Students can Download Samacheer Kalvi 12th English Different Grammatical Functions, Notes, Samacheer Kalvi 12th English Book Solutions Guide Pdf helps you to revise the complete Tamilnadu State Board New Syllabus and score more marks in your examinations. Get a Practical Study with the help of Samacheer Kalvi 12th English Grammar to make learning language much easy for you and score good grades in exams.
Tamilnadu Samacheer Kalvi 12th English Different Grammatical Functions
Use the given word as an adjective/a noun/a verb/ a preposition/ an adverb in sentences of your own.
Question 1.
Use the word ‘well’ as a noun, verb and an adjective in your own sentences.
- There is an unused well behind my house, (noun)
- Tears welled up in her eyes on hearing her father’s death, (verb)
- Sangeetha is well qualified for the Professor post, (adj)
Question 2.
Use the word ‘tear’ as a noun, verb, adjective and adverb in your own sentences.
- Don’t shed tears over loss of money, (noun)
- Don’t tear the paper, (verb)
- He was given a tearful farewell, (adj)
- Sheetal tearfully left the house, (adverb)
Question 3.
Use the word ‘like’ as a noun, verb, adjective and preposition in your own sentences.
- Great gurus are above likes and dislikes, (noun)
- You need to carry out your duties whether you like it or not. (verb)
- You must befriend like-minded persons, (adj)
- Rohit looks like his uncle, (preposition)
- She looked like she was about to scream. (Conj)
Question 4.
Use the word “equal” as a noun, adjective, verb and adverb in your own sentences.
- Sara treated Tarun and Kavin as equals, (noun)
- Father gave equal share of his property to his sons and daughters, (adj)
- One plus one equals two. (verb)
- We decided to divide the amount equally, (adverb)
Question 5.
Use the word “fine” as an adjective, a noun and a verb.
- She wore a fine dress which caught everyone’s eyes, (adj)
- Rohan was asked to pay fine for skipping the red signal, (noun)
- I was fined for over-speeding, (verb)
Question 6.
Use the word “after” as an adverb, a preposition and conjunction.
- Jill came tumbling after, (adv)
- He returned after the accident, (prep)
- After Margeret finished her studies, she returned to India, (conjunction)
Question 7.
Use the word “fast” as a noun, an adjective and adverb.
- He didn’t take anything during the fast, (noun)
- I missed the fast train, (adj )
- She speaks fast, (adv)
Question 8.
Use the word “each” as an adjective and a pronoun.
- Each day brings its opportunity, (adj)
- I received a rupee from each, (pronoun)
Question 9.
Use the word “as” as an adverb and a conjunction.
- We ran as fast as we could, (adv)
- As he was late, we went without him. (conj)
Question 10.
Use the word “wrong” as an adjective, adverb and a noun.
- You have taken the wrong road, (adj)
- Hari was wrongly arrested, (adv)
- We must differentiate the right and wrong, (noun)
Question 11.
Use the word ‘love’ as a verb and as a noun in sentences of your own.
- I love my neighbours. (Verb)
- God is love. (Noun)
Question 12.
Use the word ‘ act’ as a verb and as a noun in sentences of your own.
- He seemed to be sincere but it could be an act. (Noun)
- He acted wisely. (Verb)
Question 13.
Use the word ‘ hope’ as a verb and as a noun in sentences of your own.
- I just hope 1 reach on time. (Verb)
- There was still a hope for the friendship to be understood. (Noun)
Question 14.
Use the word ‘angry’ as an adjective and as a noun in sentences of your own.
- He was angry. (Adj) The angry bird is rather a game.
- His anger needs to be controlled. (Noun)
Question 15.
Use the word ‘religious’ as an adjective and as a noun in sentences of your own.
- I am a religious person. (Adj)
- My religion is Christianity. (Noun)
Question 16.
Use the word ‘doctor’ as a verb and as a noun in sentences of your own.
- Experts suspected that the company’s report had been doctored. (Verb)
- The doctor can be seen in his clinic in the evenings. (Noun)
Question 17.
Use the word ‘water’ as a verb and as a noun in sentences of your own.
- Water the plants. (Verb)
- I should drink juice now. (Noun)
Question 18.
Use the word ‘up’ as a preposition and as an adverb in sentences of your own.
- They are travelling up the elevator. (Prep)
- I stood up. (Adverb)
Question 19.
Use the word ‘dare’ as a verb and as an adjective in sentences of your own.
- Some snakes are not poisonous but I dare you to hold it in your hand. (Verb)
- He was always known as a dare devil. (Adj)
Question 20.
Use the word ‘file’ as a noun and as a verb in sentences of your own.
- The file is missing. (Noun)
- I need to file all the papers. (Verb)
Question 21.
Use the word ‘long’ as an adjectiveand as a noun in sentences of your ow n.
- It was a long speech. (Adj)
- It didn’t take long to reach there. (Noun) .
Question 22.
Use the word ‘care’ as a verb and as a noun in sentences of your own.
- We don’t care what happens. (Verb)
- The care of my children is my first priority. (Noun)
Question 23.
Use the word ‘walk’ as a verb and as a noun in sentences of your own.
- I go for a walk in the evenings. (Noun)
- We walk every Sunday on beach. (Verb)
Question 24.
Use the word ‘beauty’ as an adjective and as a noun in sentences of your own.
- Sunitha is a beauty queen. (Adj)
- Her beauty is stunning. (Noun)
Question 25.
Use the word ‘money’ as an adjective and as a noun in sentences of your own.
- Ram is a moneyed person. (Adj)
- He has a lot of money. (Noun)