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Tamilnadu Samacheer Kalvi 8th Social Science History Solutions Term 1 Chapter 3 Rural Life and Society
Samacheer Kalvi 8th Social Science Rural Life and Society Textbook Evaluation
I. Choose the correct answer
Question 1.
Which system was called by different names like Jagirdari, Malguzari and Biswedari etc.?
(a) Mahalwari
(b) Ryotwari
(c) Zamindari
(d) None of these
(d) None of these
Question 2.
Under which Governor General did the permanent settlement implemented in Bengal.
(a) Lord Hastings
(b) Lord Cornwallis
(c) Lord Wellesley
(d) Lord Minto
(b) Lord Cornwallis
Question 3.
What was the Mahal in the Mahalwari system?
(a) House
(b) Town
(c) Village
(d) Palace
(c) Village
Question 4.
In which region was the Mahalwari system imposed?
(a) Maharashtra
(b) Madras
(c) Bengal
(d) Punjab
(d) Punjab
Question 5.
Who among the following Governors introduced Mahalwari system?
(a) Lord Hastings
(b) Lord Cornwallis
(c) Lord Wellesley
(d) Lord William Bentinck
(d) Lord William Bentinck
Question 6.
In which region was the Ryotwari system not introduced by the British?
(a) Bombay
(b) Madras
(c) Bengal
(d) None of these
(c) Bengal
Question 7.
The Indigo revolt was led by whom?
(a) Mahatma Gandhi
(b) Keshab Chandra Roy
(c) Digambar Biswas and Bishnu Biswas
(d) Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel
(c) Digambar Biswas and Bishnu Biswas
Question 8.
The Bardoli Satyagraha was led by whom?
(a) Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel
(b) Mahatma Gandhi
(c) DigambarBiswas
(d) Keshab Chandra Roy
(a) Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel
II. Fill in the Blanks
- ……………… is the modified version of the Zamindari system.
- The Mahalwari system was a Brain child of ……………….
- Indigo Revolt took place in ……………….
- Maplah Rebellion was held in ……………….
- The Champaran Agrarian Act was passed in ……………….
- Mahalwari system
- Holt Mackenzie
- Bengal
- Malabar (Kerala)
- May 1918]
III. Match the following
- iv
- iii
- i
- ii
- v.
IV. State true or false
Question 1.
Warren Hastings introduced quinquennial land settlement.
Question 2.
Ryotwari system was introduced by Thomas Munro.
Question 3.
Pabna revolt originated in the Yusufshahi pargana in Gujarat.
Correct statement:
Pabna revolt originated in the Yusufshahi pargana in Bengal.
Question 4.
The Punjab land alienation Act was passed in 1918.
Correct statement:
The Punjab land alienation Act was passed in 1900.
V. Consider the following statement and tick appropriate answer
Question 1.
Which of the following statement is not true about Zamindari system?
- This settlement was introduced in 1793.
- The Zamindars became the owner of the land.
- This system secured a fixed a stable income for the cultivators.
- This practice was applicable to the area of 19% of India.
3. This system secured a fixed a stable income for the cultivators.
Question 2.
Which of the following statement is correct about Peasants revolt in India?
- The Santhal rebellion was held in Bengal.
- DinabandhuMitra wrote a drama called Nil Darban.
- The Deccan riots started from a village at Pune in 1873.
- The Moplah peasants rebellion was held in Tamil Nadu.
2. DinabandhuMitra wrote a drama called Nil Darban.
VI. Answer the following in one or two sentences
Question 1.
List out any two salient features of the Permanent Settlement?
- Zamindars acted as the agent of the Government for the collection of revenue from the cultivators.
- All judicial powers were taken away from the Zamindars.
Question 2.
What were the salient features of the Ryotwari system?
Salient features of the Ryotwari system:
- Revenue settlement was done directly with the ryots.
- Measurement of field and an estimate of the product was calculated.
- The government fixed the demand at 45 to 55 percent of the produce.
Question 3.
Bring out the effects of the Mahalwari settlement.
- This system brought no benefit to the cultivators.
- The Lambardar misused it for their self-interest. It was a modified version of the Zamindari system.
Question 4.
What was the cause of the Indigo Revolt in 1859 – 60?
1. The European indigo planters compelled the tenant farmers to grow indigo in terms highly disadvantageous to the farmers.
2. The tenant farmer was forced to sell it cheap to the planter and accepted advances from the planter that benefitted the latter. There were also cases of kidnapping, looting, flogging, and burning.
