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Tamilnadu Samacheer Kalvi 10th English Letter Writing
Letters are the most common forms of written communication. Writing letters is an art and it is mastered through practice. We write letters to friends and relatives to maintain contacts with them. However, in the present times with the boom in methods of communication, many of us don’t have the time or the inclination, or the temperament and the art to write letters.
So telephone, fax, and e-mail have replaced personal (informal) letters. However, formal ‘ letters are still in vogue. Commerce, trade, official correspondence, public representation, complaints, and other dealings, transactions, and communication with the people are still (conducted through letters. Students are therefore advised to cultivate the art and skill of letter writing. It must be remembered that different kinds of letters follow different conventions. So, the format should suit the type.
These are ordinary personal letters and informal invitations written to relatives, friends, and acquaintances. The main characteristics of informal letters are:
- These letters are first/second person presentations.
- Personal feelings and emotions find an expression,
- The writer’s address is given in the usual place.
- The salutation is usually‘Dear’plus name’.
- The date of writing is given, but the year is generally omitted.
- The style and tone are relaxed and informal.
- Different tenses are used as sense demands.
- The complimentary close is: ‘Yours lovingly’or‘Yours truly’.
A formal letter is different from a personal letter in tone and content. These letters are written for official purposes or commercial correspondence, so they must be systematic, specific in content and formal in treatment of the subject. The main features of formal letters are:
- The matter is brief, clear and to the point.
- There are separate paragraphs for separate topics.
- The first paragraph indicates the theme of the letter,
- The facts are stated in simple and direct language.
- Long and high sounding words are avoided.
- Even while lodging a complaint or making a criticism, the tone should be polite.
- Clumsy expressions should not be used.
- The complimentary close is: ‘Yours sincerely’, or ‘Yours faithfully’.
08th March, 20XX
Sender’s Address & Phone No.
To THE DIRECTOR Addressee’s Address ………………………………. ………………………………. |
Respected Sir/Madam,
SUB: Frequent Power Failure
Body of the Letter
Thank you,
Yours sincerely,
To The Director ………………………………. ………………………………. |
Note: There is no punctuation after From and To Thank you has been used instead of Thanking you
Types Of Formal Letters
- Making enquiries/asking for information
- Replying to enquiries/giving information
- Placing orders and sending replies
- Cancelling orders
- Letters of complaints
- Registering complaints regarding civic amenities, law & order, etc.
- Making inquiries pertaining to development projects, health facilities, etc.
- Making requests/appeals
- Giving suggestions on an issue (usually of public interest)
- Expressing views on an issue already raised in an article/write – up/in a published letter
- Applications for jobs
Solved Questions
Informal Letter
(i) Write a letter to your mother informing her that your vacations will be starting on 15th April and will reach home on 16th of April.
Dear mother,
I’m fine. I hope all are fine at home. My vacations are starting on the 15th of April and I’ll reach home the next day. Please prepare my favorite dishes mom. Counting days to be home. Love you ma.
Yours lovingly,
Mrs. Malathi
12, MG Road,
(ii) Radhika has got success in NEET. She wants to celebrate her admission to Shivaji Medical College, Nagpur by throwing a party to her friends. Help her write an informal invitation giving details of venue, time and date. Do not exceed 50 words.
18, Natesan Street,
T. Nager,
15th July, 20XX
Dear Vaishali,
You will be glad to learn that I have secured 80th rank in the NEET competition. I have got admission in a prestigious institution – Shivaji College, Nagpur. I want to share a few happy moments of my life in the company of my old friends at a dinner in the Hotel GRT grand days T. Nagar at 8.00 p.m. on 23 July, 20XX.
Please join the celebrations and merry-making.
Yours sincerely,
Address on the envelope
D. Vaishali D/O Krishnan,
18, VOC Street,
(iii) Raju’s parents have completed 25 years of happy married life. Help him to invite his aunt, living in Kalayarkovil, to join him in the Silver Jubilee celebration of their marriage at his residence.
245, Greenway Road,
25th March, 2020
Respected Aunt,
My parents Sh. R.S. Swaminathan and Smt. Parvathi Devi will be completing 25 years of their happy, prosperous and eventful married life next month. We are going to celebrate the Silver Jubilee of their married life on 5th May, 2016. It will be a simple ceremony. Only family members and close friends are invited.
Do join us on this auspicious day.
Yours sincerely,
S. Raju.
Address on the envelope
Mrs. Leela, W/o Soundar,
8, Car St,
Kalayar Kovil.
Formal Letter Letter Of Request
(i) Madhu/Rajesh Dharmapuri is a student of class 10th. Write a letter to the Principal, Sishya Matriculation School, Dharmapuri, requesting him A her to open a career counseling center in the school to help and guide the students in the choice of subjects at + 2 level as well as at college level and to give other valuable advice/suggestions. Help him/her to complete the letter.
