9th Standard English Unit 4 Poem The Spider and the Fly Book Back Answers
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The Spider and the Fly 9th Standard English 4th Lesson Question and Answer
The Spider and the Fly Warm Up:
Samacheer Kalvi 9th English Solutions Poem Chapter 4 The Spider and the Fly
Question 1.
How will you make him or her eat them?
I will explain the nutritious value of these vegetables and how ii helps in maintaining good health.
Question 2.
What are all the flattering or tempting words you might use to convince them?
I will say that if they eat these vegetables, it will make them healthy and smart. I will convince them by explaining that eating vegetables is a good habit and that they will be called obedient and disciplined children if they listen to good advice.
3. Work in pairs and enact that moment in front of your classmates.
The Spider and the Fly Textual Questions
A. Read the following lines from the poem and answer the questions in a sentence or two.
1. “The way into my parlour is up a winding stair,
And I’ve many curious things to show when you are there ”
Question (a).
How to reach the spider’s parlour.
Through a winding stair, you can reach the spider’s parlour.
Question (b).
What will the fly get to see in the parlour?
The fly will get to see many curious things in the parlour.
2. “Oh no, no, ” said the little Fly, “kind Sir, that cannot be,
I’ve heard what s in your pantry, and I do not wish to see! ”
Question (a).
Is the fly willing to enter the spider’s pantry?
No, the fly is not willing to enter the parlour.
Question (b).
Can you guess what was in the pantry?
Only remains of dead flies may be found in the pantry.
3. “Sweet creature! ” said the Spider, “you’re witty and you’re wise,
How handsome are your gauzy wings, how brilliant are your eyes!”
Question (a).
List the words used by the spider to describe the fly.
Handsome, gauzy (wings), brilliant (eyes) are the words the spider used to describe the fly.
Question (b).
Why does the spider say that the fly is witty?
The spider calls the fly witty because the fly is clever to avoid entering the web.
4. The Spider turned him round about, and went into his den,
For well he knew the silly Fly would soon come back again:
Question (a).
Why is the poet using the word ‘den’ to describe the spider’s web?
Wild animals live in their dens. Spider also has its web as its dwelling place. So the poet uses the word ‘den’.
Question (b).
Why was the spider sure that the fly would come back again?
The spider has flattered the fly of its beauty, so he was sure it would come back again.
5. With buzzy wings, she hung aloft, then near and nearer drew,
Thinking only of her brilliant eyes, and green and purple hue-
Question (a).
Who does she refer to? ON)
‘She’ refers to the fly.
Question (b).
What was she thinking of? 0
She was thinking of her beautiful eyes and the colours of her wings.
6. And now dear little children, who may this story read,
To idle, silly flattering words, I pray you never give heed:
Question (a).
Who does ‘I’ refer to?
I refer to the poet.
Question (b).
What is the advice given to the readers?
Never listen to idle, silly flattering words, “is the advice given to the readers”.
Additional Questions
1. “I’m sure you must be weary, dear, with soaring up so high;
Will you rest upon my little bed?” said the spider to the fly.
Question (a).
Why is the fly weary?
The fly is weary because of the fact that it flies high up in the sky.
Question (b).
What does the spider ask the fly?
The spider asks the fly if it will rest on his bed.
2. So he wove a subtle web, in a little corner sly,
And set his table ready to dine upon the fly.
Question (a).
What is meant by subtle?
Subtle means are delicate or faint or mysterious.
Question (b).
Pick out the rhyming words.
The rhyming words are ‘sly’ and ‘fly’.
3. “There are pretty curtains drawn around, the sheets are fine and thin,
And if you like to rest awhile, I’ll snugly tuck you in.”
Question (а).
What do you understand by the term, ‘snugly’?
‘Snugly’ means to be secured or have a feel of comfort.
Question (b)
Mention the figure of speech in the above lines.
Assonance is the figure of speech employed.
For example:
The sound of ‘aw’ in drawn and around.
The vowel sound in snugly and tuck.
4. I have within my pantry good store of all that’s nice;
I’m sure you’re very welcome; will you please to take a slice?”
Question (a).
What is a pantry?
A pantry is a storeroom for foods or wines.
Question (b).
Give the rhyming word for nice.
The rhyming word for nice is ‘slice’.
5. Alas, alas! how very soon this silly little fly,
Hearing his wily flattering words, came slowly flitting by;
Question (a).
Why is the little fly silly?
The little fly is silly because it came back enticed by the spider’s flattering words.
Question (b).
What is ‘wily’?
‘Wily’ is cunning.