3. Led by Digambar Biswas and Bishnu Charan Biswas, the ryots of Nadia district gave up indigo cultivation in September 1859. Factories were burnt down and the revolt spread.
Question 5.
What was the contribution of Mahatma Gandhi to Champaran Satyagraha?
- Gandhi understood the grievances of the Peasants and took up their cause.
- The Government appointed an enquiry commission of which Mahatma Gandhi was a member.
- By the efforts of Mahatma Gandhi for the peasants, Champaran Agrarian Act was passed in May 1918.
Question 6.
Mention the role of Vallabhai Patel in Bardoli Satyagraha.
1. In 1928, the peasants of Bardoli (Gujarat) started their agitation under the leadership of Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel, in protest against the government’s proposal to increase land revenue by 30 percent.
2. The peasants refused to pay tax at the enhanced rate and started no – tax campaign on 12 February 1928. Many women also participated in this campaign.
VII. Answer the following in detail.
Question 1.
Discuss the merits and demerits of the Permanent Settlement.
- Under this system wastelands and forests became cultivatable lands.
- The Zamindars became the owner of the land.
- The zamindars were made free from the responsibility of providing justice.
- They remained faithful to the British Government.
- This made a fixed and stable income to the British.
- British had no direct contact with cultivators.
- The rights of the cultivators were ignored and left at the mercy of zamindars.
- The peasants were treated as serfs.
- Zamindars became luxurious and lethargic.
- Many conflicts arose between Zamindars and peasants in rural Bengal.
Question 2.
What were the impacts of the British Land Revenue system on the cultivators?
Impact of the British land revenue system on the cultivators:
1. A common feature of all the settlements was the assessment and the maximize income from land. It resulted in increasing land sales and dispossession.
2. The peasants were overburdened with taxation. Due to the tax burden and famines, in general, the people suffered in poverty and burdened with debts. They had to seek the moneylenders who became rich and acquired lands from the peasants.
3. The Zamindars, money – lenders and lawyers exploited the poor peasants.
4. The stability and continuity of the Indian villages was shaken.
5. Cottage industries disappeared on account of the import of British goods and the peasants had nothing to supplement their income.
6. The old body of custom was replaced by a new apparatus of law, courts, fees, lawyers, and formal procedures.
7. The British policy proved advantageous only to the government of a privileged section of the society at the cost of the cultivators who were the rightful owners of their lands and claimants of the larger share of the produce.
Question 3.
Write a paragraph about the Moplah Rebellion?
- The Muslim Moplah peasants of Malabar were suppressed and exploited by the Hindu Zamindars and the British government. It was the main reason for the revolt.
- The Moplah peasants got momentum from the Malabar District Conference held in April 1920.
- Moplah tenants rebelled against the Zamindars and also attacked police stations, public offices, houses of oppressive landlords and moneylenders. In December 1921, the government ruthlessly suppressed the Moplah rebellion.
- In this, 2337 Moplah rebels were killed, 1650 wounded and more than 45,000 captured as prisoners.
Question 1.
Apart from the exploiting through taxes, how did the British further exploit the land?
The British policy proved advantageous only to the government of a privileged section of the society at the cost of the cultivators who were the rightful owners of their lands and claimants of the larger share of the produce.
IX. Project and Activity
Question 1.
Point out the influence which shaped Gandhiji’s ideas on Ahimsa and Satyagraha.
The 21 years Gandhiji spent in South Africa offered him valuable insights in familiarizing himself with the inhuman situations that existed outside as well as helping him develop appropriate concepts and techniques of nonviolent defense. He resisted non – violently any oppression and exhorted the Indians to take part in public activities.
For him, South Africa was the place where he first tried methods of non-violence and after 20 years of relentless struggle, he won finally against the whites.
Samacheer Kalvi 8th Social Science History Rural Life and Society Additional Questions
I. Choose the correct answer
Question 1.
…………….. was the primary occupation of the Indians, in the pre-colonial period.
(a) Banking
(b) Agriculture
(c) Mining
(d) Fishing
(b) Agriculture
Question 2.
By …………….. system, the rights of ownership were handed over to the peasants.
(a) Zamindari
(b) Jagirdari
(c) Malguzari
(d) Ryotwari
(d) Ryotwari
Question 3.
Initially, the British Government fixed …………….. of the estimated produce as rent.
(a) One – half
(b) One – fourth
(c) One – third
(d) One – eight
(a) one – half
Question 4.
William Bentinck reduced the state share of revenue to ……………..
