You can Download Samacheer Kalvi 10th English Book Solutions Guide Pdf, Tamilnadu State Board help you to revise the complete Syllabus and score more marks in your examinations.
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Tamilnadu Samacheer Kalvi 10th English Vocabulary Confusables & Homophones
Homophones are one of the groups of words pronounced alike but differ in meaning and spelling or both. (e.g.) carat,
carrot; week, weak and hear, here.
Rewrite the following sentences by using the correct homophones for the underlined words:
Question 1.
He did not here any foot steps.
He did not hear any foot steps.
Question 2.
Gita met her old classmate on her weigh to the ATM.
Gita met her teacher on her wav to the ATM.
Question 3.
Ice cream with brownie was served as desert.
Ice cream was served as dessert.
Question 4.
The old lady took wrest for an hour.
The old lady took rest for an hour.
Question 5.
Tirupathi is a grate pilgrim spot.
Tirupathi is a great pilgrim spot.
Question 6.
Never pause unhealthy comments.
Never pass unhealthy comments.
Question 7.
My mom wood be pleased to help you during this festival time.
My mom would be pleased to help you during this festival time.
Question 8.
You are not aloud inside the room.
You are not allowed inside the room.
Question 9.
There was a cheque dam in Holland.
There was a check dam in Holland.
Question 10.
If Himalayan eves disappear, few states will suffer.
If Himalayan ice disappears, few states will suffer.
Question 11.
Her shoes are two small.
Her shoes are too small.
Question 12.
Time may heel some wounds.
Time may heal some wounds.
Question 13.
Mom advised me to prey regularly.
Mom advised me to pray regularly.
Question 14.
Don’t loose your temper.
Don’t lose your temper.
Question 15.
Some believe, “Mite is right”.
Some believe, “Might is right”.
Question 16.
She new the way to the supermarket.
She knew the way to the supermarket.
Question 17.
King Solomon was always faring in his judgment.
King Solomon was always fair in his judgment.
Question 18.
Marina beach is the longest in Asia.
Marina beach is the longest in Asia.
Question 19.
An engineer was arrested who had hordes of 2000 rupee notes.
An engineer was arrested who had hoards of 2000 rupee notes.
Question 20.
The due seated on the top of a grass sparkled like a diamond.
The dew seated on the top of a grass sparkled like a diamond.
Fill in with the right confusable to make a meaningful sentence
1. ……………………………. is a big clock, (ours/hours)
2. The colour of your ……………………………. is black, (hare/hair)
3. Gold is measured in ……………………………. (carrot/carat)
4. I sent a ……………………………. to my friend, (mail/male)
5. The ……………………………. seated on the top of the flowers and made the flower look more beatiful. (due/dew)
6. Sparrows were ……………………………. here long ago. (scene/seen)
7. Give me a ……………………………. when you reach home, (wring/ring)
8. How the youngest bird flies across the ……………………………. is a puzzle! (see/sea)
9. Last ……………………………. he did not attend school since he was ……………………………. (weak/week)
10. Those who are ……………………………. of their ……………………………. dare not do mistakes.(conscience/conscious)
11. Nivedha’s ……………………………. son ……………………………. himself to the new environment, (adapted/adopted)
12. The book which has been ……………………………. for the BA class has been ……………………………. for containing some
marks against a particular religion, (proscribed/prescribed)
13. Tommy was walking around the forest with his ……………………………. feet when he was attacked by the ……………………………. (bear/bare).
14. In the story, St.Michael, a ……………………………. was seated in a ……………………………. (ferry/fairy).
15. I wanted to buy a ……………………………. of bangles but I ended buying ……………………………. (pair/pears)
16. Every ……………………………. my grandmother would tell be a story about a ……………………………. to help me grow courageous, (knight/night)
17. We had to ……………………………. patiently, in spite of carrying a heavy ……………………………. (weight/wait)
18. The ……………………………. of the ……………………………. is always soft and silky, (hare/hair)
19. When teaching my son how to drive, I told him if he didn’t hit the ……………………………. in time he would ……………………………. the car’s side mirror, (break/brake)
20. If you ……………………………. drugs, you will get arrested and end up in a prison ……………………………. (cell/sell)
21. Karthik won’t spend one ……………………………. on a bottle of perfume until he knows that he loves the ……………………………. (sent/scent/cent)
22. If you accidentally drink a bottle of fabric ……………………………. you might ……………………………. (die/dye)
23. To bake a ……………………………. shaped cake, you’ll need some all-purpose ……………………………. (flour/flower)
24. If the ……………………………. breaks on your sandal, you might fall. However, your injuries will ……………………………. in a week’s time, (heal/heel)
25. I wanted to sit ……………………………. so I could ……………………………. the mimicry performance without any distractions, (hear/here)
1. ours
2. hair
3. carat
4. nail
5. dew
6. seen
7. ring
8. sea
9. week/weak
10. conscious/conscience
11. adopted/adapted
12. prescribed/proscribed
13. bare/bear
14. fairy/ferry
15. pair/pears
16. knight/night
17. wait/weight
18. hair/hare
19. brake/break
20. sell/cell
21. cent/scent
22. dye/die
23. flower/flour
24. heel/heal
25. here/hear