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Tamilnadu Samacheer Kalvi 9th English Unknown Poem Paraphrase
Read the poem given below and complete its paraphrase with suitable phrases in the given blanks :
1. I love to rise in a summer mom,
When the birds sing on every tree;
The distant huntsman winds his home,
And the sky-lark sings with me.
O! what sweet company!
But to go to school in a summer mom,
O!’ it drives all joy away;
Under a cruel eye outworn
The little ones spend the day,
In sighing and dismay.
– William Blake
I like to wake up on a …………..(i)………….. when the birds …………..(ii)………….. The distant …………..(iii)………….. has already gone on his hunting. The skylark sings happily. Everything is happy around me. The thought of going to …………..(iv)………….. drives all joy away. The children spend their time …………..(v)………….. in the classroom, supervises by an old teacher. They are dismayed at the instructions that do not give them joy.
(i) summer morning
(ii) sing on every tree
(iii) huntsman
(iv) school in a summer morning
(v) in sighing and dismay
2. Little drops of water
Little grains of sand
Make the mighty ocean
And the pleasant land
Little deeds of kindness,
Little words of love,
Make the earth and Eden
Like the heaven above
And the little moments
Humble thoughts they be
Make the mighty ages
of eternity.
Paraphrase :
Little drops …………..(i)………….. make the might ocean …………..(ii)………….. of sand make the pleasant land. Little deeds of …………..(iii)………….. make the earth and even like (iv) The little moments and humble thoughts make the mighty …………..(v)…………..
(i) of water
(ii) Little grains
(iii) Kindness and little words of love
(iv) the haven above
(v) ages of eternity
3. If you can’t be a banyan on
The top of the hill
Be a scrub in the plain but be
The best little scrub by the side of the hill;
Be a bush if you can’t be a tree.
If you can’t be a bush be a bit of the grass,
And some highway you will happier make;
If you can‘t be a lotus then just be a bass
But the liveliest bass in the lake!
The poet tells the readers not to …………..(i)………….. because of their positions in life. Though one can’t be a banyan tree on top of the hill, one can still be the best …………..(ii)………….. One can at least be a …………..(iii)………….. if not a tree. If one can’t be a …………..(iv)………….. one can be grass or a lotus. If one can’t even be a lotus, then one can just be a bass and be the …………..(v)………….. bass in the lake.
(i) be worry
(ii) little scrub by the side of the hill
(iii) bush
(iv) tree
(v) liveliest
4. I took a piece of plastic clay
And idly fashioned it, one day,
And as my fingers pressed it, still
It moved and yielded to my will
I came again when days were passed
That bit of clay was hard at last
The form I gave it, still it bore,
And I could change that form no more.
Paraphrase :
The artist took a piece of …………..(i)………….. He pressed it with …………..(ii)………….. It moved and gave into …………..(iii)………….. Finally, he molded it into a statue and went away. He returned after many days. The clay was now …………..(iv)………….. It still bore the form he had given. But he …………..(v)………….. that form no more.
(i) plastic clay
(ii) his fingers
(iii) his will
(iv) hard
(v) could change