(a) 40%
(b) 30%
(c) 50%
(d) 20%
(c) 50%
Question 5.
The newspaper, …………….. brought to light the misery of the cultivators several times.
(a) Times of India
(b) Swadesha Mitran
(c) Indian Express
(d) Hindu Patriot
(d) Hindu Patriot
6. The peasant revolt which started in Poona in 1875 is called the ………………
(a) Punjab peasant movement
(b) Deccan Riots
(c) Indigo revolt
(d) Pabna revolt
(b) Deccan Riots
Question 7.
In the Kheda district of Gujarat, agriculture failed in 1918 due to ………………
(a) Floods
(b) Cyclone
(c) Famine
(d) Earthquake
(c) Famine
Question 8.
…………….. emerged as an important leader of the Indian freedom struggle during the Kheda Satyagraha.
(a) Mahatma Gandhi
(b) Jawahar Lal Nehru
(c) Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel
(d) Vinobha Bhave
(c) Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel
Question 9.
…………….. broke out in the year 1921.
(a) Moplah Rebellion
(b) Bardoli Satyagraha
(c) Kheda Satyagraha
(d) Deccan Riots
(a) Moplah Rebellion
Question 10.
The lands of the peasants of Bardoli were returned when the …………….. came to power in 1937.
(a) Communists
(b) Socialists
(c) Congress
(d) British
(c) Congress
II. Fill in the blanks
- The economic exploitation of the …………….. led to the revolts in the future.
- During the time of Cornwallis, a …………….. settlement of land revenue was introduced.
- As per the permanent settlement, all judicial powers were taken away from the ……………..
- By Ryotwari system, the revenue was based on the basis of the …………….. and the nature of the ……………..
- Radical changes were brought in the Mahalwari system by the guidance of …………….. in 1832.
- The village as a whole had to pay the revenue through its ……………..
- The land near the hills of or Rajmahal in Bihar was cultivated by the ……………..
- The Pabna revolt was led by ……………..
- During the Deccan riots, the peasants looted the property of ……………..
- The Deccan riots resulted in the passing of the …………….. Act.
- Peasants
- Ten years (decennial)
- Zamindars
- Soil, Crop
- Robert Martins Bird
- headman or Lambardar
- Santhals
- Keshab Chandra Roy
- Marwari Sahukars
- Deccan Agriculturalist Relief
V. Match the following
- iv
- v
- ii
- iii
- i
IV. State True or False
Question 1.
According to the Permanent settlement, the Zamindars granted patta to the ryots.
Question 2.
Under the Ryotwari system, rents would be periodically revised, generally after 5 to 10 years.
Correct statement:
Under the Ryotwari system, rents would be periodically revised, generally after 20 to 30 years.
Question 3.
The Santhal rebellion continued till 1856.
Question 4.
Under the Tinkathia system in Champaran, the peasants were bound by law to grow indigo on 2/20 part of their land.
Correct statement:
Under the Tinkathia system in Champaran, the peasants were bound by law to grow indigo on 3/20 part of their land.
V. Consider the following statement and tick the appropriate answer
Question 1.
Which of the following statements is not true about Pabna Revolt.
- Pabna Peasant Uprising was a resistance movement by the peasants against the oppression of the Zamindars.
- It was led by Dinabandhu Mitra.
- Peasants were often evicted from land on the pretext of non-payment of rent.
- There were only a few cases of looting of the houses of the Zamindars.
2. It was led by Dinabandhu Mitra
Question 2.
Which of the following statement is to collect about the land revenue policies in India?
- As per the permanent settlements, the ryots became tenants since they were considered the fillers of the soil.
- Under the Ryotwari system, the Government exploited the Zamindars.
- Under the Mahalwari system, one person could hold only one village.
- As per the Mahalwari system, the village land belonged to the Zamindars.
1. As per the permanent settlements, the ryots became tenants since they were considered the fillers of the soil.
VI. Answer the following in one or two sentences.
Question 1.
Where were Permanent settlements made in British India?
Permanent settlements were made in Bengal, Bihar, Orissa, Varanasi division of U.P., and Northern Karnataka, which roughly covered 19 percent of the total area of British India.
Question 2.
Name the areas where the Ryotwari system was introduced?
Major areas of the introduction of the Ryotwari system included Madras, Bombay, parts of Assam, and Coorg provinces of British India.
Question 3.
What were the effects of the Ryotwari settlement?
Effects of the Ryotwari Settlement:
- In most areas the land revenue fixed was excessive the ryots were hardly left with bare maintenance even in the best of seasons.