Madhu / Rajesh
51, Main Road,
16th March, 2020
The Principal,
Sishya Matriculation School,
Sub: Request to open a career counselling centre.
I am a student of class X in your school and is currently appearing for the Board examination. Very soon, we will have to make an important decision. We will have to select the stream/ subjects we should opt for at the +2 level. As you know, this is the most crucial decision of a student’s life. Most of the parents are unaware of the latest trends in educational/job fields. I, therefore, request you to kindly open a career counselling centre in our school to help us make the correct choice according to our aptitudes/talents as well as future job prospects. Expert guidance in the field will prove invaluable to us.
I hope you will consider my request favourably.
Thank you
Yours faithfully,
Madhu / Rajesh
Address on the envelope
The Principal,
Sishya Matriculation School,
(ii) You are Raja/Vaishnavi, Head Boy/Girl of your school. Help him/her in writing to arrange extra classes in Maths for the students of X classes. Give detailed reasons to support your demand.
12 March, 20XX
Raja / Vaishnavi,
X A Student ABC Hr. Sec. School,
XYZ City.
The Principal,
ABC Hr. Sec. School,
XYZ City
Sub: Extra Classes in Maths
The other day we were admonished about the poor performance in Maths in the Revision Examination. We have tried to search our souls, rack our brains and find out the fault. The reason is quite obvious. Our Maths teacher retired in August and stop-gap arrangements were made for three months by appointing temporary hands. Only last month we were able to get guidance from an expert and competent teacher like Mr. Murthy. However, a lot of our course remains uncovered and proper justice cannot be done to it in the regular periods only. Moreover, we have to make up the time-lapse. Drill, revision, and classroom tests also require certain periods. In view of the paucity of time available to us between now and the commencement of board examination, it is requested that some extra classes before/after school hours be arranged in Maths for Std. X.
I hope that the request of the students will be acceded to without any delay.
Thank you
Yours obediently,
Head boy / Head Girl.
Address on the envelope
The Principal,
ABC Hr. Sec. School, XYZ City
Complaint Letter
(iii) You are Pramila of 32,3rd main road, Adyar, Chennai. Last week, you bought a mobile phone from ‘The Mobile Junction’, 20N, Muthulakshmi street, Chennai. The mobile phone developed a problem within a few days of its purchase. Write a complaint letter to the dealer giving details of the nature of the problem and asking him/her to rectify the defect or replace the phone.
Ms. Pramila
32, 3rd main road
29 April, 20XX
The Sales Manager
The Mobile Junction
20N, Muthulakshmi street
Sub: Defective Mobile Phone
I am a resident of Adyar, Chennai. I purchased a Samsung 4G mobile phone from The Mobile Junction on 22nd April, 20XX, vide cash memo No. 14219/18.1 am sorry to say that the mobile phone developed a problem within a few days of its purchase. The sound system is quite irritating and jarring. The camera doesn’t give a clear and deep impression. I feel cheated to have such a defective mobile phone after spending more than fifteen thousand rupees. It is quite unfortunate that even after sending two reminders, you have shown no urgency to rectify the defects or replace the defective mobile set at the earliest. I hope you will do the needful within a week. I am sure you will not compel me to knock the doors of the Consumer Court for this unpleasant lapse of time on your part.
Yours sincerely
The Sales Executive
The Mobile Junction
20N, Muthulakshmi street
(iv) You are R. M. Sridharan, the Head Librarian of M.G. Sr. Secondary School, Thuthukudi. Write a letter to Mrs. Atma Ram & Sons, Guwahati, complaining about the poor quality of books supplied to your library. You can invent your own details.
R. M. Sridharan
M.G. Sr. Secondary School
25 March, 20XX
M/s Atma Ram & Sons
23, Fancy Bazar
Sub: Poor quality of books ‘
We need no introduction. We are old customers of Atma Ram & Sons. But, I am constrained to express my displeasure at the poor and substandard supply of books by you in response to our order.
On examination, the following obvious discrepancies were found in the books supplied by you;
- 40 textbooks of Mathematics by R.K. Sharma are of 20XX (old) edition. While these books are available in the latest 20XX editions in the market.
- We ordered for 30 books of History of Ancient India by L.K. Gupta. However, we have been supplied with the books of the same title written by R.K– Gupta.
- Some books are not in good and proper condition and can’t be accepted as such.
We hope you will do the needful without any further delay and replace them with their latest editions and in proper conditions.
Yours sincerely
R.M. Sridharan
(Head Librarian)
Enel. – Photocopy of the book – list.
M/s Atma Ram & Sons
23, Fancy Bazar
(v) Write a letter to the Station House Officer of Mattencheri Police Station in Cochin complaining him about the bad law and order situation in your area. You can give concrete and useful suggestions to protect and safeguard the interests of school and college going girls and senior citizens. You can invent your own details.
