Chapter 5 Information Processing Intext Questions 5
Samacheer Kalvi 8th Maths Solutions Term 3 Chapter 5 Information Processing Intext Questions 6
(i) In star Food Mart
(ii) Badam nuts from super provisions and other items from Star Food Mart.

II. Comparing two stores.
Samacheer Kalvi 8th Maths Solutions Term 3 Chapter 5 Information Processing Intext Questions 13
(i) We can buy them from any one shop.
(ii) Star Food Mart.
(iii) Yes

Samacheer Kalvi 8th Maths Solutions Term 3 Chapter 5 Information Processing Samacheer Kalvi 8th Maths Solutions Term 3 Chapter 5 Information Processing Intext Questions

Exercise 5.2
Try this (Text book Page No. 117)

Question 1.
If Kumaran cut the woods using first fit method then find the wastage pieces.
Samacheer Kalvi 8th Maths Solutions Term 3 Chapter 5 Information Processing Intext Questions 8
Waste pieces = 2 feet + 4 feet + 2 feet = 8 feet

Samacheer Kalvi 8th Maths Solutions Term 3 Chapter 5 Information Processing Samacheer Kalvi 8th Maths Solutions Term 3 Chapter 5 Information Processing Intext Questions

Activity 1 (Text book Page No. 117)

Question 1.
Seva Sangam has decided to deliver some aids to flood victims via lorries with a maximum capacity of 5000kg. All of these items that are given below are to be packed and sent in the lorry.
Samacheer Kalvi 8th Maths Solutions Term 3 Chapter 5 Information Processing Intext Questions 9
Samacheer Kalvi 8th Maths Solutions Term 3 Chapter 5 Information Processing Intext Questions 12
Samacheer Kalvi 8th Maths Solutions Term 3 Chapter 5 Information Processing Intext Questions 11