- Under this system, the government exploited the farmers instead of zamindars.
Question 4.
What was the major cause of the Pabna revolt?
- Pabna Peasant Uprising was a resistance movement by the peasants against the oppression of the Zamindars.
- The zamindars routinely collected money from the peasants by the illegal means of the forced levy, abwabs, enhanced rent, and so on. Peasants were often evicted from land on the pretext of non – payment of rent.
Question 5.
How did the Deccan Riots spread?
- In 1875, the peasants revolted in the district of Poona.
- Primarily against the oppression of local moneylenders who were grabbing their lands systematically.
- The uprising started from a village in Poona district when the village people forced out a local moneylender from the village and captured his property.
- Gradually, the uprising spread over 33 villages and the peasants looted the property of Marwari Sahukars.
- The uprising turned into violence when the Sahukars took the help of the police.
Question 6.
Why was the ‘Punjab Land Alienation ‘ Act passed by the British?
1. The peasants of Punjab agitated against the urban moneylenders. The Government of India did not want any revolt in that province which provided a large number of soldiers to the British army in India.
2. In order to protect the peasants of Punjab, the Punjab Land Alienation Act was passed in 1900 “as an experimental measure” to be extended to the rest of India if it worked successfully in Punjab.
Question 7.
How did the Punjab Land Alienation Act divide the population of Punjab?
The Act divided the population of Punjab into three categories viz., the agricultural classes, the statutory agriculturist class, and the rest of the population including the moneylenders.
Question 8.
How was the Kheda Satyagraha organised by Gandhiji?
1. Gandhiji organised the peasants to offer Satyagraha and opposed official insistence on the full collection of oppressive land revenue despite the conditions of famine.
2. He inspired the peasants to be fearless and face all consequences. The response to his call was unprecedented and the government had to bow to a settlement with the peasants.
Question 9.
What was the result of the Bardoli Satyagraha?
In 1930, the peasants of Bardoli rose to a man, refused to pay taxes, faced the auction sales and the eventual loss of almost all of their lands but refused to submit to the Government. However, all their lands were returned to them when the Congress came to power in 1937.
VII. Answer the following
Question 1.
Explain the course and features of the Mahalwari system.
1. Mahalwari system, was a modified version of the Zamindari settlement introduced in the Ganga valley, the North – West Province, parts of Central India and Punjab in 1822.
2. Lord William Bentinck was to suggest radical changes in the Mahalwari system.
3. Assessment of revenue was to be made on the basis of the produce of a Mahal or village. All the proprietors of a Mahal were severally and jointly responsible for the payment of revenue.
4. Initially the state share was fixed two-thirds of the gross produce. Bentinck, therefore, reduced to fifty percent. The village as a whole, through its headman or Lambardar, was required to pay the revenue.
5. This system was first adopted in Agra and Awadh, and later extended to other parts of the United Provinces. The burden of all this heavy taxation finally fell on the cultivators.
Question 2.
How Deccan Riots (1875) converted to uprisings?
- In 1875, the peasants revolted in the district of Poona, that event has been called the ‘Deccan Riots’.
- The peasants revolted primarily against the oppression of local moneylenders who were grabbing their lands systematically.
- The uprising started from a village in Poona district when the village people forced out a local moneylender from the village and captured his property.
- Gradually, the uprising spread over 33 villages and the peasants looted the property of Marwari Sahukars.
- The uprising turned into violence when the Sahukars took the help of the police.
- It was suppressed only when the army was called to control it. However, it resulted in the passing of the Deccan Agriculturists Relief Act’ which removed some of the most serious grievances of the peasants.
Question 3.
Narrate the course of the Pabna Revolt.
1. Large crowds of peasants gathered and marched through villages frightening the zamindars and appealing to other peasants to join with them. Funds were raised from the ryots to meet the costs.
2. The struggle gradually spread throughout Pabna and then to the other districts of East Bengal.
3. Everywhere agrarian leagues were organized. The main form of struggle was that of legal resistance. There was very little violence.
4. It occurred only when the zamindars tried to compel the ryots to submit to their terms by force. There were only a few cases of looting of the houses of the zamindars.
5. A few attacks on police stations took place and the peasants also resisted attempts to execute court decrees. Hardly zamindars or zamindar’s agents were killed or seriously injured.
6. In the course of the movement, the ryots developed a strong awareness of the law and their legal rights and the ability to combine and form associations for peaceful agitation.