The House on Elm Street Book Back Answers 10th Standard English Chapter 7 Samacheer Kalvi

10th Standard English Unit 7 Poem The House on Elm Street Book Back Answers

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The House on Elm Street 10th Standard English 7th Lesson Question and Answer

The House on Elm Street Textual Questions

A. Read the given lines and answer the questions given below.

(i) It sat alone.
What happened there is still today unknown.
It is a very mysterious place,
And inside you can tell it has a ton of space,
But at the same time, it is bare to the bone.
(a) What does ‘It’ refer to?
(b) Pick out the line that indicates the size of the house?
(a) ‘It’ refers to the mysterious house
(b) It has a ton of space

The House On Elm Street Figure Of Speech Additional:
(a) Do you know what happened inside that house?
(b) What is meant by ‘bare to the bone’?
(c) Which adjective is used to describe the house?
(d) Mention the figure of speech in the last line.
(e) Give the rhyming word for place and bone.
It Sat Alone What Is The Figure Of Speech Answer:
(a) No, I don’t know what happened inside the house.
(b) ‘Bare to the bone’ means there isn’t anything in the house.
(c) The adjective ‘mysterious’ is used to describe the house.
(d) The figure of speech is alliteration in the last line. (eg. barebone)
(e) The rhyming word for place is spacious and for bone, it is unknown and alone,

(ii) I drive past the house almost every day.
The house seems to be a bit brighter.
On this warm summer day in May.
It plays with your mind.
(a) To whom does ‘I’ refer to?
(b) Pick out the alliterated words in the 2nd line.
(a) ‘I’ refers to the poetess, Nadia Bush.
(b) The alliterated words in the second line are a bit brighter.

I Sat Alone Figure Of SpeechAdditional:
(a) How does the house appear in May?
(b) How is the day in Summer?
(c) Pick out the rhyming words in the above stanza.
(d) What is the rhyme scheme followed in this stanza?
(e) What plays with your mind?
(f) How often does the poetess see this house?
(a) The house appears a bit brighter in May.
(b) The day is warm and bright in summer.
(c) The rhyming words are day and May in the above stanza.
(d) The rhyme scheme followed in this stanza is ‘abac’.
(e) The thought about the house plays with your mind.
(f) The poetess sees this house almost every day.

(iii) It never grows leaves,
Not in the winter, spring, summer or fall.
It just sits there never getting small or ever-growing tall
(a) What does ‘it’ refer to?
(b) In what way the tree is a mystery?
(a) The tree is a mystery because no leaves grow in it during any one of the seasons. It neither grows tall nor does it become short.
(b) Winter, spring, summer, and fall

(a) Why is the poet using the word ‘fall’?
(b) What do you understand by the word, ‘fall’?
(c) Which are the four seasons mentioned here?
(d) What sits there without getting small nor growing tall?
(e) What is the rhyming word for ‘fall’?
(f) Give the American English word for autumn.
(a) The poet is using the word ‘fall’ because the poetess is an American.
(b) Autumn is the season which represents the season ‘fall’.
(c) The four seasons mentioned here are winter, spring, summer, and fall.
(d) The tree which never grows leaves beside the mysterious house sits there without getting small nor growing tall.
(e) Tall is the rhyming word for fall.
(f) The American English word for autumn is fall.

(iv) Rumors are constantly being made,
And each day the house just begins to fade.
What happened inside that house?
(a) Does the house remain the same every day?
(b) How does the poet consider the house to be a mystery?
(a) No the house doesn’t remain the same as it has started to fade away.
(b) There are many rumours about the house and hence the poetess considers the house to be a mystery.

Words That Rhyme With Fade Additional:
(a) Give the rhyming word for ‘fade’.
(b) Give the British English spelling for ‘Rumor’.
(c) What do you understand by the word, ‘constantly’?
(d) Which line indicates the mysterious nature?
(a) The rhyming word for fade is made.
(b) The British English spelling for Rumor is Rumour.
(c) Here ‘constantly’ means regularly.
(d) ‘What happened inside that house?’ is the line that indicates that the house is mysterious,

(v) What happened inside that house?
I really don’t know I guess it will always be a mystery
(a) Does the poet know what happened in the house?
(b) What is the mystery about the house?
(a) No, the poet does not know what happened in the house.
(b) No one knows about the house in detail. So it is a mystery.

(a) Who does ‘I’ refer to?
(b) What is the guess made by the poetess, Nadia Bush?
(a) ‘I’ refers to the poetess, Nadia Bush.
(b) The guess made by the poetess, Nadia Bush is that the house will be a mystery forever.

Additional Questions

(i) At night the house seems to be alive,
Lights flicker on and off.
I am often tempted to go to the house,
To just take a look and see what it is really about,
But fear takes over me.
(а) When is the house filled with life?
(b) How does one know that there is life in the house?
(c) What is the temptation of the poetess?
(d) Does the poetess go inside the house?
(e) Why doesn’t the poetess go inside the house?
(f) What is ‘flicker’?
(a) The house is filled with life at night.
(b) One knows that there is life in the house when you see the lights switched on and switched off.
(c) The temptation of the poetess is to enter the house and see what is inside.
(d) The poetess doesn’t go inside the house.
(e) The poetess doesn’t go inside the house because she is frightened because of the mystery behind the house.
(f) ‘Flicker’ is flash or glimmer.

The House On The Elm Street Textual Questions

B. Answer the following in a paragraph.

Question 1.
Where is the house located? Why is it a mysterious place?
The poem “The house on Elm Street” is written by Nadia Bush. She decided to write about a house that no one knows because she was told to write a “dark” poem.