James Mathews
4/12, Mattencheri Street
10 March 20XX The S.H.O.
Mattencheri Police Station
Sub: Protecting female students and senior students from lawlessness
It pains me to express my strong resentment and anguish against the bad law and order situation prevailing in Mattencheri Residential Colony of Cochin.
Bad law and order situation has become an integral part of Mattencheri’s social and cultural scene. The recent day – light robberies and murders have sent a shockwave among the residents of the area. I would like to highlight the routine and regular harassment faced by the female students near their schools. In spite of the legal ban, wine shops do exist just in front of schools. Drunkards indulge in teasing and assaulting school girls. Even the kidnapping of a minor school girl last week didn’t arouse the conscience of the law and order authorities. It is not only the job of the administration to open new schools for girls but also their primary responsibility to provide them a safe journey from their house to their schools. All wine shops near school should be closed immediately. The bad characters and teasers must be given exemplary punishments. Senior citizens must be given a special protection. Complete records of maid servants and helpers must be maintained in the concerned police stations.
The need of the hour is to take effective and prompt actions to maintain peace and harmony in the area.
Yours faithfully
James Mathews
The S.H.O.
Mattencheri Police Station
(vi) You are Anuradha, the Head Girl of Swami Vivekanand Sr. Secondary School, Patna. You are distressed at the unhygienic conditions in the school toilets. Even the classrooms remain dusty and dirty. Write a letter to the Principal of your school, complaining him of this unfortunate situation. Also give suggestions to improve the condition.
X B, Swami Vivekanand Sr. Secondary School
12 June 20XX
The Principal
Swami Vivekanand Sr. Secondary School
Sub: Unclean toilets and classrooms
On behalf of all students of classes IX and X, I want to bring to your notice the unhygienic conditions of the toilets in the school. Even the classrooms remain dusty and dirty for days together. The toilets in the school stink badly. It needs a lot of patience to go and use them. One can use them only by putting one’s handkerchief over the nose. The flushing system generally remain out of order. Most of the urine pots are broken. The leaked urine flows on the floor causing a nauseating odour. The condition of the classrooms is not much better. They are not swept or cleaned daily. A layer of dust and dirt gathers over the benches and desks. To be brief, such unhygienic conditions don’t go with this illustrious institution. They bring a bad name and create a bad impression on the outsiders. I hope that you will take some prompt action to improve the situation drastically in the near future.
Yours obediently
Head Girl
Class X
To ,
The Principal
Swami Vivekanand Sr. Secondary School
Letter Of Enquiry
(vii) Write a letter seeking detailed inquiries from the General Manager, Holiday Inn, Puducherry for conducting the wedding reception of your younger brother at the hotel. Make specific inquiries about the catering cost per head, service and decoration charges. You can also ask for the advance amount to be paid. You are Krishna/Kamini.
House No. 43/4
Civil Lines
20 May 20XX
The General Manager
Holiday Inn
Sub: Enquiring about rates for wedding reception
The wedding reception of my younger brother, Mukesh will be solemnized on 20 June 20XX. We want to hold the ceremony and the wedding reception at your hotel. The party may include about 300 heads, including children. We would like to book four rooms in the hotel for the guests also. The ceremony may continue up to the early hours of 23rd June, 20XX.
Kindly furnish the following details regarding the reception function:
- Catering cost per head with menu details
- Service charges
- Decoration charges (stage and mandap)
- Room charges
- Advance money to be paid
We would appreciate if you send any other relevant information concerning the wedding reception.
Yours truly
The General Manager
Holiday Inn
Letter Of Placing Order
(viii) You are Laxman/Laxmi, the Head Librarian of Rammanna Public School, Nellore. Write a letter to Janta Book Depot, Nellore placing bulk order for books needed for the school library. You can invent your own details.
The Head Librarian
Ramanna Public School
12th July, 20XX
Sales Manager
Janta Book Depot
Dear Sir
Sub: Order for books
We received the quotations sent by you regarding the purchase of books for the school library. We are glad to inform you that we have found your quotations acceptable to us. We welcome the 20% discount that you are providing on the books in general. However, we would expect a special discount that some dealers are providing on the bulk purchases for the educational institutions.
The list of books with their particulars are attached here with.
Name | Author/Publisher | Copies Required |
A Comprehensive Grammar of the English Language | Quick & Leech Pearson Pub. | 40 |
The Fall of Roman Empire | Gibbon | 40 |
Arabian Nights | Harper & Collins | 30 |
Stories for Children | Rupa & Co. | 50 |
Fables | National Book Trust | 50 |
Wonder That was India | Bhasham | 30 |
Shakespeare’s Complete Works | Penguin | 50 |
Mathematics for All | Bansi Lai | 60 |
History of Ancient India | R.K. Sharma | 30 |
Chemistry for Schools | M. L. Soni | 30 |
Physics for Schools | Ghanshyam Das | 30 |
Prem Chand Ki Kahania | Prem Chand National Book Trust | 50 |
Nirala | R. B. Sharma | 30 |
Books must be in their latest editions and delivered in good condition.