B. Complete the summary by filling in the spaces with suitable words.
The poem begins with the spider’s (1) …………………. of the fly. He (2) …………….. to the fly to come into its home. The spider describes his parlor as the (3) …………………. one. The spider kindles the curiosity of the fly so that she may enter his home. Fortunately, the fly was (4) ………………… and refused to get into his home. Now the spider pretends to be a (5) …………………. and asks her to come and rest in his home. He offers her (6) ……………………. and a (7) ………………….. to rest. This time also the fly (8) ………………… the spider’s offer very politely. The next weapon that the spider uses is (9) …………………. The spider praises the (10) ……………….. and (11) …………………. of the fly and also praises her (12) …………………….. He invites her to look at herself in the (13) ………………………. which is in his parlour. The fly is (14) …………….. by the words of the spider and she falls a (15) …………………… to her (16) ………………….
- welcoming
- reaches out
- prettiest
- wise/intelligent
- friend
- sheets
- bed
- declines
- flattery
- wings
- eyes
- crest
- looking-glass
- flattered
- prey
- enticement/invitation
C. Answer the following questions in about 80-100 words.
Question 1.
Write a character sketch of the spider.
This poem takes us through a spider’s ultimately successful attempts at enticing a fly into its web. The spider is cunning in capturing its victim. It ensnares the fly through the use of seduction and flattery. In stanza one, it does its best to trap the fly into its parlour with the promises of pretty things to see. Next, it tries a different tactics, offering the fly a pretty and a comfortable place to sleep, and lovely food. Finally, it tries to flatter the fly by praising its beauty and traps the fly in his den.
Question 2.
What happens if we fall prey to flattery? Give instances from the poem ‘The Spider and the Fly’.
If we fall prey to flattery, we have to face evil consequences, just like the fly who falls prey to the spider’s flattery and seduction. The spider uses different tactics to entice the fly into its web. It invites the fly into its parlour with the promises of pretty things to see. When the fly refuses, it entices him by offering a pretty, comfortable bed and lovely food. When the fly refuses again, finally it flatters the fly for its beautiful appearance. The fly gets flattered and gets trapped in its den. This poem teaches us that we should be cautious against those who use flattery and charm to disguise their true evil intentions.
Question 3.
In your own words, give a detailed description of:
(a) The Spider’s Parlour.
The Spider’s Parlour had winding stairs. It is the prettiest parlour that had ever been seen by the fly. It has been filled with many pretty things, which would arouse the curiosity of the fly. There are also pretty curtains, whose sheets are fine and thin. It had a pretty and comfortable bed.
(b) The Fly’s Appearance
The fly had gauzy wings and brilliant eyes. But the spider flattered it saying that it had pearl and silver wings, green and purple body and its antenna is like a crown on him.
Additional Questions:
1. What are the four ways by which the spider lures the fly?
There are four ways by which the spider lures the fly:
- The spider invites the fly to his home.
- The spider pretends to be concerned over the weary fly and offers his bed.
- He tries to influence the fly to come and have a look into his pantry.
- He compliments the fly’s intelligence, gauzy wings, and bright eyes.
At last, the spider is successful in luring the fly.
Appreciate The Poem
Figures of speech
1. Consonance: Repetition of similar consonant sounds in the neighbouring words.
Ex: “T is the prettiest little parlour that ever you did spy;
Pick out one more instance of consonance from the poem.
Hearing his wily, flattering words, came slowly flitting by;
So he wove a subtle web, in a little corner sly.
2. Assonance: Repetition of similar vowel sounds in the neighbouring words.
Ex: “T is the prettiest little parlour that ever you did spy;
Pick out one more instance of consonance from the poem.
The spider tuned him roundabout and went into his den,
“I’m sure you must be weary, dear, with soaring up so high.”
3. Anaphora: Repetition of a word or a phrase at the beginning of a sequence of sentences, paragraphs and lines.
Ex: How handsome are your gauzy wings, how brilliant are your eyes!
Identify the figures of speech.
“Your eyes are like the diamond bright, but mine are dull as lead! ’’
A simile is the figure of speech.
4. Alliteration: Repetition of consonant sounds at the beginning of words.
Pick out the words in alliteration.
“Sweet creature! ” said the Spider, “you’re witty and you ’re wise,”
Sweet – Spider; and witty – wise are alliterated.
D. Listen to the passage and fill in the blanks with appropriate answers.
(For listening to the passage refer to our website www.fullcircleeducation.in) Trust is one of the most important things anyone can have in a relationship because trust is what makes the foundation of a relationship. Without trust there is no relationship at all because everything you do or make of the relationship will be based on truth. Trust is a very rare thing to find and if you are able to give it in return, your life is so much better and more fulfilling for everyone involved. Trusting people can hurt sometimes because they betray you, but you learn from the situation and move on to the next adventure in your life. Just don’t let small bumps in the road throw you back to not trusting and being cold. Simply keep moving forward and you will have a wonderfully fulfilling life that will be filled with good people that care and are trustworthy.