House on Elm Street:
The house is located on Elm Street. The poetess Nadia Bush pictures a photographic view of the mysterious house. It stood all alone with a ton of space but bare to the bone.

Mystery of the house:
During nights lights flicker on and off. The house looks brighter in the hot summer. The brightness of the house begins to fade every day. The house remains a mystery always. It tempts the poetess. But, she doesn’t go inside due to fear.

Mysterious tree:
Beside the house, there is a tree without leaves. The tree neither grows tall nor gets smaller. The poetess is astonished at the sight.

She doesn’t understand the happenings inside the house. So the poet assumes that the house on Elm Street is a mystery. Here the poetess metaphorically tells us that our life in this world is a mystery. We can’t go deep inside to know the purpose of the mystery behind our life.

Question 2.
How is the mystery depicted in the poem?
Nadia Bush the poetess talks about a house that stood alone in an isolated place on Elm Street. No one knows what happens inside that house and it is very mysterious. Even by looking from outside, one can easily say that it has a vast space but at the same time it is bare to the bone meaning there is no one living inside the mysterious house or no basic necessities inside the house on Elm Street. Generally, at night, the house looks like it is alive with people in it. Lights are switched on and off.

It gives a feel that someone is inside the house. When Nadia sees such a situation, she is tempted to go inside the house to just take a look and see what is actually happening inside the house. However, Nadia, the poetess is frightened and never dares to do so. Every day the poetess drives past the house. The house seems to look a bit brighter. The very thought of this mysterious house plays with your mind since it is just one house of this kind in the area around.

Next to the house, is also a tree with no leaves the entire year. It doesn’t grow tall nor does it shrink in size. The tree too is mysterious like the house since it has no leaves in any of the seasons to make one wonder how a tree could survive without any leaves or without any growth. Every day, the house also begins to fade making it all the more mysterious.
‘ The best secrets are the most twisted. ’

The House On Elm Street Additional Questions

Question 1.
Describe the tree which adds to the mystery of the house.
The poem, ‘The House on Elm Street’ by Nadia Bush is a dark poem. The house and the tree depict darkness and also a mysterious feel. Trees generally grow green. It is a representation of fertility and robust nature. Unlike a tree’s characteristic features the tree beside the mysterious house is also mysterious. The tree stands erect with no leaves in them. There is no fall of leaves during autumn and there is no leaves sprouting during spring. There aren’t any leaves on the tree for the leaves to dry during summer nor for the snow to cover the leaves with snow during winter. This tree doesn’t grow tall nor does it get small. It is quite a mystery to see a living tree appearing lifeless!
‘Mystery creates wonder and wonder is the basis of man s desire to understand.’

The House on Elm Street Poem Figure Of Speech Textual Questions

C. Read the poem and write the rhyming words and rhyme scheme for the given stanzas.

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Samacheer Kalvi 10th English Solutions Poem Chapter 7 The House on Elm Street 2

  1. unknown
  2. bone
  3. face
  4. day
  5. kind
  6. be
  7. fall

D. Identify the poetic lines where the following figures of speech are employed and complete the tabular column.

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The House on Elm Street (.Nadia Bush)
Literary Devices At A Glance (Figures of Speech)
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The House on Elm Street by Nadia Bush About the Poet and Biography
The House on Elm Street was published by Nadia Bush a budding poetess in April 2017. Born on September 24th, she lives in Somerset, Pennsylvania. She loves the movie Paranormal Activity. TRVL channel’s Ghost Adventures is one of her favorite programmes. She has a pet cat and perhaps her lifestyle makes her pen such a mysterious poem about the dark when it was given as an assignment.

The House On Elm Street Poem Summary By Nadia Bush

The House On Elm Street Poem Summary By Nadia Bush 1

Nadia Bush wasn’t really sure what to write at first. She wrote this poem for her English class because they were told to write a “dark” poem. She decided to write about a house that no one knows what happened inside, but they did know something is definitely not right about it.
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A strange house:
Nadia Bush the poetess talks about a house that stood alone in an isolated place on Elm Street. No one knows what happens inside that house and it is very mysterious. Even by looking from outside, one can easily say that it has a vast space but at the same time, it is bare to the bone meaning there is no one living inside the mysterious house or no basic necessities inside the house on Elm Street.
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Nadia’s curiosity:
Generally, at night, the house looks like it is alive with people in it. Lights are switched on and off. When Nadia sees such a situation, she is tempted to go inside the house to just take a look and see what is actually happening inside the house. However, Nadia, the poetess is frightened and never dares to do so.
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Thoughts on the mysterious house
Every day the poetess drives past the house. The house seemed to look a bit brighter on one fine warm summer day in the month of May. The very thought of this mysterious house plays with your mind since it is just one house of this kind in the areas known to her.
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Strange barren tree:
Next to the house, is a tree. The tree is mysterious like the house since it has no leaves in any of the seasons. The tree is barren during winter, spring, summer, and autumn. The poetess says that the tree just stays there and never grows tall nor becomes short. She wonders how a tree could survive without any leaves or without any growth.
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Rumours spread:
There are rumours always spreading regularly about this house on Elm Street. Every day, the house begins to fade. No one knows what happens inside the house just as she is unaware of the same. The poetess guesses that it will always be a mystery about this house on Elm Street.
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Though it is fictional, the poet creates an impression that such a house exists and stimulates a craving in us to visit the house. This is the highlight of the poem.
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The House on Elm Street Glossary:
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Samacheer Kalvi 10th English Book Solutions Poem

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