Yours truly
Head Librarian
Sales Manager
Janta Book Depot
Letter Of Cancelling Order
(ix) You are Ramkumar, Sales Manager of Modern Dresses, Madurai. You placed a bulk ’order with Shobha Dresses, Madurai for the supply of Gowns for your showroom. The firm has failed to execute the order. In spite of our many reminders, there is no positive response from them. Write a letter to the firm that you are constrained to cancel the order that you had placed before.
K. Raman
Modem Dresses
TVS Nagar
25th September, 2020
M/s Shobha Dresses Pandian Nagar Madurai
Dear Sirs,
Sub: Order for Gowns – Cancellation
I can express only my deep dismay and displeasure at the non – execution of the bulk order that we placed with you for the purchase of gowns on 10th August, 2020. The said order was to be executed within 10 days. However, when more than a month expired, you expressed regrets giving the strike of workers in the factory as the main reason of non – execution. We accepted your request for executing the order within a week. We condoned the delay keeping in view of our previous good business terms. As we have not heard from you recently, we have reasons to believe that cancellation of the said order is the only option for us. I hope that the cancellation of the said order will not affect our otherwise good business terms in future.
Yours faithfully
K. Ramkumar
M/s Shobha Dresses
Pandian Nagar
Letter To The Editor
(x) The tourism industry can bring valuable income to the country. Write a letter to the Editor of a popular daily on how the government and the public can boost the development of this industry. You are Rama/Ram, 4 Rani Road, Tiruchirappalli.
4, Rani Road
20 April 20XX
The Editor
The Hindustan Times
Sub: Boosting tourism industry in India
Through the column of your esteemed daily, I want to highlight the tremendous potentiality that the tourism industry has in India. The tourism industry can easily be a money-spinner as it can bring valuable income to the country. Let’s first explore the new avenues for international tourists in India. It has been a great shame for us that India has not been even among the top ten in the international market. We have breathtaking views of the Himalayas, beautiful valleys, wonderful hill stations, very rich wildlife, including the tiger and the rhino reserves. India can boast of fascinating beaches in Goa and Kerala. We have the Taj Mahal and the Fatehpur Sikri in Agra; Madurai and Tanjavur in Tamil Nadu; Sanchi in MP and Nalanda in Bihar. The ghats of Varanasi and feudal splendors of Rajasthan need no introduction. Only we will have to revamp our strategies. We will have to re – woo our tourists. Instead of running after the recession hit western Europe and America, we must explore new avenues in China, Russia, and Brazil. China attracts 50.9 million tourists every year. India manages just 5.1 million tourists. We will have to fill up the gap.
Domestic tourism can’t be neglected. States like Karnataka and Kerala have shown the way to the other states of India. They have attracted budget domestic tourists by providing clean and affordable accommodation. Enhanced infrastructure, such as good roads, airports and good hygiene will attract more international as well as domestic tourists. Surely, tourism industry can bring valuable income to the country.
Thank you
Yours sincerely
The Editor
The Hindustan Times
(xi) You are Santhanam/Sapna. You are a regular visitor to the Prasad Nagar Lake. Of late, residents of the colony have been disturbed by the constant flow of foul-smelling water in the lake garden and generally failing cleanliness standards. Taking hints given in the input below, along with your own details, write a letter to the Editor of a local daily emphasizing the urgent need to improve the hygienic conditions of the park.
12, Swami Nagar
Prasad Nagar
12 April 20XX
The Editor
The Deccan Herald
Sub: Unhygienic conditions of Prasad Nagar Lake and its surroundings
Through the column of your esteemed daily, I express my anguish at the deterioration of Prasad Nagar Lake and its surroundings.
There was a time when Prasad Nagar Lake and its surroundings were considered to be the most beautiful spot in the area. It is a pity that within a decade everything has reached a stage of decay and deterioration. I am a regular visitor to the lake. Of late, residents of the colony have been disturbed by the constant flow of foul-smelling water into the lake garden. This has been caused due to the repeated bursting of a sewer line running next to the lake garden. The foul-smelling water accumulates and stagnates in the lake. This has resulted in a heavy presence of algae in the lake. It has hampered the boating facilities provided here by the authorities. The state of fish farming is quite deplorable.
I hope this letter will arouse the concerned authorities out of their hibernation. They must take immediate and effective steps to bring the lake and its surroundings back to its former grandeur and glory.
Thank you
Yours faithfully