- Without trust, there is no………………
- …………….. is a very rare thing to find in life.
- When people betray you learn from the………………………
- Don’t let ……………….. on the road…………………….
- If we keep moving forward you will have a wonderfully……………………..
- relationship
- Truth
- situation
- small bumps; to make you cold
- fulfilling life
E. The cunning spider was waiting for a chance to pull the fly into its web and it used all the possible ways to trap her. Have you ever been trapped by flattery to do something you did not want to do? Discuss in pairs and share your experience in the class.
A small token of appreciation definitely rejuvenates our energy. But the escalation of mood which flattery brings is quite different. It makes you land in cloud nine. Sadly one realizes the consequences at the end of all turmoil. As in the poem, it may also go to the level of costing one’s life. This kind of flattery has led me to take the wrong decision in my life once. I was born and brought up in a village. When I completed my 6th standard, my parents got an opportunity of moving to Chennai and I was all excited about it.
My cousin, who was not happy with this, came and persuaded me to stay in the village. She said that I was very brilliant and would be a role model to all other students, but in Chennai, I wouldn’t be appreciated so much. She said I would be happier, healthier and would have more fun here rather than in the city since all the village people really liked me. Due to her influence, I asked my parents to leave me and go to Chennai.
Before 1 could realize that it was a trap, my parents had left and I had to stay in the village for another 2 years missing my parents and the luxuries of Chennai city. This poem reminded me of that experience from which I have learned my lesson, not to fall prey to flattery.
F. The fly gives into flattery and becomes the spider’s prey. If you are asked to give a happy ending to the poem, how will you save the fly? Write in your own words.
Finally, the fly, mesmerized by the words spoken by the spider about her beauty, flies towards the web. But before she could enter it, the fly’s friend arrives and sees what a dreadful trap she is going .to fall into. She immediately comes in front of her and stops her from entering the web. The fly regaining her consciousness realizes what a foolish thing she was going to do and thanks to her friend for saving her life.
The Spider and the Fly by Mary Botham Howitt About The Poet:
Mary Botham Howitt (1799 – 1888) was an English poet. She was born at Coleford, in Gloucestershire. She was home-schooled and read widely. She commenced writing verses at an early age. In 1821, she married William Howitt and began a career of joint authorship with him. William and Mary were associated with many important literary figures of the day including Charles Dickens, Elizabeth Gaskell, and Elizabeth Barrett Browning. In 1837, she started writing her well-known tales for children, a long series of books which met with signal success. She received a silver medal from the Literary Academy of Stockholm. Together with her husband William Howitt she wrote over 180 books.
The Spider and the Fly Summary:
‘The Spider and the Fly’ teaches the reader not to be misled by flattery and be trapped. Here a spider lures a fly to enter its web, upon which he can feast upon her. He invites the little fly to enter its pretty parlour using the winding stairs since there are so many curious things to see there. The fly refuses by saying that whoever enters the parlour can never be freed.
The spider further persuades the fly saying that she must be tired by flying so high and that she can come and take rest in his bed. For this, the fly replies that she has heard that whoever sleeps in his bed never wakes up again. The spider then tries to tempt the fly asking her to come and see his pantry where all nice things are available for her to taste and see.
The fly answers the spider saying I has already heard what is available in your pantry and I am not willing to see them. When all the attempts failed, the spider praises the fly saying that she is very witty and wise, with her gauzy wings and brilliant eyes. He asks her to come and have a look in the mirror that he has in his parlour. For this the fly thanks him and says she will come some other day. The spider knowing that the fly has been flattered, and will surely come to his web, makes ready his table to dine upon the fly.
Then the spider comes out and starts to sing merrily describing the beautiful features of the fly once again comparing it with his. After hearing these words, the fly cannot resist herself from thinking about her beauty and falls into the spider’s web. The spider quickly grabs her and traps her in his den from where she never comes out. The poet now asks the little children not to fall a prey to such silly, flattering words and also, never listen to an evil counselor.
The Spider and the Fly Glossary:
counsellor – a person who advises
flattering – to praise or compliment insincerely
pantry – a room where beverages, food, dishes are stored
parlour – a tidy room in a house used for entertaining guests
subtle – delicate or faint and mysterious
weary – very tired, especially from hard work
winding – a twisting movement or course
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